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Secure your smaller devices with MARS

By Tom Brostrom, Chair of the MARS Work Group With the number of active IoT devices set to reach approximately 29.4 billion by 2030, it is crucial for adequate security measures to be put in place in order to establish a trusted, digital ecosystem. Yet all too often, sufficient commercially available options are lacking. To overcome this challenge, the Measurement and Attestation Roots (MARS) W... READ MORE

Latest DICE specification from TCG offers interoperability and user-friendly implementation

Vendors can deliver enhanced security for devices and components thanks to the latest DICE specification from the Trusted Computing Group (TCG) which is currently out for public review. The new DICE Protection Environment (DPE) specification has been developed to offer isolation for sensitive operations and data, reduced code size, and greater interoperability for DICE implementations.  The DP... READ MORE

Specifications in Public Review

TCG Draft Documents Currently in Public Review TCG TPM Vendor ID Registry Family 1.2 and 2.0 Version 1.07 Revision 0.02 Technical Committee Specification Review Period: July 16, 2024 - September 14, 2024 5:00pm Pacific   TCG EK Credential Profile for TPM Family 2.0 Level 0 Version 2.6 Revision 25 Infrastructure Work Group Specification Review Period: July 16, 2024 - S... READ MORE


昨今、サプライチェーンセキュリティという言葉を見かける機会が多くなりました。一般的にサプライチェーンの安全というと、製品出荷からその製品が消費者に届くまでの安全性確保が一般的です。製品によって、その生産地、製造に使わ���る材料、搬送中に異品や偽造品が混入しないかという�... READ MORE

Remote Platform Integrity Attestation

Remote Platform Integrity Attestation By Muthu Ramalingam, Engineering Manager, R&D - Software & Security Engineering, AMI (USA) The process of safely starting up a computer depends on the hardware and software being able to trust that each other will act in a predictable way. This is known as ‘platform integrity’ and continues from switch on until the operating system has fully ... READ MORE

Remote Platform Integrity Attestation

By Muthu Ramalingam, Engineering Manager, R&D - Software & Security Engineering, AMI (USA) The process of safely starting up a computer depends on the hardware and software being able to trust that each other will act in a predictable way. This is known as ‘platform integrity’ and continues from switch on until the operating system has fully booted and applications are running. Alon... READ MORE

2021年TCG貢献賞 & Contributed Advisorを任命

2021年10月に開催されたTCG会員会議において、Intel Corporationと東芝テックのエキスパートが、卓越したリーダーシップを発揮したことで評価され、アワードを受賞されました。また、同会議では、2022年度のKey Contributor及びContributor Advisorが発表されました。 受賞者紹介: Intel CorporationのThomas Bowan�... READ MORE

TCG and IETF further cement interoperability in attestation with long-term partnership

Beaverton, OR, USA, December 2, 2019 – Pioneering work to guarantee more accountability and ownership in the Internet of Things (IoT) era is underway, as Trusted Computing Group (TCG) and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) work to standardize the format for structuring attestation in connected devices. Through their ongoing work on the definition and architecture of how attestation wo... READ MORE

escar ASIA 2018にてTSS 2.0対応"Ubiquitous TPM Security"を展示

Trusted Computing Groupメンバーの株式会社ユビキタスAIコーポレーションは、10月3日から4日まで 目黒雅叙園で開催された「escar ASIA 2018」にて、TSS 2.0対応のソフトウェアソフトウェアソリューション「Ubiquitous TPM Security」を展示しました。 今後TPMチップの利用増加が期待される車載機器市場向けに、TPM 2... READ MORE

TCGメンバーの株式会社リコー"第43回インターネット技術第 163 委員会研究会"にてTPM搭載デジタル複合機オプションを展示

Trusted Computing Groupメンバーの株式会社リコーは、5月31日から6月1日まで 京都市 京都産業大学むすびわ��館で開催した「第43回インターネット技術第 163 委員会研究会 (ITRC meet43)」の企業出展にて、以下の展示を行いました。 ● “3系統以上の”ネットワークから“セキュアに”、かつ“プリントだ�... READ MORE