Maximize Viewability and KPIs
with Innovative Ads

Unique Audience + High-Impact Ad Units + Scale = Results

Unique & Exclusive Inventory

Our adhesion ad units boast a 100% viewability rate and are designed to be non-intrusive, enhancing engagement across both mobile and desktop platforms. Gain access to premium programmatic CTV/OTT inventory and connect with prominent streaming apps via programmatic PMP deals! Click here for a demo.

Global Reach & Results

Underdog Media reaches over 200 million monthly unique visitors and generates 2 billion impressions worldwide. Our ad units achieve an average viewability rate of 80% and a click-through rate of 0.34%.

Customized Audience Targeting

We will craft a customized audience to enhance performance across your display, video, and CTV/OTT PMPs, incorporating points of interest, personas (including demographics, lifestyle, interests, life event data, and psychographics), and credit card spending history.

Integrations & Custom PMPs

Link your demand directly to our exclusive supply via OpenRTB or Prebid, or opt for a custom Private Marketplace (PMP) tailored to your target audience.

Brand Safety, Quality & Transparency

Brand safety is paramount in our operations. We carefully select direct publisher partnerships, conducting internal monitoring of quality and performance. We adhere to IAB placement standards and have partnerships with Confiant & Pixalate to ensure compliance.

Comscore Ranking

Underdog Media is ranked in the top 20 on Comscore’s Multi-Platform Ad Ecosystem.