Serving on Personnel Committees - CFE

Serving on Personnel Committees

Join us for a discussion of the issues surrounding serving on personnel committees at UIS, including ethical considerations, best practices, and potential pitfalls. Learn how to evaluate peers fairly and constructively while balancing multiple elements of review standards. We will discuss the procedures that govern UIS personnel committees and how to apply them.

Presenter: Deborah Anthony, Professor and Chair, Legal Studies

Preparing a Narrative and Portfolio - CFE

Preparing a Narrative and Portfolio

Are you wondering how to write a compelling narrative within the set page limit? Or how to construct a professional portfolio to complement the narrative that will resonate with colleagues inside and outside of your discipline? This session will review the pertinent Personnel Policy sections and focus on best practices for preparing strong applications for reappointment, tenure, and promotion.

Summer Virtual Office Hours: A. I. at Public Liberal Arts Colleges & Universities

Join faculty colleagues from sister COPLAC schools for discussions on generative AI in the curriculum and classroom!

Collaborating across four COPLAC institutions, we're embarking on a year-long journey to explore generative AI's impact on and potential to enhance student learning. We're launching with monthly summer office hours and transitioning to monthly gatherings in the fall to collaboratively develop AI-informed assignments using a charrette process.

AI and Performance: Music, Medicine, and Mental Health

Join the UIS Performance Psychology and the AI Campus Learning Community for a panel discussion about the intersections of Artificial Intelligence and performance, broadly conceived, including: the nature of the physician-patient relationship; emotion regulation and mental health; music performance assessment and error correction.

Complimentary pizza lunch for event attendees

Culturally Responsive Teaching and Trauma-Informed Pedagogy - CSIL/CFE

Culturally Responsive Teaching and Trauma-Informed Pedagogy

Join colleagues across central Illinois along with presenters Justin and Heather from ICC as they explore the intersection of culturally responsive teaching and trauma-informed pedagogy. We will discuss how to teach from an awareness of relational dynamics that motivates all students' learning. Our work focuses on applying this understanding to students with experiences of marginalization.


2024 Assurance of Student Learning Day

Save the Date - April 9, 2024 - Assurance of Student Learning Day

Presented by the Committee for the Assurance of Student Learning (CASL)

Sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the Center for Faculty Excellence

Hear about 2023 Program Assessment grant projects from your colleagues.

Program Agenda

1:30pm: Opening Remarks (from CASL Chair Junfeng Wang)

1:35pm: UIS Degree Program Review and Assessment Grant Project Reports

Designing Effective Assignments with Generative AI - CFE

Work with faculty and staff to create an assignment that engages your students with Generative AI

Generative AI can enhance student learning by stimulating creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. In this hands-on workshop, you will work with faculty, CFE and COLRS staff to design or revise an assignment for your course that incorporates generative AI tools and techniques.

This could include ways your students could use Generative AI tools such as: ChatGPT, DALL-E, Gemini (Google) or Copilot (Microsoft).

Technology Tips and Tricks Speed Meet-Rise/CFE

ITS is Planning an opportunity for you to come learn a new digital tool or learn more about a tool you are already using.

Does it feel like technology is constantly changing and there is always something new to learn? That's because it is! Finding the time to learn new tools—or learn old tools that we never got around to learning—can be a challenge. That's where our Technology Tips and Tricks Speed Meet can help!