Rade Glomazic, Ph.D.

Ankara, Türkiye İletişim Bilgileri
29 B takipçi 500+ bağlantı

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Specialties: Project Management / Management of international cooperation projects in the…

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  • DAI

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Lisanslar ve Sertifikalar

Gönüllü Deneyimler

  • United Nations University Grafik

    RCE Coordinator

    United Nations University

    - Halen 8 yıl


    United Nations University, Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS), RCE - Regional Centres of Expertise (RCE) Coordinator for Vojvodina. An RCE is a network of existing formal, non-formal and informal organisations that facilitate learning towards sustainable development in local and regional communities. A network of RCEs worldwide will constitute the Global Learning Space for Sustainable Development.

  • In Centar Grafik

    Mentor and Member of Selection Committee

    In Centar

    - 2 yıl 3 ay

    Ekonomik Güçlendirme

    Through our work at the IN Center we are actively supporting individuals and organizations throughout the process of social enterprise creation by providing them with guidance, assistance and financial support. The incumbents are enabling to connect and collaborate with business, public and private sectors as well as other companies. Supporting entrepreneurial ideas, and contributing to the expansion of economic and social involvement of marginalized groups as well as reducing the unemployment…

    Through our work at the IN Center we are actively supporting individuals and organizations throughout the process of social enterprise creation by providing them with guidance, assistance and financial support. The incumbents are enabling to connect and collaborate with business, public and private sectors as well as other companies. Supporting entrepreneurial ideas, and contributing to the expansion of economic and social involvement of marginalized groups as well as reducing the unemployment rate.

    My focus within the Centre is on various projects regarding social, cultural and ecological innovations. As a Member of the Selection Committee I am responsible for member applications (applicant interviews, coaching/monitoring, etc..) and for developing, implementing and evaluating recruitment strategies to expand membership applications, community partners and sponsors to support the incubator projects, making it self-sustainable.

  • Global Goodwill Ambassadors (GGA) Grafik

    Goodwill Ambassador

    Global Goodwill Ambassadors (GGA)

    - Halen 5 yıl 8 ay

    Yoksullukla Mücadele

    At Global Goodwill Ambassadors (GGA) we recognize good people performing humanitarian work while promoting initiatives to serve the people who need them most. With this initiative, our goal is to promote great opportunities for those in need.

  • Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) Grafik


    Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL)

    - Halen 3 yıl 10 ay



  • THE ROLE OF BUSINESS IN BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY - Current status and future directions

    Academic Journal “Economics - Theory and Practice", FIMEK, University Business Academy in Novi Sad

    A great transition is required from ‘business as usual’ complacency to creating a world economy that works towards rather than against a long-term sustainable future. It requires radical mindset developments and practical changes within a
    business. For this reason, this paper homes in on the following :
    • What a sustainable economy should look like;
    • What the current economic model promotes and how this compares to
    this sustainable economy ideal;
    • The gaps between the ideal and…

    A great transition is required from ‘business as usual’ complacency to creating a world economy that works towards rather than against a long-term sustainable future. It requires radical mindset developments and practical changes within a
    business. For this reason, this paper homes in on the following :
    • What a sustainable economy should look like;
    • What the current economic model promotes and how this compares to
    this sustainable economy ideal;
    • The gaps between the ideal and the reality

    Diğer yazarlar
    Yayını gör


  • Banking and Finances


  • Business Plan Writing


  • Community Facilitation


  • Company Financial Analysis


  • Company Profiling


  • EU Public Procurement Regulations


  • EU legislative databases


  • European Integration Law


  • European Union Policies and Policy Processes


  • Facilitation of Community Building


  • Financial Analysis


  • Financial Management and Reporting of EU projects


  • Local Economic Development: Analysis


  • Microfinance


  • Monitoring and Evaluating Projects


  • Project Cycle Management


  • Project Management


  • Project Reporting



  • NATO Partnership for Peace Trust Fund Project


    Over the five-year period of implementation, the NATO/Partnership for Peace (PfP) Trust Fund Project for Assistance to Discharged Defence Personnel in the Republic of Serbia (NTF project) has achieved significant results in many fronts. It assisted numerous discharged defence personnel and their families in their reintegration into civilian life; through a wide range of capacity building activities combining formal trainings, coaching and learning-by-doing methodologies, the project supported…

    Over the five-year period of implementation, the NATO/Partnership for Peace (PfP) Trust Fund Project for Assistance to Discharged Defence Personnel in the Republic of Serbia (NTF project) has achieved significant results in many fronts. It assisted numerous discharged defence personnel and their families in their reintegration into civilian life; through a wide range of capacity building activities combining formal trainings, coaching and learning-by-doing methodologies, the project supported the defence sector reform process and strengthened the MoD capacities to deal with future resettlement activities also related to the professional Army; at the local community level, it enhanced Serbia’s socio-economic development and democratization as well as contributed to stability within the Western Balkans region.
    As concerns the direct project beneficiaries, a total of 6,025 individual have received individual counselling, while 4,596 of them received financial assistance to support their reintegration into civilian life; a total of 3,586 new micro and small enterprises were registered and 442 former defence staffs found employment in existing companies in Serbia.

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  • Further Support to the PAR and Civil Service Reform in Serbia - DIAL CB


    All the efforts done and the results achieved in terms of expertise on the part of Serbian institutions and international donors during the previous phase of the Public Administration Reform process are to be considered a start, i.e. a solid base to introduce concrete changes in the time to come. The basic normative requirements for starting with the actual implementation of the reform measures are established. In particular the new civil service legislation provides adequate systems and…

    All the efforts done and the results achieved in terms of expertise on the part of Serbian institutions and international donors during the previous phase of the Public Administration Reform process are to be considered a start, i.e. a solid base to introduce concrete changes in the time to come. The basic normative requirements for starting with the actual implementation of the reform measures are established. In particular the new civil service legislation provides adequate systems and procedures to be properly implemented. The legislation on administrative procedures, administrative disputes and inspection control needs to be reviewed, adapted to current European standards, and implemented.
    Overall, professionalism and efficiency in the public administration seems to have improved, although it remains insufficient. Human resources management skills have improved due to considerable training - however, quality varies between ministries.
    Training for the HRMS and HRM units is under implementation. The HRMS has prepared the Programme of Civil Service Training for 2008 and needs to develop the Programme for 2009. This programme, covering all bodies of the state administration, will be implemented by the HRMS. The programme organisation of the administration, the civil service system, modern management of the administration, public finance, European integration, and training of trainers. Last but not least a Mid / Long Term Training Strategy for Serbian Administration has to be developed in order to ensure continuity to training process for civil servants.

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  • Community Revitalization through Democratic Action (CRDA)


    The original CRDA Project was designed as a $47 million USAID program to be
    implemented by two implementing organizations in 21 municipalities throughout
    Montenegro from April 2002 to August 2008. It was designed as a three-year program
    with an option to extend for two additional years. The project was awarded to CHF
    International and International Refugee Development (IRD) in April 2002 and CHF was
    given responsibility for the northern area of Montenegro and IRD for the…

    The original CRDA Project was designed as a $47 million USAID program to be
    implemented by two implementing organizations in 21 municipalities throughout
    Montenegro from April 2002 to August 2008. It was designed as a three-year program
    with an option to extend for two additional years. The project was awarded to CHF
    International and International Refugee Development (IRD) in April 2002 and CHF was
    given responsibility for the northern area of Montenegro and IRD for the south. At the
    time of the consideration of the awarding of the option years, the U. S. Embassy shifted
    programming priorities to focus almost exclusively on economic development and
    renamed the project CRDA-E. Following that shift, implementing partners committed
    anywhere in the range from 75% – 90% of resources to economic development. The
    projects were extended for an additional two years in April 2005. At the time of this
    assessment, CHF had been awarded an extension for an addition year for its work in the
    north and IRD was closing down its operations. Total funds expended over the life of the
    two projects through 2007 were slightly over $50 million.

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  • EURED - Regional Economic Development


    This project has set up the institutional and financial system that will be the first embryo of the future system required for the Pre-Accession and Cohesion Funds. A bottom up approach based on the voluntary participation of different stakeholders and municipalities is adopted in order to take into account the diversified needs of emerging regions. An initial project Fund of Euro 3,800,000 (later extended to Euro 6,756,000) was allocated to support socio-economic regeneration according to RED…

    This project has set up the institutional and financial system that will be the first embryo of the future system required for the Pre-Accession and Cohesion Funds. A bottom up approach based on the voluntary participation of different stakeholders and municipalities is adopted in order to take into account the diversified needs of emerging regions. An initial project Fund of Euro 3,800,000 (later extended to Euro 6,756,000) was allocated to support socio-economic regeneration according to RED strategic plans.

    The RED Fund has provided an ideal ground for building a local capacity of managing the EC funds in a proper way, seeking cost sharing mechanism with domestic budgets and other international funds. Project's activities have been organised along three main components.

    1.- Project Management and donors liaison: there are some other donors providing assistance to support RED, as a consequence our TA facility plays a key role in facilitating the co-ordination of donors? initiatives related to RED development.

    2.- TA for RED strategies and institutions: the project has provided support to create the legal, policy, institutional and human resources platform for the establishment and operations of five full-fledged RDAs in the five regions of BiH. Five Regional Development Strategies and Action Plans have been drafted using a participatory approach.

    3.- TA to operate the EU RED Grant Fund: this component has ensured the proper implementation of subprojects at local level. Direct assistance is provided to EC Delegation for an effective and efficient administration of the EU RED Fund, while on the other side support was provided to RDAs with the preparation and implementation of subprojects.

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  • Management of Roma`s Konik camp in Podgorica


    After War conflict in Kosovo, over 4.000 Roma (RAE – Roma, Ashkalies, Egyptians) fled to Montenegro and settled in the periphery of Podgorica (the capital of Montenegro) – Vrela Ribnicka. UNHCR, together with other humanitarian organizations, supported by the Municipality of Podgorica, reacted promptly and made emergency tent settlement. Strong storm on December 5th 1999 destroyed, or damaged majority of 400 tents that were set up. Very soon, the Italian humanitarian organization INTERSOS…

    After War conflict in Kosovo, over 4.000 Roma (RAE – Roma, Ashkalies, Egyptians) fled to Montenegro and settled in the periphery of Podgorica (the capital of Montenegro) – Vrela Ribnicka. UNHCR, together with other humanitarian organizations, supported by the Municipality of Podgorica, reacted promptly and made emergency tent settlement. Strong storm on December 5th 1999 destroyed, or damaged majority of 400 tents that were set up. Very soon, the Italian humanitarian organization INTERSOS, supported by other agencies, UNHCR and Municipality of Podgorica, built a settlement and managed it until August 30th 2003, when Montenegro Red Cross took over management of the Camp.

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  • Humanitarian operation in favour of IDPs from Kosovo and of the refugees from Bosnia and Croatia hosted in collective centres


    INTERSOS’s experiences in the post-war contexts of first Bosnia-Herzegovina (from 1993 to 2000) and then Kosovo and Serbia, since 1998 onwards, have been particularly significant. The objective of the intervention in Serbia was initially to deal with the humanitarian emergency resulting from the situation of IDPs and refugees from Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia. Therefore, in 1999 the first intervention was undertaken, distributing food and basic emergency goods to those people fleeing from…

    INTERSOS’s experiences in the post-war contexts of first Bosnia-Herzegovina (from 1993 to 2000) and then Kosovo and Serbia, since 1998 onwards, have been particularly significant. The objective of the intervention in Serbia was initially to deal with the humanitarian emergency resulting from the situation of IDPs and refugees from Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia. Therefore, in 1999 the first intervention was undertaken, distributing food and basic emergency goods to those people fleeing from Kosovo, under the compass of 'Missione Arcobaleno'.

    During the following years, emergency interventions, including the provision of psycho-social assistance and the distribution of firewood to help elderly evacuees stay warm, were accompanied by the first actions aimed at improving living conditions inside the collective centres, which had been set up by the Serbian government to deal with the housing emergency posed by the internally displaced people. In the same period we contributed to the mapping and identification of antipersonnel mines and UXOs (unexploded ordinances) with small-scale projects.

    In this primary phase, we principally worked with funding made available by the Italian Government, the European Commission - Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department (ECHO), the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Since 2006, assistance is aimed primarily at defending the rights and dignity of families of refugees and displaced persons still living in the collective centres: projects are geared towards promoting the creation of income generating activities and guaranteeing alternative housing solutions other than the collective centres.

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  • Humanitarian assistance to the local most vulnerable sectors and to the IDPs from Kosovo


    INTERSOS undertook activities in Montenegro from 1999 until 2003.INTERSOS’s presence began in 1999 in assisting refugees from Kosovo and other areas of the ex-state of Yugoslavia. INTERSOS continued to assist Kosovan refugees through the management of refugee camps - the populations of which were mainly made up of Kosovan Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians. In addition to this, it provided assistance to vulnerable members of the local population.In 2003 INTERSOS handed the responsibility for Konik…

    INTERSOS undertook activities in Montenegro from 1999 until 2003.INTERSOS’s presence began in 1999 in assisting refugees from Kosovo and other areas of the ex-state of Yugoslavia. INTERSOS continued to assist Kosovan refugees through the management of refugee camps - the populations of which were mainly made up of Kosovan Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians. In addition to this, it provided assistance to vulnerable members of the local population.In 2003 INTERSOS handed the responsibility for Konik refugee camp over to the Montenegrin Red Cross.

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Onur ve Ödüller

  • Goodwill Ambassador

    Global Goodwill Ambassadors (GGA)

  • UNITAR scholarship

    UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and World Trade Institute (WTI)

  • CPSL scholarship

    The University of Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership (CPSL)


  • English

    Tam profesyonel yetkinliği

  • Italian

    Tam profesyonel yetkinliği

  • Montenegrin (Serbo-Croat-Bosnian)

    Ana dil veya ikinci dil yetkinliği

  • French

    Başlangıç düzeyinde yetkinlik

  • Spanish

    Başlangıç düzeyinde yetkinlik


  • Philanthropreneurship Forum


    - Halen


    - Halen

    Member of the East West Bridge, an international think tank and brain trust attached to the Trilateral Commission that works in close cooperation with other regional and governmental institutes and with the scientific and research community, aiming at adopting guidelines for sustainable individual, societal, and state development.

  • Team Finland

    Education Cluster


    The Team Finland network promotes Finland and its interests abroad: the internationalization of Finnish enterprises, investments in Finland, and the country brand. The Team Finland operating model brings together the key actors and services in these fields. The core of the network consists of the publicly funded organizations operating in these fields, such as the ministries, Finland’s network of diplomatic missions, Finpro, Tekes, national culture and science institutes, Finnvera, Finnfund…

    The Team Finland network promotes Finland and its interests abroad: the internationalization of Finnish enterprises, investments in Finland, and the country brand. The Team Finland operating model brings together the key actors and services in these fields. The core of the network consists of the publicly funded organizations operating in these fields, such as the ministries, Finland’s network of diplomatic missions, Finpro, Tekes, national culture and science institutes, Finnvera, Finnfund, and the regional internationalization services.

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