McAfee County

A Chronicle

Title Details

Pages: 320

Trim size: 6.000in x 9.000in



Pub Date: 03/01/1998

ISBN: 9-780-8203-2014-4

List Price: $27.95

McAfee County

A Chronicle

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  • Description
Welcome to McAfee County, home to a large gathering of characters whose stories are as intertwined as kudzu. From Brother Fisco, who vows to part the waters of Kallisaw Sound, to Maggie Poat, proprietor of the local roadhouse, all have a compassionate, good-humored champion in author Mark Steadman, who gently prods us to recognize the flawed humanity we share with McAfee's misfits, rounders, and otherwise lost souls. Moving in and out of each other's lives in profound, often shocking, ways, the men and women in these stories form a vibrant community not soon forgotten. Blend Yoknapatawpha and Lake Wobegon, add a twist of southern gothic, and you will have some idea of what is waiting for you right across the McAfee County line.

About the Author/Editor

MARK STEADMAN, a native of Statesboro, Georgia, is the author of the novels A Lion's Share, Angel Child, and Bang-Up Season. He is retired from Clemson University in South Carolina.