

IT 服務與 IT 諮詢

Together with our clients, we are primed to make the world better.


WITS (Wistron ITS), a subsidiary of Wistron, is a Fortune Global 500 company that provides leading capabilities in consulting and outsourcing services across software development, IT outsourcing, business processes outsourcing, product localization, and talent augmentation. WITS is a CMMI Level 5, ISO9001, and ISO27001 certified company. We have 30 years of experience working and collaborating with Fortune Global 500 companies and global enterprises, combining industry expertise, diverse skill sets, and the latest technology as one team to deliver more than 6000 complex projects via our global network of 17 innovation hubs and offices in Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, and the United States. Our 10000 employees worldwide continuously deliver excellence. Together with our clients, we are primed to make the world better. 

IT 服務與 IT 諮詢
10,001+ 名員工
New Taipei City
Technical Consulting Services、Information Technology Outsourcing、Business Process Outsourcing、Product Globalization Services和Talent Augmentation


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    💡 WITS創新實驗室(一):AI賦能技術人才招募💡 為響應WITS 32週年「All in AI」,我們舉辦以「智能招募」為主題的生成式AI黑客松,並開設「WITS創新實驗室」專欄,展示得獎團隊的創新解決方案。 本期專欄聚焦「AI如何賦能技術人才招募」,利用自動化和智能化技術解決傳統人才招募的痛點。 敬請點擊下方連結,了解更多! 👉https://lnkd.in/gSJmM-5P

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    🎓WITS College – Omni-Learning Ecosystem🎓 To advance our "WITS 3.0" five-year development strategy, we are launching the "WITS College – Omni-Learning Ecosystem" to enhance our colleagues' skills. This initiative includes online learning platforms, specialized programs, collaborative classes, career activities, and innovation competitions. Additionally, we have established the "WITS Labs" learning community to promote exchange and keep everyone updated with the latest information. We provide growth plans and value-added training to help assess learning outcomes. In the face of AI transformation, WITS encourages obtaining AWS and Azure cloud and AI certifications, and offers mentors, teaching assistants, live courses, and support resources to enhance self-improvement.💡 In celebration of WITS' 32nd anniversary "All in AI," we are promoting AI technology applications, hosting the "Generative AI Hackathon" to encourage innovative solutions, and advancing cross-departmental AI collaboration. WITS will always be here to support everyone, welcoming challenges and opportunities together 💪. 因應WITS五年發展策略「WITS 3.0」,我們積極推動內部人才培育和外部優秀人才招募,匯集跨領域創新團隊,共同迎接全球數位轉型挑戰。 我們推出「WITS College-開放式學習生態」,幫助每位同仁自我提升,打造即時且符合職涯成長需求的資源,包括:線上學習平台、特色學程、線上共學班、職涯活動及創新競賽等多元活動,更建立「WITS Labs」學習社群,促進同仁交流,掌握最新的活動和資訊。透過職涯評測,我們規劃同仁的成長計畫和加值培訓,協助檢視學習成效、促進自我發展。 面對AI轉型機遇,WITS鼓勵同仁考取AWS及Azure等雲端及AI證照,結合導師、助教、直播課程及輔導資源,幫助同仁在工作崗位上提升自我,發揮創新價值。 此外,響應WITS 32週年「All in AI」,我們全力推動AI新科技應用,不僅每年舉辦「生成式AI黑客松」,鼓勵同仁提出創新解決方案,更推動跨部門的AI協作流程,讓同仁能掌握最新科技 。我們相信,每一位同仁都能在職涯旅程中,發掘自我的潛力與價值 ! WITS將始終陪伴大家,共同迎接每一個挑戰與機會。 💪

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    Creating a DEI Workplace! WITS Wins 104 Best Employer Brand Award for "Best Attraction" 🎉 WITS has won the 2024 104 Human Resources Bank "Best Attraction Award," recognizing not only our achievements in talent recruitment but also highlighting our commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace 💪 Recently, WITS also released the "Diversity and Inclusion Declaration," aiming to break barriers of gender, age, race, and more, providing opportunities for development and creating value for every talented colleague 🌟 In celebration of June's #PrideMonth, we're taking several initiatives to promote inclusivity. We're decorating our office spaces with rainbow motifs. Additionally, our management team at WITS is proudly wearing rainbow pins to actively support equality and diversity, encouraging all colleagues to embrace and pursue their self-worth.🌈 Diversity and inclusion are our core values. We sincerely invite suppliers and ecosystem partners to join us in creating a happy, friendly, and warm future together! ☀️ 緯創軟體榮獲104人力銀行「2024年雇主品牌大賞」的「最佳吸引力獎」,不僅是對我們在人才招募方面的肯定,更彰顯了我們致力於打造多元包容職場的堅定承諾 💪 緯創軟體也在近期發布了「多元共融宣言」,希望能打破性別、年齡、種族等限制,為每一位才華橫溢的同仁提供發展機會和創造價值的平台 🌟 同時,為響應6月 #PrideMonth ,不只於辦公環境佈置彩虹裝飾,緯創軟體的經營團隊也配戴彩虹胸章,以實際行動支持平等與多元化,鼓勵同仁勇敢追求自我價值 🌈 多樣性與包容力是我們的核心價值,誠摯邀請供應商及生態夥伴們共同響應,攜手合作,營造一個幸福、友善、溫暖的未來! ☀️ #DEI #Diversity #Inclusion #Equality #WITS

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    🌟WITS All in AI🌟 With the rapid advancement of AI technology, WITS is proud to announce the official launch of its "All in AI" strategy on June 1st, celebrating its 32nd anniversary. This strategy encompasses three key aspects: ✅ Digital Innovation: We aim to drive digital innovation in operational management through AI applications, significantly enhancing efficiency and competitiveness. ✅ Talent Empowerment: We are committed to empowering our software engineers with AI, helping them enhance their skills, thereby increasing productivity and improving delivery quality. ✅ Client Success: We focus on six key industries — manufacturing/semiconductor, finance, internet applications, healthcare, new energy, and entertainment. By leveraging AI, we aim to expand service offerings and enhance our innovative value. Additionally, we will use AI to enhance the expansion of our international talent and technology partner ecosystem, aiming to become a long-term partner for our clients. Moving forward, we will continue to embrace challenges, think outside the box, and take proactive steps to reach the next pinnacle for WITS! 隨著AI技術的快速推展,在6月1日,WITS 的 32 週年紀念日,我們也正式啟動「All in AI」,從三面向積極導入: ✅ 內部數位創新(Digital Innovation):藉由AI的應用,推展全面營運管理的數位創新,以達成效能及競爭力的跨步提升。 ✅ 全員學習AI(Talent Empowerment):用AI賦能軟體工程師,幫助同仁upskill,提高生產力及交付品質。 ✅ 強化客戶成功(Client Success):針對製造業/半導體、金融業、互聯網應用、健康醫療、新能源和育樂等六大關鍵產業,用AI增加服務厚度、提升創新價值。 此外,我們將透過AI強化國際人才及技術夥伴生態圈的拓展,以成為客戶生態圈的長期合作夥伴。 未來我們也將持續迎接挑戰、跳脫框架、主動出擊,創造WITS下一個巔峰! #WITS #AllinAI #AI #DigitalInnovation #TalentEmpowerment #ClientSuccess

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    On May 25th and 26th, WITS (Wistron ITS) hosted its second hackathon focusing on AI application for talent acquisition. The event encouraged teams to develop innovative applications using no-code or coding methods. At WITS, we are committed to providing professional IT services. Finding the right talent quickly and precisely is crucial to our continued market leadership. This hackathon marked a significant step in our journey towards internal digital innovation. The collaboration among recruiters, sales, and technical teams, from considering requirements to implementing applications, enriches perspectives and facilitates communication. Congratulations to all the winning teams! We look forward to further embracing AI to achieve more innovative breakthroughs in the future, ultimately resulting in a win-win-win scenario for WITS, talent, and clients. 緯創軟體在5月25日及26日舉辦了第二屆黑客松競賽。以「智能招募」為主題,鼓勵團隊在兩天內通過No-code或Coding的方式,打造創新應用。 在緯創軟體,我們致力於提供專業的技術服務。快速且精準地找到合適人才,是我們持續領跑的關鍵之一。本次黑客松活動不僅是內部數位創新的重要一步,更是一次寶貴的內部協作機會。招募、業務和技術人員的三方合作,從需求考量到應用落地,讓思考視角更加全面,也促進了交流溝通。 恭喜本次活動中的所有得獎團隊!我們期待未來能夠持續擁抱AI技術,實現更多創新突破,並達成公司、人才及客戶的三贏局面。 #WITS #AI #Recruitment #Hackathon #DigitalInnovation

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    🌹Mother's Day🌹 On Mother's Day, let's take a moment to thank the incredible women in our lives.  We appreciate your resilience, your selflessness, your support, and your love.  Thank you for shining bright and lighting up our lives.  Together with our Chairperson Ching Hsiao, WITS wishes all the amazing moms a Happy Mother's Day. #MothersDay

    瀏覽Ching Hsiao的個人檔案,圖案

    Chair & CEO at WITS (Wistron ITS) | Global Software Outsourcing | Client Success | ESG

    Today is Mother's Day, and I want to celebrate the extraordinary mothers in my life. My wife and mother-in-law are not just esteemed professionals (in industry and in academia); they are also wise, nurturing mothers. I deeply appreciate the delicate balance they maintain between excelling in their careers and fulfilling their family duties. At WITS (Wistron ITS), we are dedicated to fostering a work culture that embraces flexibility and freedom. This includes offering extra five days of personal leave, one remote workday per week, and flexible working hours. Our aim is to enable our team to manage their time efficiently and maintain a happy and healthy balance for fulfilling lives. On this special day, I want to send my heartfelt wishes to all the confident, beautiful, resilient, and courageous mothers. Happy Mother's Day! 今天是母親節,我也想跟大家分享我很幸運遇到閃閃發亮的媽媽們。 我的太太還有岳母是產學界很傑出的專家學者,同時也都是充滿智慧的母親。我一直深知,在追求工作表現和自我價值的同時,也不忘努力安排時間,兼顧家庭照料和養育子女的任務,是多不容易的事。 因此,在緯創軟體,我也致力推動彈性自由的工作氛圍和企業文化。多5天的個人假、一週一天居家工作、還有彈性上下班的制度。希望幫助夥伴們,更靈活地運用時間,取得工作和生活的平衡,擁有happy & healthy的人生。 最後在這重要的日子,祝福所有自信美麗、堅韌勇敢的媽媽們,母親節快樂!

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    🎉 WITS (TWSE:4953) ranked among the top 5% of TPEx-listed companies for the fourth time and achieved a top 5% ranking among small to mid-cap companies in Taiwan for the second consecutive year. What we have done so far: ➡️Environment: WITS (Wuhan) office installed solar panels, with an estimated annual power generation capacity of 40,000 kWh, expected to reduce electricity carbon emissions by 31 metric tons annually. ➡️Social: As the end of 2023, the gender ratio among WITS’ management-level staff was 1:1.2, with women making up 53.7% of the team. The total number of employee training hours increased by 36%, reaching 68,456 hours. ➡️Governance: Consolidated revenue has been steadily increasing, achieving double-digit growth for the third year in a row.   This is a testament to our commitment to upholding the highest standards of corporate governance and transparency. WITS Chairman and CEO Ching Hsiao stated, "Sustainability isn't just a concept; it's our core competitive advantage."   #management #CorporateGovernance #WITS   ------- 🎉 緯創軟體(4953)四度蟬聯台灣上櫃公司治理評鑑榜前5%!   台灣證交所第十屆(112年度)公司治理評鑑結果出爐 - 緯創軟體四度進入公司治理評鑑上櫃公司排名前5%,並連續兩年於市值50億元以上至100億元類別之上市櫃公司中名列前5%,取得這項評鑑的最高榮耀!   ➡️環境:武漢辦公大樓增設太陽能板,預估未來年發電量可達4萬度,每年可減少用電碳排31公噸。 ➡️社會:截至2023年底,緯創軟體主管級男女比例分佈為1:1.2;女性主管佔53.7%。除員工教育訓練總時數達68,456小時,成長36%。 ➡️公司治理:合併營收穩健向上,達成連續三年雙位數增長。 緯創軟體董事長兼執行長蕭清志表示:「永續不是倡議,更是我們的核心競爭力。」 未來緯創軟體不只要推動公司營運穩健成長,更要與生態夥伴,共同實踐永續經營。   了解更多:https://lnkd.in/grjBdV5N

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    🎨AI Art x Earth Day🌍 🌱 In response to Earth Day, WITS hosted an AI art event called "Planet vs. Plastics"! Combining emerging technology with environmental awareness, the event encouraged everyone to use AI to create unique artworks that express their support for reducing plastic pollution and promoting sustainable development. This not only showcased the crucial role technology plays in environmental protection but also inspired team members to explore innovative solutions. Congratulations to the five participants whose work was selected as top entries! With over 30 years of industry experience and deep expertise in mainstream technologies, WITS will continue to drive digital innovation and technology applications to help our clients achieve sustainable development. 🌎🌿 🌱 為響應世界地球日,緯創軟體舉辦了一場AI繪圖活動「多一塑,不如少一塑(Planet vs. Plastics)」! 結合新興科技和環保意識,這場活動鼓勵大家運用AI創作,表達對減少塑膠污染和地球永續發展的支持。不���展示了科技在推動環保上扮演的重要角色,也激發了夥伴們用創新思維探索解決方案。最終,恭喜5位夥伴入選佳作! 緯創軟體憑藉超過30年的行業經驗,以及對主流技術的深厚掌握,將持續透過數位創新和科技應用,助力客戶實踐永續發展。🌎🌿 #PlanetVsPlastics #EarthDay #EnvironmentalProtection #ReducePlastics #AI #AIArt #Sustainability #DigitalInnovation #地球日 #環保 #AI繪圖 #企業永續 #數位創新

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    🌟WITS "IT Talent Expo" successfully wrapped up on April 20!🌟 The event aimed to attract individuals considering a career shift to become engineers or those looking to enhance their IT skills across various domains. We invited experts from academia and industry, along with other professionals, to share their insights on trends in the IT industry and AI. WITS' team also conducted one-on-one interviews to discuss job opportunities with attendees. WITS recruits outstanding partners regardless of their technical background and is actively seeking professionals with AI skills. We are dedicated to fostering a learning environment focused on AI applications. We offer a wealth of training resources and a dynamic technical ecosystem, enabling everyone at WITS to continuously grow and create value for themselves and the company. 緯創軟體「資訊人才博覽會」在4/20圓滿結束! 本次活動我們瞄準有意轉職成為工程師或提升資訊能力的跨領域人才,也邀請諸位產學界的專家學者和人才們分享資訊產業及AI的趨勢觀點,並透過職缺面談,和人才一對一深度交流。 緯創軟體招募夥伴優秀夥伴不限技術背景,也持續積極延攬具備AI相關技能的專業人才,在未來和我們一起實踐AI。 此位,緯創軟體也有豐富的培訓資源還有技術生態,讓每一位來到WITS的夥伴都能持續成長、創造自我價值! 🔗 了解更多資訊,請參考文章:https://reurl.cc/GjdNZW #資訊人才 #博覽會 #金融 #轉職工程師 #WITS

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    🌟All in AI: Empowering Every WITS Employee🌟 Over the recent years, AI has rapidly advanced, with industries around the world discussing, exploring, and adopting its capabilities. It has emerged as a global phenomenon across all sectors. As a leading global IT services provider, WITS recognizes the importance of this trend and is eager to capitalize on this historic opportunity. Currently, over 1,500 WITS employees utilize AI technology to assist our clients in achieving their AI objectives. Recently, WITS had the honor of inviting Greta Wen, CEO of the Artificial Intelligence Foundation Taiwan, and Eric Chang, Executive Director, to provide AI training especially for our non-technical staff. For WITS, "All in AI" signifies empowering all employees to understand and effectively use AI, collaborating with our clients to leverage AI for a better world. 過去一年多AI實現了爆發性的進展,其演化速度超乎想像。全世界的各行各業都在討論、探索或採用AI ,AI顯然已成為一項新的全民運動。 作為資訊服務領導廠商的緯創軟體 ,深知這樣的產業趨勢,也確信必須抓住這個歷史性機遇。到目前為止,緯創軟體有超過1500位員工,在各地透過AI技術與工具,協助我們的客戶應用AI及實現他們的AI目標。 最近我們很榮幸邀請到財團法人人工智慧科技基金會執行長溫怡玲及常務董事張益肇,與非技術職的同事面對面科普AI、學習AI 。 "All in AI"對緯創軟體而言,就是要讓全緯軟人都知曉AI,使用AI,進而與客戶一起擁抱AI ,共同成就更美好的世界。 #AllinAI #AI #WITS #ITServices #Training

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