SparkLabs Taiwan

SparkLabs Taiwan


TaiwanTaipei City 2,607 位關注者

SparkLabs Taiwan 是第一個積極投資台灣早期新創、入選即投資,並協助新創進入國際市場的創投加速器,我們的使命是幫助台灣新創走向國際市場,透過創業家幫助創業家在台灣打造運籌帷幄國際市場的新創生態系,吸引國際資金、匯集高速成長型人


SparkLabs Taiwan 於2018年成立,是源自矽谷 SparkLabs 創投基金。SparkLabs 所有創始合夥人都擁有共同創辦、參與早期初創、或投資世界知名新創公司。SparkLabs Taiwan 除專注協助團隊服務快速擴張外,我們致力協助團隊募得後續投資。 成立至今,我們已加速並投資多家台灣新創團隊。我們希望透過 SparkLabs Taipei 創投基金暨新創加速器、SparkLabs 國際導師與鏈結其完善的海外投資人網絡,期望幫助更多台灣新創走向全球。

11-50 名員工
Taipei CityTaiwan
Startup Accelerator和Venture Capital


SparkLabs Taiwan員工


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    🚀 SparkLabs Taiwan DemoDay 9 is Making a Big Splash on August 2nd! Get ready for the most anticipated startup event of the year in Taiwan! SparkLabs Taiwan DemoDay is the hallmark event in Taiwan’s startup ecosystem, attracting numerous investors and corporate executives from around the globe, and it stands as the largest DemoDay in the country. This year’s DemoDay 9 will spotlight #AI, featuring groundbreaking pitches from innovative Taiwanese and international startups. We are excited to welcome world-class AI experts who will share their profound insights and the latest trends in the AI industry. This technology and innovation extravaganza will provide investors and corporate leaders with unparalleled insights and inspiration. This exclusive event is open only to investors and senior executives, offering a premier networking platform and the perfect opportunity to expand your connections, find investment opportunities, and stay ahead of industry trends. You will have the chance to meet the AI leaders who are transforming the world and discover high-potential startups for investment and collaboration. Curious about how AI is revolutionizing industries and keen to explore the latest investment and collaboration opportunities? SparkLabs Taiwan DemoDay 9 will unveil all this and more on August 2nd, 2024! Secure your exclusive ticket now and don’t miss out on this annual highlight of the startup ecosystem! Secure your spot NOW 👉 #SparkLabsTaiwan #DemoDay #AI #DBGG #Startup

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    Exciting news! Congratulations to the Vectara team on closing its Series A! Vectara, an early pioneer in Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) technology, has secured $25M in Series A funding, bringing its total funding to $53.5 million. The company's groundbreaking work in RAG and the launch of Mockingbird, a new large language model, are impressive. This funding will fuel its growth, team expansion, and innovative products for the Healthcare, Law, and Financial Services sectors. We're excited to see what's next! Series A is led by FPV Ventures, with Race Capital, Alumni Ventures, WVV Capital, GTM Capital, Samsung Next, Fusion Fund, Green Sands Equity, and Mack Ventures. SparkLabs Taiwan and SparkLabs Global Ventures Global are proud investors in its seed round. #SparkLabsFamily

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    🚀 Cross-border Sharing of the Korean and Taiwanese Startup Ecosystem 🚀 Do you want to explore opportunities in the Taiwan and South Korean startup markets? Join SparkLabs Taiwan's forum for firsthand insights from both ecosystems. During the forum, you will have the opportunity for deeper interaction with the Korean startup delegation led by SparkLabs Korea | 스파크랩, the leading VC and accelerator in South Korea. After the forum, we will have a happy hour for participants to mingle. 🗓 Date: July 31, 2024 (Wednesday)  🕒 Time: 14:00 - 17:00 | Happy Hour: 17:30 - 20:00  📍 Venue: Hung Kuo Building 1F 宏國大樓 1樓 春悅大地 (1F, No. 167, DunHua N Rd, Songshan District, Taipei City, 105 台北市松山區敦化北路167號 1 樓) Register Now 👉 ✨ | SparkLabs Korea Startup Delegation | ✦ Medipixel:  An AI-powered coronary image solution company that prospectively provides real-time morphological analysis and fully automated functional diagnosis during the intervention procedure. ✦ Barreleye: Providing the AI-based breast ultrasound diagnosis solution ✦ Inpock: Providing an uper app INPOCK LINK for creators(ads, e-commerce, affiliate marketing etc.) ✦ Newndy: Operating the global K-trend direct shopping platform called 'Veasly'  ✦ PLANTNER INC.: Low-cost, high-quality, eco-friendly organic fertilizers for organic farmers suffering from the entrenched fertilizer market. ✦ IPIN LABS: Helping companies with large indoor facilities (factory, warehouse, etc) to enhance on-site productivity and safety by tracking the real-time positioning of personnel and equipment through our AI-Powered indoor positioning technology. ✦ SOFT LANDERS: The world's first global relocation and fintech platform created in Korea, is setting the new trend for global moves among fast-growing Korean MNEs like Naver, HYBE, JYP, LG, SK and CJ. #Taiwan #SouthKorea #Startup #SparkLabs

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    【就在這週三!西雅圖 AI 新創 介紹新一代 AI 商務解決方案】 在進行行銷調查及客服應答時,往往需花費大量人力。在 AI 時代,您是否也期待有個 AI Copilot 協助您解決大量的溝通需求? SparkLabs Taiwan 的新創夥伴,源於西雅圖的語音 AI 公司 將會介紹新一代 AI 商務解決方案! 的技術長將會為大家分享兩款產品-SeaChat AI 全通路客服系統,幫助企業節省客服人力成本;SeaMeet AI 會議記錄系統,協助企業記下每一場會議與客服電話,找出有價值的關鍵訊息。 現場也會分享最新徵才訊息,想要在 AI 時代取得商機和先機的您,不要錯過! 報名連結 ▍活動資訊 日期 : 2024.06.26 (週三) 時間 : 19:00-21:00 地點 : TTA 3F 階梯區(臺北市松山區南京東路四段2號3樓) ▍合適參與者:經營者 / 商務開發 / 業務 / 行銷 / 客服 / 工程師 / 求職者 #b2b #AI #voicebots #marketing #CustomerService #meetingnotes

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    Our Managing Partner, Edgar Chiu, has been invited to the Harvard Business Review Podcast "Listen to HBR!" to unlock the secrets of taking innovation from 0 to 1 and transforming "good ideas" into engines of sustained growth. Startup accelerators aim to shorten the trial-and-error period of entrepreneurship. They (we) help startups grow from 0 to 1 by validating markets, streamlining the trial-and-error process, and driving growth after establishing the minimum viable product. Intermediaries serve as more than just matchmakers; they (we) act as coordinators who facilitate discussions and collaborations, identifying needs and opportunities for both parties. They (we) help establish long-term relationships, find common ground between corporations and startups, balance corporate risk control with startup innovation, and maximize value for everyone involved. ▎Podcast: ▎Video: SparkLabs Taiwan 管理合夥人Edgar Chiu 受邀到《哈佛商業評論》Podcast 《請聽,哈佛管理學!》解鎖企業創新從 0 到 1 的奧祕,分享如何讓「好點子」轉化為持續成長的引擎。 新創加速器源自矽谷,旨在縮短創業「試誤期」,協助新創從 0 到 1 進行市場驗證,減少或加快試錯過程,在完成打造最小可行性產品後開始增長。加速器扮演中間人角色不僅是媒合者,更是協調者,促進討論與合作,挖掘企業與新創彼此需求並創造機會。中間人協助建立長期良好關係,在雙方之間找到共同語言,平衡企業的風險控制和新創的創新追求,最大化各方價值。 哈佛人物面對面:張彥文 ✕ 邱彥錡 ▎ SparkLabs Taiwan 共同創辦人暨管理合夥人 邱彥錡 Edgar Chiu《哈佛商業評論》全球繁體中文版副總主筆 張彥文 ▎收聽節目: ▎收看節目:

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    If you're going to InnoVEX a satellite event of COMPUTEX TAIPEI that focuses on startups, visit Jmemtek a SparkLabs Taiwan’s portfolio, at Taiwan Tech Arena Pavillion. Yu-Chen Lo, Co-founder and CTO of Jmem Tek, will be there! 🙌🏻

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    🚀 Excited to announce that Jmemtek will be at InnoVEX 2024! Our booth will be located at the #TTA Pavilion, 4th Floor, Hall 2 of the Nangang Exhibition Center. As a leading semiconductor technology startup from Taiwan, we offer the most comprehensive hardware security modules in the market. We also collaborate with international partners and engage in industry-academia partnerships. We look forward to meeting potential future partners during the exhibition! Most importantly, tomorrow at 1 PM, our CTO Yu-Chen Lo will conduct a tour for government officials and international guests, discussing globally relevant hardware security issues and showcasing their importance across various sectors, including industry, economy, and national defense. Jmemtek believes Taiwan can lead in integrating hardware security solutions and maintain a competitive edge in the global market. Additionally, we will host two exciting demo shows during the event—stay tuned for more details! A special thanks to Edgar Chiu from SparkLabs Taiwan for recommending us to join the TTA Pavilion, and to Taiwan Tech Arena for their outstanding booth design! We sincerely invite you to visit us and experience the allure of innovative hardware security firsthand! 💪 🚀 非常榮幸宣布,Jmemtek 將參加 InnoVEX 2024! 我們的展攤位於#南港展覽館2館 4 樓的 TTA 館。作為台灣領先的半導體科技新創團隊,我們擁有市場上最完整的硬體資安模組,也與海外合作夥伴進行技術合作與產學合作,非常期待展期能夠遇見未來合作夥伴! 展覽期間,我們將舉辦 2 場精彩的 Demo show, 先賣個關子,敬請持續追蹤我們!最重要的是,明天下午一點鐘,我們的 CTO Yu-Chen Lo 將為政府官員與國際貴賓進行導覽,討論全球關注的硬體資安議題,並展現硬體資安對於產業經濟、國防等各種層面的重要性。Jmemtek 相信台灣能率先整合硬體資安方案,並保持領先全球市場的優勢。 感謝 SparkLabs TaiwanEdgar Chiu 推薦我們入選 TTA 館,也感謝 Taiwan Tech Arena 精心設計極具辨識度與吸引力的展攤! 誠摯邀請您蒞臨參觀,親身體驗"創新硬體資安"的魅力!💪 #innovex #computex #Semiconductor #HardwareSecurity #PQC #PUF #ICDesign #Cybersecurity #Security #Counterfeiting #Hacking #Deeptech

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    Jensen Huang, the Founder and CEO of NVIDIA, delivered an exciting keynote discussing his latest innovations and upcoming AI trends. We're thrilled that he mentioned GliaCloud Co., Ltd. and InfinitiesSoft Solutions Inc., two startups that SparkLabs Taiwan invested in early on. This is the best time to develop AI, and Taiwan plays a crucial role. SparkLabs Taiwan is all-in on AI. Let's work together and make a difference. #DreamBigGoGlobal #DBGG

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    🚀 SparkLabs Taiwan's community partner, G Camp Taiwan, is now accepting applications. Sign up now! 🦄 Are you ready to take your startup to new heights on the global stage? G Camp will be a great partner to work with! 🎉 🔍 What's in it for you? ✈️ Intensive 3-day training led by industry experts 10X Innovation Lab from Silicon Valley, USA. 🌍 An opportunity to win ticket to Web Summit Web Summit Lisbon, one of the world leading tech exhitbition. 🤝 Networking opportunities to expand into European, Japanese, Singaporean, and Southeast Asian markets. startupgogo Accrete Innovation 🎪 Priority exhibition qualification at the 2024 Meet Taipei, the biggest Startup Carnival in Taiwan. Under SMESA Taiwan's guidance, G Camp cultivates Taiwan's startups through high-level trainings with global partnerships. It equips startups to be well prepared for developing international markets by providing resources and assistance to foster global connections, invigorating Taiwan's entrepreneurial landscape, and showcasing it on the international stage to unlock global market opportunities for local innovators.🦄 👇 Ready to seize this opportunity? Apply now! 👇 Application Link: Application Deadline: June 17(Mon), 2024, 18:00 (GMT+8) 👇 For inquiries and more information, contact: 👇 Contact Persons: Walis Lin & Shara Tsao Email: ; Don't miss this chance to elevate your startup onto the global stage! 🚀🌏 #GCampTaiwan #Innovation #Entrepreneurship #Startups #GlobalOpportunity #WebSummit

    2024 G Camp 國際創新創業訓練營

    2024 G Camp 國際創新創業訓練營

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    The grand startup exhibition in Asia, 'ShsHi Tech Tokyo 2024,' will be held next week from 5/15 to 5/16 in Tokyo! Every year, SusHi Tech Tokyo is a grand event in Asia's startup ecosystem, bringing together global startups, corporations, investors, and government agencies. This year, it is expected to have over 400 startups participating, including 7 outstanding teams from SparkLabs Taiwan! 🚀 We welcome more Japanese corporations, investors, and startups to come to ShsHi Tech Tokyo 2024 to meet the startup teams from Taiwan. ✨ 【 SparkLabs Taiwan’s Portfolio Company at ShsHi Tech Tokyo 2024 】 - H2U Corp.: Asia's leading enterprise health service platform - EMILY.RPA - Automate Your Daily Work: Cross-platform RPA (Robotic Process Automation) solution - GliaCloud Co., Ltd.: AI-based text-to-video solution enabling video generation at scale - GeneOnline: One-stop life science media covering APAC and global biotech news and insights - Spaceship: A data-driven courier service comparison and booking platform - MoBagel: Provider of an enterprise-level AI/AutoML platform for data-driven decision-making - Combining AI with personal health data to create tailored insurance products 【ShsHi Tech Tokyo 2024 Exhibition Information】 📅 Date: 5/15 (Wednesday) - 5/16 (Thursday) 📍 Location: Tokyo Big Sight, West Exhibition Halls 1 & 2 (3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo) 🎟️ Free Ticket Coupon Code: GL-AMB45349-R" #SparkLabsTaiwan #STT2024GSP

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    Thank you, Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, for the invitation to share how SparkLabs Taiwan assists startups in expanding to the global markets. "Dream Big, Go Global" is not only our commitment to the startups and ecosystem, but also the higher purpose embedded in our daily practices. #DBGG

    瀏覽Mallory (Meng-Yao) Chien的個人檔案,圖案

    Program Manager @ SparkLabs Taiwan | VC | Business and Product Development | Healthcare

    感謝經濟部中小及新創企業署邀請 SparkLabs Taiwan 分享如何協助新創前進國際市場。新創在進入新市場時,通常會面臨三個挑戰:如何尋找市場、尋找商業夥伴和尋找策略投資人。 在今天的分享,我們以案例說明,如何有效地利用一個 4天的海外市場參訪,協助新創迅速地了解市場和找到潛在合作對象。 Thank you, Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, for inviting SparkLabs Taiwan to share our practices in supporting startups for their global market expansions. Startups commonly face three main challenges when entering new markets: finding the market, finding the business partner, and finding the strategic investor. At SparkLabs Taiwan, we have shared how we supported the startup in addressing these challenges during a compact and fruitful 4-day market visit. #SparkLabsTaiwan #DBGG

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