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Shalom World - Unshaken

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

A time to wind down, a time to recoup, and a time to reflect... After the day's hectic work and business, let's rest in God's arms, saturating our minds with His life-giving Word. Tune in to '9 PM Series' to be strengthened by God's grace and power, every week, on Shalom World Podcasts.


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A time to wind down, a time to recoup, and a time to reflect... After the day's hectic work and business, let's rest in God's arms, saturating our minds with His life-giving Word. Tune in to '9 PM Series' to be strengthened by God's grace and power, every week, on Shalom World Podcasts.



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Ep 24 - Forgive Ourselves

Have you been called a liar? It’s not very pleasant to hear. God wouldn’t like it if we called Him a liar especially when God is the fullness of truth. If we claim that we are without sin, the Truth is not within us; if we do so we are calling God a liar. Oftentimes, we find ourselves encountering the judgment of man; we forget that we have received the mercy of God. Through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we receive the mercy of God, not once but several times. The forgiveness of God gives us the courage to forgive ourselves. This same courage allows us to forgive others. Episode Breakdown: 01.05 - God - The Fullness of Truth 02.26 - Judgment of Man 05.38 - Mercy of God 06.33 - Extending the Mercy of God 09.10 - The Prayer of Our Father 13.00 - Forgiveness Extended Bible Reference Unusual solutions to unusual problems; because we have an unusual God and we are unusual people. Do you have the patience? The faith? The trust? Explore the hope-filled path that leads to an ‘Unshaken’ life in Jesus Christ with Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob, a practicing medical surgeon. Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:


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Ep 23 - Alone with God

Loneliness is the scourge of today’s society; many of us suffer from this loneliness. Jesus felt alone and deprived of the presence of God when He was dying on the Cross. If sin comes into our life, we will not feel the presence of God and we will feel alone. Joseph of the Old Testament was sold to slavery, falsely accused, and imprisoned for what seemed like an eternity. He was alone, misunderstood, accused, and reviled; how did he survive alone? Mother Mary’s fiat would also mean that she would probably have to walk her path alone. Daniel was thrown into a pit of hungry lions. Joseph, Mary, and Daniel were able to remain alone in peace and undisturbed because they chose to be alone with God. They knew that God was with them. The key to handling loneliness is to walk with God and to know that He is with us in the loneliness. Episode Breakdown: 02.34 - The Loneliness of Joseph 06.38 - Mother Mary’s Fiat 07.45 - Daniel’s Alone Time 08.45 - Alone with God 10.14 - The Key to Handling Loneliness 11.48 - Satan in Job’s Life Unusual solutions to unusual problems; because we have an unusual God and we are unusual people. Do you have the patience? The faith? The trust? Explore the hope-filled path that leads to an ‘Unshaken’ life in Jesus Christ with Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob, a practicing medical surgeon. Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:


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Ep 22 - Am I Driving Backwards?

God calls us, He anoints us, prepares us, and sends us. The call of God is irrevocable and the anointing of God is a grace given to people - a supernatural grace to do supernatural things in supernatural ways. This anointing is given to all Christians and it should move us to the will of God and the ways of God. Jesus is the best example of this grace. Very often, after we drive toward Him, we start driving backward. Disobedience to the will of God comes into our lives; when this happens, satan is able to attack. The smallest of sins will give way for satan to come in. We must only use the things of this world for the sole purpose of answering God’s call and doing God’s will. He anoints you to do His will and the smallest sin can taint it. We must have a singular purpose, a purpose of glorifying the Lord in all that we do. Be faithful to God’s call; guard your anointing. Episode Breakdown: 01.35 - Driving Backwards 03.04 - King Saul’s Path 06.19 - Our Sole Purpose 08.47 - Beware of the Little Sins 11.33 - Guard Your Anointing Unusual solutions to unusual problems; because we have an unusual God and we are unusual people. Do you have the patience? The faith? The trust? Explore the hope-filled path that leads to an ‘Unshaken’ life in Jesus Christ with Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob, a practicing medical surgeon. Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:


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Ep 21 - Dining with Judas

As humans, we avoid those who are unpleasant and cause us distress but, Jesus asks us to love those who hate us, bless those who curse us and pray for those who persecute us. Jesus also loved all those who persecuted Him, especially Judas who betrayed Him with a kiss. So, how could the all-knowing Jesus handle this? Jesus opened His heart to Judas, dined with Him, and loved Him despite knowing that Judas would betray Him with a kiss. If Jesus could do this, then we are non-exempt from living the Scripture the way He did. We too have to learn to “dine with Judas.” God has prepared a “Judas” in all our lives and our lives will be blessed because of this. We are called to be like our Heavenly Father when this “Judas” comes into our lives. Episode Breakdown: 03.37 - Dining with Judas 06.22 - The Judas in Our Life 08.56 - Live the Will of the Father 10.19 - Called to Divine Love 12.22 - Seeking God’s Help Bible Reference: Unusual solutions to unusual problems; because we have an unusual God and we are unusual people. Do you have the patience? The faith? The trust? Explore the hope-filled path that leads to an ‘Unshaken’ life in Jesus Christ with Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob, a practicing medical surgeon. Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:


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Ep 20 - Are You God’s Choice?

God sends the prophet Samuel to the house of Jesse to find a person to become the King of Israel. Interestingly, none of the older sons of Jesse, who were strong and prominent were chosen; David who was not even worthy in the eyes of his father became worthy in the eyes of God. God's choice is different from that of the whole. In the Bible, we see many such examples: His disciples who were to follow Him, the prophets who were chosen to lead God’s people… They might not be the best person for the job but God calls them. God chooses those who desire Him above everything else, those who are willing to give up everything to do the will of God. Are you God’s choice? Episode Breakdown: 01.48 - Choosing David 04.55 - Criteria of God’s Choice 07.12 - God Looks at the Heart 09.52 - Preparation for Grace 11.30 - A Trusting Heart Bible Reference: Unusual solutions to unusual problems; because we have an unusual God and we are unusual people. Do you have the patience? The faith? The trust? Explore the hope-filled path that leads to an ‘Unshaken’ life in Jesus Christ with Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob, a practicing medical surgeon. Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:


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Ep 19 - ‘Test’ the Lord

The more we have, the bigger we become! We are all in a rat race to acquire more and more; we never have enough. We are part of a world of acquisition; amidst this, there are people who give. Those who give unconditionally with a sense for others’ needs. There are many types of givers - ones who want to be known as generous, ones who give only to the deserving, ones who give conditionally… God loves a good “giver”. He asks us to share what we have with those who need it and seek it, wholeheartedly. In the Bible, we are told: “Do not test the Lord”. On the giving tithes, the Lord asks us to test Him. Have you noticed, if you test the Lord with your giving, you will see yourself being blessed by the Lord with His giving? Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob talks about testing the Lord by giving Him everything He has given us. Give Him all that you have and receive all that He has to give you; He gives generously. Episode Breakdown: 01.30 - Givers in a World of Acquisition 08.00 - Way of God 10.03 - The Good Samaritan 13.11 - Giving of Tithes 15.20 - ‘Test’ the Lord 17.19 - The First Fruits Bible Reference: Unusual solutions to unusual problems; because we have an unusual God and we are unusual people. Do you have the patience? The faith? The trust? Explore the hope-filled path that leads to an ‘Unshaken’ life in Jesus Christ with Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob, a practicing medical surgeon. Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:


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Ep 18 - What is Your “Samson’s Hair”?

Samson, a Nazrite, was extremely strong and his strength came from God; the source of his strength was unique - the length of his hair. Once his hair was cut, he lost his strength and was captured by the Philistines. As his hair grew in captivity, he regained strength and was able to defeat the Philistines in his death. Similar to Samson, we too can find immense strength. Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob recalls an incident from his life when he discovered his “Samson’s hair”. He was told that with each Rosary he prayed, his strength would increase. There is great power when Mother Mary intercedes on our behalf. This is the prayer handed down by God through St. Dominic, given to the church as a gift. The longer Samason’s hair, the greater his power; similarly, the more Rosaries prayed, the greater Mother Mary’s intercession and power in our lives. Episode Breakdown: 00:42 - Who is Samson? 05:50 - Power of the Rosary 09:55 - Intercession of Our Lady 11:58 - Source of Real Power 14:38 - Blessed with Grace 17:07 - Pray the Rosary Unusual solutions to unusual problems; because we have an unusual God and we are unusual people. Do you have the patience? The faith? The trust? Explore the hope-filled path that leads to an ‘Unshaken’ life in Jesus Christ with Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob, a practicing medical surgeon. Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:


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Ep 17 - Fear of Rejection

Rejection is a part of our lives and we face this rejection at various stages of our lives; it is part of existence in this world. Rejection from our parents, our families, our peers, and all those around us right from the moment of conception. And so, we do all that is needed to avoid rejection in our lives. We want to be want to accepted by everyone at all times; because of this need, we start changing ourselves, losing our uniqueness, being unable to accept our individuality, and trying to be what we are not. Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob talks about the fear of rejection that originated in the Garden of Eden. Isn’t it time to embrace our uniqueness? Isn’t it time to accept the unique way in which we are created? God will never reject us; He embraces us through everything - our failings, our sins, and all our situations. Episode Breakdown: 02.07 - The Reality of Rejection 06.10 - Self-Rejection and Pain 09.33 - Rejection of God 11.17 - Origin of Fear of Rejection 14.24 - God Never Forsakes Bible Reference: Unusual solutions to unusual problems; because we have an unusual God and we are unusual people. Do you have the patience? The faith? The trust? Explore the hope-filled path that leads to an ‘Unshaken’ life in Jesus Christ with Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob, a practicing medical surgeon. Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:


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Ep 16 - God Hears Every Cry

The Lord came to the Israelites who were slaves in Egypt through Moses and rescued them from the powerful pharaoh. Before Moses came back to Egypt, God heard the cries of the Israelites and makes an initiative to save them from the servitude they were going through. God could save them with a wave of a hand but He chose another path. The moment there is a prayer, God raises up an individual who will stand in His name. God leads and makes way through His chosen one to show us His mercy, love, and power. The story of Susanna is another example of God hearing and answering pleas. Daniel came in the name of God and Susanna was saved from condemnation. God comes to those with faith. We have a God who hears our pleas and who will sacrifice everything for our sake, to save us; we only need to trust Him. Episode Breakdown: 02.50 - God Hears Every Cry 05.20 - The All-Powerful God 09.14 - The Story of Susanna 14.49 - God is with You 17.33 - A Response of Fidelity Bible Reference: Unusual solutions to unusual problems; because we have an unusual God and we are unusual people. Do you have the patience? The faith? The trust? Explore the hope-filled path that leads to an ‘Unshaken’ life in Jesus Christ with Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob, a practicing medical surgeon. Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:


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Ep 15 - The Healing Touch of Jesus

Humans are susceptible to all kinds of illnesses from the common cold to cancer, congenial illnesses, mental illness, or chemical imbalances causing illness. These are a few of the recorded medical illnesses. Jesus offered a healing that no medical knowledge could understand - a healing through the forgiveness of sin. Would you believe it if you were told that there is someone who could touch you and heal you? Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob, an unbeliever then, talks about a miraculous healing that made him believe. In the Bible, there are many stories of Jesus healing people with all kinds of diseases; these are different from the healings we are aware of. Jesus connected the illness to the sin of mankind and offered healing from both sin and illness. Jesus is the vine and we are the branches; the source of our life comes from Him. Episode Breakdown: 01.00 - A Place of Healing 06.00 - A Biblical Record 08.57 - A Strange Healing 12.33 - A Ripple Effect of Sin 15.20 - The Source of Life 20.19 - Healing Inexplicable Bible Reference: Unusual solutions to unusual problems; because we have an unusual God and we are unusual people. Do you have the patience? The faith? The trust? Explore the hope-filled path that leads to an ‘Unshaken’ life in Jesus Christ with Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob, a practicing medical surgeon. Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:


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Ep 14 - Be Brave and Bold

Moses encountered God at the burning bush where he was called to lead His people; Moses doubted himself and in fear, he replied that he doesn’t think that he can do it. He was overcome with fear because was afraid of judgment and punishment. He continued to make excuses but God made a way for Moses’ leadership despite his fears and worries. Where did Moses get this courage despite the fear that crippled him? He encountered the reality of God when he came face to face with the burning bush. He heard the a voice that transformed him to a man full of courage. Knowing that God is with us and hearing His voice gives us courage. “Perfect love drives out fear” and “God is love!” If we do the will of the Father, Jesus will come and live within us giving us the courage for our circumstances. Episode Breakdown: 02:28 - Crippling Fear 09:10 - Transformational Courage 11:06 - Key to Fearlessness 12:47 - Living the Will of God 14:33 - Desire God Above All 17:30 - Walking with God Unusual solutions to unusual problems; because we have an unusual God and we are unusual people. Do you have the patience? The faith? The trust? Explore the hope-filled path that leads to an ‘Unshaken’ life in Jesus Christ with Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob, a practicing medical surgeon. Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:


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Ep 13 - Word of God Sets You Free

Why does a human being want freedom? We were created by God with this particular characteristic - FREEDOM. Man was given freedom in the Garden of Eden and he was given the freedom to exist. God who was good created man as good. He gave them the freedom to choose - to choose the ultimate good which would give them ultimate freedom. When Adam and Eve chose evil, they lost their freedom and they came to know good and evil. When we desire anything that is against the will of God, we lose freedom. Sin is contrary to the will of God; instead of giving us happiness and freedom, it enslaves us. What sets us free is the truth and the truth is in the Word of God. Your freedom will be complete when the Son sets you free. We have to be responsible with our freedom of choice which God has given us and will never take away. Choose goodness and we will truly be free. Episode Breakdown: 02.15 - Created to be Free 05.33 - Temptation of Evil 08.00 - Sin Makes You A Slave 11.04 - Choosing Others Before God 12.20 - Truth Will Set You Free 15.34 - Jesus Makes Us Free 16.20 - Responsibility of Choice Bible References: Unusual solutions to unusual problems; because we have an unusual God and we are unusual people. Do you have the patience? The faith? The trust? Explore the hope-filled path that leads to an ‘Unshaken’ life in Jesus Christ with Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob, a practicing medical surgeon. Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:


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Ep 12 - Challenges are to be Welcomed

When we face problems or challenges, we question them, we grumble and we get disappointed. We have a God who will provide an unusual solution for our usual and unusual problems. When challenges come, God calls us and empowers us to face those challenges. A challenge is the first sign that we are being chosen, chosen by a great God to carry His power. A great God brings great challenges, and we must rejoice in them. God calls us to greatness by challenging us. Though we may feel like we do not have the strength, God will empower us through the Holy Spirit to face the challenges. We must wait out the challenge to be filled with the Holy Spirit through Whom we receive strength and courage to do the impossible. Calm and peace will fill us despite our challenges when we trust in the Lord and welcome in the Holy Spirit. Episode Breakdown: 02:37 - God Calls Us 05:10 - Where Does Courage Come From? 07:15 - Wait on the Lord 10:12 - Holy Spirit, Come 14:03 - The Power of the Holy Spirit 15:43 - Armed by the Power of God Unusual solutions to unusual problems; because we have an unusual God and we are unusual people. Do you have the patience? The faith? The trust? Explore the hope-filled path that leads to an ‘Unshaken’ life in Jesus Christ with Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob, a practicing medical surgeon. Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:


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Ep 11 - Authority from Above

When Jesus stood before Pilate before the crucifixion, Pilate asked Jesus: “Where are you from?” Jesus remained silent. Pilate had great authority, one that gave Him the power to condemn or set Jesus free. When Pilate said this to Jesus, He said: “You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given you from above.” (John 19:11). Real authority comes from above; it comes from the Father. Jesus had authority over nature, sickness, sin… He stood in the same authority as the Father. When we accept the authority from above, we too can enjoy the fruits of Eden as Adam and Eve did. Human beings are given the choice to accept or reject this authority; our free will allows us to choose the path for our lives. We are given the graces from above when we respect and obey the authority from above. Nothing can challenge any of us when we stand in the name and authority of Our Father in Heaven who reigns over the world. Episode Breakdown: 02:44 - The Power from Above 07:03 - Respecting the Authority 08:00 - Free Will and God’s Authority 11:02 - Fearless in God 14:20 - Intercession to Our Lady Bible References: Unusual solutions to unusual problems; because we have an unusual God and we are unusual people. Do you have the patience? The faith? The trust? Explore the hope-filled path that leads to an ‘Unshaken’ life in Jesus Christ with Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob, a practicing medical surgeon. Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:


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Ep 10 - Jesus in the Eucharist

How wonderful it would have been to see Jesus, to touch Him, and to listen to Him! How wonderful it would be to live in the time of Jesus! So, Jesus devised a way to be with us and within us at all times. Before Jesus died, He took bread, blessed it, broke it, and offered it to us as His body. He did the same with a cup of wine and offered it to us as His blood. Every day, at Holy Mass, we remember this ultimate sacrifice. Jesus in the Eucharist is the love and the presence of God. The Catholic Church teaches us that in the Holy Eucharist, Christ is really, truly, substantially present as the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ. When we show Jesus our faith in Him, He shows Himself to us just as He did to Veronica when she wiped His face. Before Jesus walked to Calvary, He called His disciples for a meal; at this meal, He began His journey to the cross where He said “It is finished.” The Passover meal that began in the upper room ended at the cross on Calvary through the spilling of His blood. We share in the same journey to Calvary every time at Holy Mass. He is real and with us always; receive Him with faith and we will have life within us. Receive Him with love. Episode Breakdown: 01:20 - The Son of God with Us 06:57 - The Presence of God in the Eucharist 10:49 - This is Truly Jesus 13:36 - Life Inside Us 18:10 - Receive Eucharist with Faith Bible References: Unusual solutions to unusual problems; because we have an unusual God and we are unusual people. Do you have the patience? The faith? The trust? Explore the hope-filled path that leads to an ‘Unshaken’ life in Jesus Christ with Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob, a practicing medical surgeon. Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:


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Ep 09 - Live by the Will of God

We want peace at all costs; we often compromise many things to get peace. Although Jesus is the Prince of Peace and He gives us peace that surpasses all understanding, peace should not become the aim of our lives. He came to live in obedience and to show us how to live in the same obedience. Jesus said: “Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” To know the will of God, we have to know the Word of God; through the Scriptures, we come to know the will of God in our lives. Jesus came from Heaven, to do not His will but the will of the Father in Heaven. Obedience is easy in circumstances are easy but difficult when circumstances are not; it is here that we must accept His will. Just as Jesus did, we must also desire to do the will of the Father in Heaven in all circumstances. It may not always bring peace and joy but we must continue to do His will even through suffering. If we are prepared to do God’s will; He will provide. Episode Breakdown: 01:40 - What is the Aim of Your Life? 03:22 - A Quality Called Obedience 06:15 - Obedience in All Circumstances 11:30 - The Obedience of Abraham 12:13 - God Will Provide 15:20 - The Key to Opening Grace in Life Bible References: Unusual solutions to unusual problems; because we have an unusual God and we are unusual people. Do you have the patience? The faith? The trust? Explore the hope-filled path that leads to an ‘Unshaken’ life in Jesus Christ with Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob, a practicing medical surgeon. Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:


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Ep 08 - Walls Do Break

The first instinct of a person in a difficult situation is to find a solution; it calls for a response that is usually based on our personal experience and what we have seen others do. When there are walls raised against us, we tend to look for a “fleshly” solution but, in the Scripture, we are told that weapons for our “warfare” are not of the flesh; they are supremely powerful in the Lord. So, what are these weapons, and how can we use them? When the walls are up against us, we can look at what the Israelites did when they had to break down the walls of Jericho. They consulted God - they prayed to God for an answer and they got a reply through the prophets. All they needed to do was walk around the wall lifting God in praise for several days; they quietly obeyed Him. The solution from God was beyond their understanding, and beyond their rational thinking but they trusted, believed, and obeyed. However difficult the problem is, do we have faith in God’s solution for our problem? Will we have the patience to wait out God’s plan? If we do, we will see the walls built against us starting to crumble. The solution is simple - praise God, honor Him, give thanks to God in the face of the problem, believe in Him, and above all, obey Him. The weapons of your warfare are not of the flesh. Episode Breakdown: 01:55 - The Weapons of Warfare 04:23 - The Way to Break Down the Wall 11:49 - The Spiritual Weapons 14:53 - God has a Plan for Our Lives 19:20 - The Weapon Given by God Bible References: Unusual solutions to unusual problems; because we have an unusual God and we are unusual people. Do you have the patience? The faith? The trust? Explore the hope-filled path that leads to an ‘Unshaken’ life in Jesus Christ with Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob, a practicing medical surgeon. Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:


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Ep 07 - God Will Provide

A great population in the whole world suffers from anxiety and worry; Jesus also encountered a many few who suffered from the same problem during His time. Even when we have nothing to worry about, we tend to find reasons to worry. Jesus tells us not to worry. We have the incredible capacity to worry about everything even when we don’t need to. We need to trust in the provision of God. The Israelites spent forty years in the desert but did not have to worry because God provided Manna. Every morning they had to wake up and gather the Manna and eat it. He wants us to trust that He would provide “our daily bread”. This is why Jesus included it in the Lord’s Prayer. This also applies to the smallest things in our life. When our earthly fathers provide us with all that we need, how much more will our Heavenly Father provide? Whatever the source of your anxiety, have faith that the Father will provide. God provides beyond what nature can provide; He says “Ask, and you will receive…” Worry is not meant for the children of God. Episode Breakdown: 02.05 - Anxiety is a Part of Our Existence 06.52 - Will God be Bothered about Our Desires? 09.35 - Faith in Our Loving Heavenly Father 17.00 - The provision of the Father Bible References: Unusual solutions to unusual problems; because we have an unusual God and we are unusual people. Do you have the patience? The faith? The trust? Explore the hope-filled path that leads to an ‘Unshaken’ life in Jesus Christ with Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob, a practicing medical surgeon. Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:


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Ep 06 - Unlock Grace with Forgiveness

In our lives, we have certain rocks that God will not move for us; that is our responsibility. We see this in the story of Lazarus. Jesus went there after 3 days and raised Lazarus from the dead but he asked those who were standing there to remove the rock from in front of the tomb. This would have been a simple task for the One who could raise people from the dead. Here we see the wisdom of God, asking for our cooperation. What is the greatest thing that stops God’s grace from flowing into our lives? The greatest commandment from Jesus is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind’ and ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The sin against love is the greatest sin. When we keep hatred against another, we prevent the grace of God from flowing into our lives. Jesus says ‘Forgive all those who have wronged you’. It isn’t easy for us because it doesn’t appeal to our sense of justice. The rock is heavy and unpleasant to move but, we don’t see the whole picture just like those who were asked to move the rock from Lazarus’ tomb. It is because they moved the rock without question, they were able to witness a miracle. In the prayer of the ‘Our Father’, we are called to say ‘forgive us our sins as we forgive…’ There is no other way to unlock grace without moving the rock of unforgiveness. The Lord wants to give us the fullness of life and this is why he repeatedly, through the Scriptures, asks us to reconcile. Ask and God will give us the grace to forgive; this will open up the treasure of grace in our life. Episode Breakdown: 02:26 - The Rocks in Our Lives 03:56 - Stopping the Grace of God with Unforgiveness 06:13 - The Challenge to Forgive 11:02 - Unforgiveness will Destroy You 14:20 - The Power of Forgiveness Unusual solutions to unusual problems; because we have an unusual God and we are unusual people. Do you have the patience? The faith? The trust? Explore the hope-filled path that leads to an ‘Unshaken’ life in Jesus Christ with Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob, a practicing medical surgeon. Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:


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Ep 05 - God’s Plan or Yours?

The Lord has a plan for each and every one of His creations; He sent us to the Earth with a purpose. His ways are not our ways. Conforming our lives to His ways is probably one of the greatest struggles we encounter. The Lord asks us to love those who hate us but our instinct is to retaliate; this is a conflict of the wills. Conforming ourselves to God’s plan is the difficult first step in walking with Jesus. We can understand God’s will through the Scriptures. Following the will of God is not easy; the disciples found it hard too. The only way in which we can accept God’s plan differing from our plan is through divine intervention. It is impossible to do the will of God without the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit intervenes, we begin to cherish the will of God. Christ learned obedience through suffering but He only trusted God and His will; the Holy Spirit strengthened Him to do God’s will. Episode Breakdown: 02:46 - The First Part of Walking with Jesus 04:35 - A Divine Intervention - The Secret of Tapping into the Holy Spirit 08:00 - A Life Lived with Jesus 09:19 - Obedience through Suffering 11:21 - Facing the Will of the Father with Prayer 13:34 - Nothing is Better than the Will of God Bible References: Unusual solutions to unusual problems; because we have an unusual God and we are unusual people. Do you have the patience? The faith? The trust? Explore the hope-filled path that leads to an ‘Unshaken’ life in Jesus Christ with Dr. Zubin Paul Jacob, a practicing medical surgeon. Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:
