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Dark Matter finale
Courtesy of Apple TV+

The Dessens may have finally reunited with the real Jason, but they’re not out of the woods just yet. In the tense finale of Apple TV+’s Dark Matter, they’re still running for their lives.

As Daniela, Charlie and Jason drive out of town, Daniela and Charlie’s phones won’t stop blowing up with messages from the other gazillion Jasons. They decide that Dad can’t pick where they go next because that would mean the others might have the same idea. So they head to Charlie’s friend’s summer home, lock the doors tight and prepare to live the life of squatters.

When Jason checks his email, he finds a folder titled “Entanglement.” There’s one message inside with the subject: “Welcome Home the Real Jason Dessen.” He opens it up to find a mysterious link which brings him to a group message board. All of the countless Jasons are chatting with each other in an attempt to track him down and plot their next moves. Jason37 sends him a private message, and soon many other versions are DMing him asking if he wants to partner up with them to take out the others. Freaky!

Back at their home, Jason In the Hat has Jason2 tied up to the banister. He’s on the computer tracking credit cards, phones and anything else that could possibly give him a clue to their whereabouts. A text message on his phone gives him a potential lead in Blair. She arrives to their house expecting to get her car back, only to find Jason2 tied up in a closet and Jason In the Hat looking rather menacing. He asks for her phone and she instead punches him in the face. She tries to escape, but he fires off a warning shot which stops her in her tracks. She agrees to fork it over, only to then mace him and grab his gun. “What the actual f–k is going on?” she asks. A valid question, Blair!

Dark Matter finale

Late one night at the squatters’ compound, Original Jason sees someone running outside the kitchen window. It’s another version of himself and he’s badly injured. Meanwhile, another version of himself is shot dead just yards away. He runs back inside, but a Jason with a shotgun makes him drop his fire poker. The guy with the gun demands to know Jason’s safe word, only Original Jason charges him and knocks him to the ground. They engage in fisticuffs until ANOTHER Jason (Jason2) fires and kills the attacking copy. But then he puts his gun down for Daniela to pick up. He claims he’s the one who built the box. The one responsible for “all this mess.” He tells them that Blair had a tracker on her car. He didn’t know that, and others followed him to their location. He tosses them keys and says he wants them to escape. Then, he returns Jason’s wedding ring. On their way peeling out of the driveway, they run over Jason With the Hat with their car.

Inside the car is a fresh stash of ampoules and a phone with a voice message. On the message, Jason2 says there’s no apology sufficient for what he’s done and that this world isn’t safe for them anymore. He hopes they find a new home because “you’ve all been through things I can’t imagine.” And he’s happy that a version of himself made room in his life for someone else’s needs.

As they listen to the message, they drive directly to the box, only a swarm of Jasons are awaiting their arrival. One steps up and says he isn’t going to try to stop them. He just wants to say goodbye. This particular Jason orders the others to let them through to the box. Cautiously, Charlie, Daniela and OG Jason step inside the box and look back at the Jasons behind them. Jason closes the door and opens the container of ampoules. We catch some new glimpses of Blair, Amanda and Ryan in various universes before the Dessens open the box door to a bright new world they can call their new home.

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