

Teknoloji, Bilgi ve İnternet

Ankara, Ankara 1.080 takipçi

Oyla.App, Lean Start-UP!


Oyla.App is an intelligence amplification initiative created by the Diplomacy School Türkiye team, which analyzes public opinion at local, national, international and supranational levels! It consists of young people from various faculties such as #Law, #Political Science, #International Relations, #Economics, #Engineering, #Medicine, Local #Governments from various provinces and universities of #Türkiye who are interested in #diplomacy, #Political Science, #Technology and are aware that they have a say in their own #geography. It has the ability to act together with local, national, international and supranational stakeholders, policy makers, decision makers, civil society organisations, think tanks, states and non-state actors. It does not have any source of income and operates its own decision-making mechanism with its own limited budget. To date diplomatic missions of many countries, the United Nations and its sub-organisations, the European Union and its delegations have contributed to many situations with their observations and reports, or have made positive or negative footnotes with the confidence and determination they have pointed out. It is an undeniable fact that the 18-40 age group is the most active/proactive age group. The vast majority of this age group is in the midst of vital processes such as #education, #work, and family building. Therefore, this age group has a great impact on #social, #economic, and #political life. This age group is very important for #TurkicStates and the #TurkishDiaspora. It is certain that this age #group will serve as a #bridge for common #integration between the #TurkicStates and the Turkish Diaspora in the near future and will strengthen solidarity and cooperation. This age group is very proficient in #digital technologies, #socialmedia, and #newmedia tools. At the same time, it is #innovative and open to #change. With the Oyla will be a very #effective tool for facilitating cooperation between the Turkic States.

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Teknoloji, Bilgi ve İnternet
Şirket büyüklüğü
11 - 50 çalışan
Genel Merkez
Ankara, Ankara
Halka Açık Şirket


Oyla şirketindeki çalışanlar


  • Oyla bunu yeniden yayınladı

    Cennet BADAS P., grafik adlı kullanıcının profilini görüntüleyin

    Chairwoman @DiplomasiOkuluTR / Founder at Oyla / İlgili kişiler, kurumlar, planlayıcılar, karar alıcılar veyahut kamuoyuna... // Divan Araştırma ve Eğitim Derneği // Dış Politika Enstitüsü

    Yaklaşık 3²*2³ saatte tam da beklediğimiz gibi, (10 + 1)² - 1 kadar başvuru aldık. Paçalarından vizyon akan, bulunduğu coğrafyada söz sahibi olduğu bilinci taşıyan sizlerin de başvurularını bekliyoruz! 🤩 #hiring

  • Oyla, grafik adlı kullanıcının kuruluş sayfasını görüntüleyin

    1.080 takipçi

    18-40 yaş grubunun, en aktif/proaktif yaş grubu olduğu, su götürmez bir gerçektir. Bu yaş grubunun büyük bir çoğunluğu, eğitim, çalışma ve aile kurma gibi yaşamsal süreçlerin içindedir. Bu nedenle, bu yaş grubunun sosyal, ekonomik ve siyasi hayata etkisi büyüktür. Türk Devletleri Teşkilatı - Organization of Turkic States ve Türk Diasporası için bu yaş grubu, oldukça önemlidir. Bu yaş grubunun, yakın gelecekte Türk Devletleri ve Türk Diasporası arasında, ortak entegrasyon için köprü görevi göreceği, dayanışma ve işbirliğini güçlendireceği kesindir. Bu yaş grubu, dijital teknolojilere, sosyal medyaya ve yeni medya araçlarına oldukça hakim. Aynı zamanda, yenilikçi ve değişime açık. Oyla, bu görev alanlarında vb. Türk Devletleri ve Türk Diasporası arasında işbirliğini kolaylaştırmak için oldukça etkili bir araç olacak; hayalleri hedefe, hedefleri ise gerçeğe dönüştürürebilme kapasitesinin arttırılması hususunda çalışmalar ortaya koyacaktır. - It is an undeniable fact that the 18-40 age group is the most active/proactive age group. The vast majority of this age group is in the midst of vital processes such as education, work, and family building. Therefore, this age group has a great impact on social, economic, and political life. This age group is very important for the Turkic States and the Turkish Diaspora. It is certain that this age group will serve as a bridge for common integration between the Turkic States and the Turkish Diaspora in the near future, and will strengthen solidarity and cooperation. This age group is very proficient in digital technologies, social media, and new media tools. At the same time, it is innovative and open to change. With the vote, it will be a very effective tool for facilitating cooperation between the Turkic States and the Turkish Diaspora in these areas, etc.; it will carry out studies on increasing the capacity to turn dreams into goals and goals into reality. #TurkicStates #TurkishDiaspora #YouthEngagement #CommunityBuilding #LeadershipDevelopment #Empowerment #GlobalCitizenship #SustainableDevelopment #CulturalExchange

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  • Oyla, grafik adlı kullanıcının kuruluş sayfasını görüntüleyin

    1.080 takipçi

    #Türkiye's young population, aged 18-40, is a #critical demographic that will shape the country's #future. To amplify the #voices and address the needs of this #population, the Oyla.App social initiative has been established. Oyla.App will conduct comprehensive public opinion #polls of #young people to identify their concerns and priorities in areas such as #education, #employment, #politics, #culture, #governance and the #arts. This big #data will be meticulously analyzed and shared with decision makers, #policymakers, and other #stakeholders to inform the #development of policies that effectively address the #needs of young people. Oyla.App is committed to ensuring that the voices of young people are not only heard but also acted upon. By providing a dedicated platform for young people to share their #thoughts and #opinions, Oyla.App will #empower them to actively participate in shaping their #future. Additionally, Oyla.App will foster the empowerment of young people to #become decision makers in their #own #right. By providing young people with a #platform to express their #perspectives and engage in meaningful #dialogue, Oyla.App will cultivate the #skills and #knowledge they need to become #effective decision makers. This comprehensive approach will ensure that young people are not only heard but also listened to and taken #seriously, paving the way for a future that #reflects their #aspirations and needs.

  • Oyla, grafik adlı kullanıcının kuruluş sayfasını görüntüleyin

    1.080 takipçi

    Oyla.App is an initiative of the Diplomasi Okulu. It consists of young people from various faculties such as #Law, #Political Science, #International Relations, #Economics, #Engineering, #Medicine, Local #Governments from various provinces and universities of #Türkiye who are interested in #diplomacy, #Political Science, #Technology and are aware that they have a say in their own #geography. It has the ability to act together with local, national, international and supranational stakeholders, policy makers, decision makers, civil society organisations, think tanks, states and non-state actors. It does not have any source of income and operates its own decision-making mechanism with its own limited budget. To date, diplomatic missions of many countries, the United Nations and its sub-organisations, the European Union and its delegations have contributed to many situations with their observations and reports, or have made positive or negative footnotes with the confidence and determination they have pointed out. We are waiting for you so that like-minded young people do not feel alone and so that our joint decision-making mechanism works! Bizim gibi düşünen gençlerin, kendilerini yalnız hissetmemeleri ve ortak karar alabilme mekanizmamızın işletilmesi için sizleri bekliyoruz! https://Oyla.App Girişimimizde bizlerle birlikte sorumluluk ve inisiyatif alabilecek, Web Developer, IOS-Android Developer, Sosyal Medya İçerik Üreticisi, Sosyal Medya Yöneticisi, Gazeteci, Organizasyon Sorumlusu, Proje Yöneticisi ve bilimum katkı sunabileceğinizi düşündüğünüz yetkinliklerinizle birlikte projemize başvurularınızı bekliyoruz! 🙃

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