Certificate in Music Technology – AECERMUST

The Music Technology Certificate was designed for U of T Engineering undergraduates interested in exploring the intersection between music, technology and engineering. Through a partnership with the Faculty of Music, U of T Engineering is able to provide engineering students with access to a number of technical courses that are typically only open to music students.

There are courses within this minor that are only eligible as Free Electives (FE) or Extra Courses (EXT). Thus, students who wish to pursue this program may need to take on coursework above and beyond their degree requirements. Students may submit requests to their home departments to take ECE 446 and/or technical courses from the Faculty of Music as Technical Elective Substitutions (TES) for their degree programs.

This certificate is open to any student completing an undergraduate degree in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering.

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Students in the Certificate in Music Technology must successfully complete a minimum of three courses (1.5 FCE) as follows. Note: Each course listed has a course weight of 0.5.

Mandatory course:

  • DMU 111H: Introduction to Computer Applications in Music (FE/EXT)

One of the following courses:

  • TMU 130H1: Music Theory I (CS)
  • ECE 446H1: Sensory Communication (TE/TES/FE/EXT)

One elective from courses listed below:

  • DMU 313H1: Introduction to Music Recording (TES/FE/EXT)
  • DMU 406H1: Max/MSP (TES/FE/EXT)
  • HMU 111H1: Introduction to Music & Society (HSS)
  • TMU 131H1: Music Theory 2 (CS)
  • Any cultural or historical MUS course (excluding vocal and instrumental performance courses) (HSS)
  • Note for electives: The Faculty of Arts & Science updates the list of MUS courses offered each year. For 2024-25, the course offerings are:
    • MUS206H1F: The World of Opera
    • MUS240H1F: Heavy Music
    • MUS306H1F: Popular Music in North America
    • MUS110H1S: Introduction to Music History and Culture
    • MUS211H1S: The World of Popular Music
    • MUS302H1S: Symphony