Utah Domestic Violence Coalition

24-Hour LINKLine

1-800-897-LINK (5465)
(If we’re experiencing an increased call volume, calls will be forwarded to the National Domestic Violence Hotline.)

UDVC Mission

To end domestic violence in Utah through advocacy, education, collaboration, and leadership.

UDVC Vision

We envision a world where all individuals and families live free from violence, feel safe, empowered, and hopeful.

Get Help Now

Everyone deserves to be in a healthy relationship.

Free & confidential support is available statewide and on our LINKLine for assistance.


Free domestic violence training is offered by our staff and other subject matter experts.

Submit a training request or see which upcoming UDVC training events are scheduled.

Get Involved

Looking for ways to contribute or get involved with the coalition?

Opportunities are available to contribute via donations, volunteering & participating at UDVC

UDVC Members

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