Social Responsibility

Universities are an important engine of society, contributing to its development through two important missions: education and research, plus social responsibility.

The University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hațieganu” of Cluj-Napoca is actively involved in the community, trying to continuously contribute to the improvement of the social environment. The strengthening of social responsibility and the relationship between the university and the community has been achieved through initiatives and projects carried out for the benefit of the community.

The two directions that UMF “Iuliu Hațieganu” has supported through the projects carried out over time are, on the one hand, supporting students from disadvantaged backgrounds with reduced financial possibilities, and on the other hand, supporting students from rural areas to have access to higher education.

During the pandemic period, our university provided 100 tablets free of charge to our students with limited financial means to facilitate their participation in online teaching.

From the academic year 2023, the university provides free lunch for students on social scholarships in the university canteen. The initiative is part of a wider programme of UMF “Iuliu Hațieganu”, which aims to increase social equity, with a view to social inclusion and increasing access to higher education, encouraging and preparing young people with potential, who come from disadvantaged backgrounds, especially those from rural areas, to attend a university of medicine and pharmacy.

Two projects funded by the Human Capital Operational Programme (HCOP) have provided social scholarships for students from the target group living in rural areas.

Through four institutional development projects, running from 2020-2023, support was provided to students from disadvantaged and low-income backgrounds, as well as to students from rural areas and towns with less than 10,000 inhabitants. Thus, several young people received financial support through social scholarships, training courses for students in cross-cutting areas (problem solving, assertive communication, stress management, decision making and taking responsibility, time management, etc.), counselling and career guidance sessions as well as the presentation of the university’s educational offer to high school students and the provision of information and promotional materials.