Desktop & Mobile
728×90, 970×90, 320×50, 320×100
Also known as “adhesions,” sticky ads are highly visible and offer competitive rates. Advanced content detect technology ensures that content is not obscured, maintaining a seamless user experience. Widely accepted by both Google and audiences, this ad format has emerged as a critical element in publishers’ advertising revenue strategies.

To see a live demo, please expand your current web browser window 1540px and refresh the page. For users on smaller laptop monitors, use the zoom feature under your browser menu (View > Zoom Out).

Founded in 2007, Underdog Media has refined its programmatic expertise and offers cutting-edge advertising technology. Our comprehensive suite of programmatic solutions integrates high-impact creative, premium supply, and scalable ad-driven technology. With our products and technology adopted by over a thousand sites globally, we empower online publishers to focus on their core activity: producing exceptional content.

We offer Net 0 for the first month and Net 25 subsequent months. Ready to give Underdog Media a try? Click here to sign up!

“Keep digging until you find what you want”