Leading Recruitment Services (LRS) Consulting Firm

Leading Recruitment Services (LRS) Consulting Firm



"We deliver the very best in customized and optimized talent solutions." Leading Recruitment Service (LRS) is a fast-growing recruiting firm specializing in various industries, with a focus on placing high level talent in managerial positions. As we have continued to grow our knowledge base and sharpen our strengths since our founding in 2010, we have been successful in matching top talent with numerous big industry players. For job seekers, we guide them on their career paths, leading them to their next placement that ensures success for both the talent and the company. As a result, we have secured ourselves a solid foothold in the market, having delivered human capital solutions to perfectly meet the needs of our ever-expanding client base. Our vision at LRS is to bridge the gap between talent and businesses, to bring value with every placement we make, and to make a difference in the recruitment industry. To learn more about LRS, contact us at: LRS@leadingrs.com

11-50 名員工
Taipei 11073
Executive Search、Staffing and Recruitment、Career Consulting和Job Market Analysis


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    6F, No.89, Songren Road, Xinyi Dist.

    TW Taipei 11073


Leading Recruitment Services (LRS) Consulting Firm員工


  • ❗️直播倒數5天❗️ 誠摯地邀請您來參加我們的職場健康專題🌿 《職場健康攻略-物理治療師教你辦公室保健秘訣》 現代工作環境常常讓人面臨肩頸痛、重複性勞損傷害、眼睛疲勞和久坐問題,這些健康問題不僅影響工作效率,還可能對長期健康造成負面影響。 👨⚕️ 我們特別邀請到物理治療專家蔡忠憲院長,舉辦特別直播: 蔡院長將深入探討常見的職場健康問題及其影響,並分享實用的預防策略和改善措施。 日期: 7月31日(週三) 時間: 中午12:30-13:00 線上直播連結:https://reurl.cc/NQVOOe 重點內容包括: 🌟 改善眼睛健康及減輕偏頭痛問題 💻 電腦重度使用者的手部麻木、駝背和肩頸改善 🚶♂️ 久坐不站導致的腰痛和腿部麻痺改善 🎯 不要錯過這30分鐘的直播,獲得平衡工作與健康的寶貴健康提示! 請記得加入你的行事曆,一同參與這場實用的職場健康講座~

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  • Leading Recruitment Services (LRS) Consulting Firm轉發了此項目

    瀏覽Vickie Chen的個人檔案,圖案

    Consulting Manager at Leading Recruitment Services (LRS) Consulting Firm | Software (Tech) | Engineering | Lead | QA SDET | Management

    #凱米 來勢洶洶🌧️, #台北市又宣布停班停課! 大家今天有放到颱風假嗎? 外面風雨很大,記得注意安全⚠️今晚就跟卡皮巴拉一樣懶在家吧(躺) 週三職缺照常更新!本週吉祥物是水豚~ 謝謝我們的Researcher Jun Huang 用心製圖以及想文案! David Hsieh Annie Lee YK Khaw Irene Wang Chantel Juang ⭕️#OpenChat 接收第一手職缺消息與市場消息! 歡迎各路軟體高手們加入➡️https://lnkd.in/dHgq9b_T Linkedin: https://lnkd.in/gcsnDFSS E-mail: vickie.chen@leadingrs.com Line: vickie861104 phone: +886920024667 訂閱月報: https://lnkd.in/ggArVBC (每月初發送) #SoftwareEngineer #TechJobs #DeveloperJobs #CodingJobs #ProgrammingJobs #SoftwareDevelopment #ITJobs #SoftwareCareers #TechCareers #EngineeringJobs #JavaJobs #PythonJobs #CSharpJobs #FullStackDeveloper #FrontendDeveloper #BackendDeveloper #WebDeveloper #MobileDeveloper #AIJobs #DataScienceJobs

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  • 🌟今天是自我照顧日 (Self-Care Day)! 🌟 在這個快速變化的世界裡,我們經常忘記了最重要的事情——照顧好自己。無論你是忙碌的職業人員、創業者,還是家庭主婦,健康的心靈和身體都是我們追求成功的基石。 🌟 Today is Self-Care Day! 🌟 In this fast-paced world, we often forget the most important thing—taking care of ourselves. Whether you're a busy professional, an entrepreneur, or a homemaker, a healthy mind and body are the foundation of our success. 為什麼自我照顧如此重要? 我們每個人都有責任促進和維持自己的健康。自我照顧使我們成為自己健康的積極代理人,將我們自己看得更重要能有助於緩解醫療系統的壓力。 Why is self-care so important? We all have a role to play in promoting and maintaining own health. Self-care empowers us to be active agents in our own healthcare, putting us at the very centre. Self-care also helps relieve pressures on health systems. 自我照顧行動 自我照顧行動是指習慣、實踐和生活方式選擇——我們可以做的事情來幫助照顧自己,過上更健康的生活。它們包括但不限於: 定期進行體力活動:體力活動對我們的心臟、心靈和身體有巨大的健康益處。體力活動有助於減少抑鬱和焦慮的症狀,還有助於思考、學習和做出判斷。 吃更健康的飲食:包括全穀物、堅果、大量水果和蔬菜,還有豆類如小扁豆和豆類的飲食。別忘了來自動物來源的食物,如肉類、魚類、雞蛋和牛奶。 照顧我們的心理健康:良好的心理健康對我們的整體健康和福祉至關重要。幫助我們照顧心理健康的事情包括遵循更健康的生活方式;在大自然和戶外度過時光;與家人和朋友交談;保持良好的睡眠;管理壓力和限制“高風險”情況;在心理健康問題出現時談論並在需要時尋求幫助。 戒酒或減少酒精和煙草的使用。 Self-care actions are habits, practices and lifestyle choices – things that we can do to help look after ourselves and lead a healthier life. They include but are not limited to: • Taking regular physical activity – physical activity has huge health benefits for our hearts, minds and bodies. Did you know that physical activity helps to reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety? It also helps with thinking, learning and making judgements. • Eating a healthier diet – eat a variety of foods including whole grains, nuts, lots of fruit, and vegetables, and legumes like lentils and beans. And don’t forget foods from animal sources like meat, fish, eggs and milk. • Looking after our mental health – good mental health is vital to our overall health and well-being. Things that help us look after our mental health include following a healthier lifestyle; spending time in nature and outdoors; talking to family and friends; getting a good night’s sleep; managing stress and limiting ‘high-risk’ situations; talking about mental health problems as they arise and seeking help when needed. • Quitting or cutting down on alcohol and tobacco. 讓我們一起重視自我照顧,創造更健康、更快樂的生活! 你今天做了什麼來照顧自己呢?分享你的自我照顧小技巧,讓我們彼此啟發,共同成長! 🌱💖 #SelfCareDay #自我照顧日 #心靈健康 #身心健康 #自我提升 Let's prioritize self-care and create a healthier, happier life together! What did you do today to take care of yourself? Share your self-care tips to inspire and grow together! 🌱💖 #SelfCareDay #MentalHealth #PhysicalHealth #SelfImprovement Reference : https://lnkd.in/exJgDJfT

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  • Leading Recruitment Services (LRS) Consulting Firm轉發了此項目

    瀏覽Vickie Chen的個人檔案,圖案

    Consulting Manager at Leading Recruitment Services (LRS) Consulting Firm | Software (Tech) | Engineering | Lead | QA SDET | Management

    Dear Manager candidates #週一新職缺 #股票交易 I'm hiring for a Top 5 Leading Securities Trading company📊, please find the details below and feel free to discuss with me. 前五大券商徵才中,歡迎有證券與期貨相關經驗的中高階主管跟我聊聊,除了這個缺之外也有其他20~30個職缺OPEN中! Job Responsibilities💲📊📈 📈Knowledgeable in both domestic and international front and middle office operations for securities and futures. 📈Responsible for the planning, development, integration, and execution of platform system architecture. 📈Strong project management and planning skills. 📈Effective communicator and coordinator across departments. 📈Proven team leadership and management skills. 📈Supervise a team of 9-12 members. 📈Proficiency in Java or other programming languages. #JobResponsibilities #Securities #Futures #PlatformArchitecture #ProjectManagement #TeamLeadership #CrossDepartmentCommunication #Java #ProgrammingSkills #ManagementResponsibilities #TechJobs #FinanceJobs #LeadershipSkills #JobQualifications ⭕️#OpenChat 接收第一手職缺消息與市場消息! 歡迎各路軟體高手們加入➡️https://lnkd.in/dHgq9b_T Linkedin: https://lnkd.in/gcsnDFSS E-mail: vickie.chen@leadingrs.com Line: vickie861104 phone: +886920024667 訂閱月報: https://lnkd.in/ggArVBC (每月初發送)

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    瀏覽Irene Wang的個人檔案,圖案

    Associate Consultant 位於 Leading Recruitment Services (LRS) Consulting Firm

    👾Machine Learning 職缺分享👾 有點久沒發文,趁週一來分享近期超夯的ML職缺們! 精選了3個非常難得的機會 🤸♀️ 1️⃣ 上市公司內部創業AI新團隊 - Sr. ML Engineer (Computer Vision) 🚀 尋找對零售場域、穩定新創有熱情的人選 🚀 有Computer Vision背景,做過Deep learning、物件辨識 🚀 能獨立開發,也善於團隊合作 💰 年薪最高達2.0M(可討論!) 2️⃣ 美商矽谷破億用戶拼貼軟體 - Sr. ML Engineer (Visual) 🚀 熟悉生成式AI 並有相關經驗 🚀 有Computer Vision背景 🚀 具基本美感且英文流利 💰 年薪最高達3.5M 3️⃣ 創新社群平台開發 - AI/ML Engineer 🚀 熟悉資料倉儲、ETL pipeline 🚀 熟悉機器學習、深度學習,並有系統實作經驗 💰 年薪1.8-3.0M 對於以上職務想要瞭解更多的朋友 請準備 #個人履歷#你的LinkedIn連結 私訊傳到我的LINE讓我先快速了解你的背景 我會盡快傳送更多詳細資訊給你🥰 👉Irene’s LINE:https://lnkd.in/gf4Vm2UP (ID: irenewang89011422) 👉Irene’s Email:Irene.Wang@leadingrs.com 👉職缺月報訂閱:https://lnkd.in/gwyYfjtF #職涯艾琳幫你🌷 #MachineLearning #AIJobs #DeepLearning #ComputerVision #TechCareers #JobOpportunity #AIEngineer #tech #TechJobs #CareerGrowth #MLE #HiringNow #CareerOpportunities

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  • 🌟 7月直播預告 🌟 誠摯地邀請您來參加我們的職場健康專題 《職場健康攻略—物理治療師教你辦公室保健秘訣》 你中了以下4個辦公室久坐常見的小毛病嗎?現代工作環境常常讓人面臨肩頸痛、重複性勞損傷害、眼睛疲勞和久坐問題,這些健康問題不僅影響工作效率,還可能對長期健康造成負面影響! 我們特別邀請到物理治療專家蔡忠憲院長✨舉辦特別直播:蔡院長將深入探討常見的職場健康問題及其影響,並分享實用的預防策略和改善措施 日期: 7月31日(週三) 時間: 中午12:30-13:00 線上直播連結:https://reurl.cc/NQVOOe 重點內容包括: 👀 改善眼睛健康及減輕偏頭痛問題 💻 電腦重度使用者的手部麻木、駝背和肩頸改善 🚶♂️ 久坐不站導致的腰痛和腿部麻痺改善 不要錯過這30分鐘的直播,獲得平衡工作與健康的寶貴健康提示! 快點擊以下投票,跟我們分享你都中了哪些呢?


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  • Celebrating Long Service Milestones! We've got some great news to share!🎉 Today, we're celebrating the amazing achievements of our colleagues at LRS. Let's give a big round of applause to Eddie and Sean for their three years of dedicated service, and to Jennie for an incredible seven-year journey with our team! Eddie and Sean, your dedication and professionalism over the past three years have been outstanding. You've consistently gone above and beyond to deliver exceptional results, and we're lucky to have you on our team! Jennie, your dedication over the past seven years has truly shaped our company's journey. Your unwavering commitment is an inspiration to us all, and we're grateful for your contributions to our team's success. Let’s all join together in congratulating Eddie, Sean, and Jennie on reaching these fantastic milestones. Their expertise and dedication are invaluable to us! We can't wait to see what the future holds for all of you☺️ #LRS #LongServiceAward #3Years #7Years #WeAreHiring

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  • Leading Recruitment Services (LRS) Consulting Firm轉發了此項目

    瀏覽Vickie Chen的個人檔案,圖案

    Consulting Manager at Leading Recruitment Services (LRS) Consulting Firm | Software (Tech) | Engineering | Lead | QA SDET | Management

    #Managements 管理職26個職缺大彙整,好久沒畫圖XDD 職缺過多今天終於有時間靜下心來整理,分成四種層級方便各位優秀管理者找到適合自己的歸宿! 歡迎聯繫我聊聊 line: vickie861104 #ManagerLevel #19Openings ✔RD Manager - System Integration ✔C# Assistant Manager ✔Backend RD Manager - C# 尤佳 ✔Java Engineering Manager 數位研發科主管 ✔Engineering Manager (Mobile) ✔Software Manager / DevOps Manager (4 divisions)  ✔US Company - RD Manager (can be potential RD Head)  ✔Technical Engineering Manager ✔SRE Manager ✔Data Engineering Manager ✔Application Security Manager ✔Principal Data Scientist AI/ML Manager ✔ AI Manager ✔ EC Platform Sr. Manager (lead 8ppl+) Java/微服務 ✔Digital Product Manager (technical background) ✔(資深) BA Manager 商業分析科, 科主管 ✔Security Assistant Manager 資訊安全副理  ✔AI副理(Data Science + Backend) #TechLead #HandsOn ✔Technical Team Lead (Backend: Python or Golang) ✔Frontend Lead ✔上櫃公司 Lead/Senior Backend Engineer (C#) 需要管理4~6位 #Director #Clevel #VP ✔知名餐飲大集團數位化-資訊主管 Head of Information Technology ✔(興櫃) Product Team 副總 ✔Sr. R&D Director / EC  ✔CTO (30→100擴編) #Architect ✔Solution Architect (.NET/技術廣度大於深度)  ✔Software Architect (Java) ⭕️#OpenChat 接收第一手職缺消息與市場消息! 歡迎各路軟體高手們加入➡️https://lnkd.in/dHgq9b_T Linkedin: https://lnkd.in/gcsnDFSS E-mail: vickie.chen@leadingrs.com Line: vickie861104 phone: +886920024667 訂閱月報: https://lnkd.in/ggArVBC (每月���發送) #CTO #EngineeringManager #ProductManager #ProjectManager #TechnicalDirector #VPofEngineering #TeamLead #ChiefProductOfficer #DevelopmentManager #OperationsManager #HeadOfEngineering #DirectorOfEngineering #EngineeringLead #ChiefTechnologyOfficer #SeniorEngineeringManager #ProductLeadership #TechLead #EngineeringLeadership #ProgramManager #ManagementJobs

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  • Learning and Development at LRS Tech1

    瀏覽Vickie Chen的個人檔案,圖案

    Consulting Manager at Leading Recruitment Services (LRS) Consulting Firm | Software (Tech) | Engineering | Lead | QA SDET | Management

    #SoftwareTraining #夯特技術進修 We never stop LEARNING! 我們是 #藍勾勾���特 #certificated 累積半年的成果終於可以一起分享出來了! 從2019第一次接觸軟體產業到現在,雖然已經過了5年時間,總是會一直覺得不夠好,不夠專業,加上帶團隊的關係,在傳承一些專業知識上面一直沒有一個很好的方式讓所有人了解軟體在做什麼。還記得多年前第一次看到JD好像在看什麼外星語一樣,脫口而出的話就很明顯是外行人XDD 去年在candidate的鼓勵之下設計了一系列的內部培訓課程: ✅AI/Data全方位培訓 -> ✅後端+博弈產業知識->✅軟體管理/招募+半導體軟體團隊在做什麼->✅全端+區塊鏈產業->✅QA/SDET+第一次撰寫test case->✅前端+直播產業->✅SRE/DevOps+監控到底是什麼 看懂JD,抓住重點,知道什麼才是關鍵,什麼其實不重要。這半年的訓練真的非常受用,尤其對於我要找全方位技能的高階角色更有幫助,謝謝所有答應前來分享的人選們,各個都準備精美簡報超豐富內容來,甚至犧牲自己的個人假期🙏🏻 謝謝我們Software Team的大家也自主邀請人選,尤其是 Annie Lee and YK Khaw 下半年即將有更多精彩的課程,也要開始夯特第一堂英文面試訓練班,期待下一次跟大家分享唷! Since my first encounter with the software industry in 2019, I often felt inadequate and unprofessional. Leading a team made it difficult to effectively convey specialized knowledge and help everyone understand software. I remember seeing a job description years ago and feeling completely lost. Encouraged by a candidate last year, I designed a series of internal training courses: ✅ AI/Data training -> ✅ Backend + Gaming industry -> ✅ Software management/recruitment + Semiconductor insights -> ✅ Full-stack + Blockchain -> ✅ QA/SDET + Writing test cases -> ✅ Frontend + Live streaming -> ✅ SRE/DevOps + Monitoring Learning to read job descriptions, identify key points, and distinguish what is critical has been incredibly beneficial. This six-month training has greatly helped me in seeking versatile senior roles. Thanks to all the candidates who shared their knowledge and sacrificed their leave 🙏🏻 More exciting courses are coming, including our English interview training class. Looking forward to sharing more next time! 關於我們的服務: 🔔Industry Coverage: Software/SaaS ⏐ AI & Data ⏐ Medical & Education ⏐ Martech & EC ⏐ Fintech & Blockchain ⏐ Gambling & Game ⏐ High-Tech ⏐ Financial Service ⏐ IoT & NetCom ⏐ Security 🔔Functions Coverage: Management Levels ⏐ QA/SDET ⏐ Frontend ⏐ Fullstack ⏐ Backend ⏐ Data/AI ⏐ PM/PJM/TPM ⏐ UI/UX/Designer ⏐ SRE/DevOps ⏐ APP ⏐ DBA ⏐ Security ⏐ Streaming ⭕️#OpenChat 接收第一手職缺消息與市場消息! 歡迎各路軟體高手們加入➡️https://lnkd.in/dHgq9b_T Linkedin: https://lnkd.in/gcsnDFSS E-mail: vickie.chen@leadingrs.com Line: vickie861104 phone: +886920024667 訂閱月報: https://lnkd.in/ggArVBC (每月初發送) #SoftwareDevelopment #Programming #Coding #Tech #SoftwareEngineering #Developers #Technology #WebDevelopment #AppDevelopment #AI #MachineLearning #DevOps #DataScience #CyberSecurity #CloudComputing #TechNews #Innovation #IT #SoftwareTesting #BigData

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  • 《職場健康攻略-物理治療師教你辦公室保健秘訣》 🌟30分鐘線上暖身操,專為現代職場問題量身定制!🌟 下午眼睛疲憊?偏頭痛煩擾?駝背、肩頸問題困擾不斷?長時間使用電腦滑鼠讓手麻木不適?久坐引發腰痠腿麻? 相信坐在辦公桌前的您都有相同的問題,因此適時的放鬆身體,將會重回活力,讓下半天的工作效率事半功倍! 7/31,加入LRS主辦的午間線上直播,由蔡忠憲院長-專業物理治療師親自帶領,一同解決上班族最常見的健康問題。 立即報名參加,讓每天的工作都更輕鬆、更舒適! 🔹日期:7月31日(週三) 🔹時間:中午12:30-13:00 🔹地點:線上直播講座 (LRS企業公益講座) 請點擊以下連結手刀完成報名:https://lnkd.in/emi6v9gR

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