UvA Linked Open Data - portal


This is the current overview of the (Linked) Open Data that is published by the UvA Library and UvA researchers and is available in a Triply store.

Library collection data

Books - Letters - Archeological objects - Other objects - Audio - Video and film - Images - Maps - Sheet music - All of these

Beeldbank (Digital image repository)

Research data

  • Cinema Context: an online film encyclopaedia with film screenings in the Netherlands since 1895
  • Ecartico: biographical information concerning the cultural sector in Amsterdam, 16-18th century
  • ONSTAGE: data repository for Amsterdam's first public theatre venue: the Schouwburg

Work in progress

The publication of linked data is an ongoing process, because

  • data sources and datasets may be added, modified or removed
  • data itself may be added, modified, improved or removed
  • services and links may be added, modified or removed.

Information and contact

For background, data format, licensing, downloads, OAI-PMH harvesting and contact information: https://uba.uva.nl/opendata
