Tag Archives: Mark Savel

Day 12 – Congrats Mark!

How was your day team? Felt TGIF every second at the office? Wondered where the time went after realizing coming Monday is the start of a new month? Well, we hope today had brought you a chance to soak up the most brilliant sunlight shining through the gusty wind. We hope today helped you dream summer while waiting for a streetcar in a -500 degree weather.

Great news to start the weekend. Mark has sold another condo and we’re adding $367 to our donations to date! Excellent work, Mark! You are an inspiration to all of us. We have a feeling more good news are on the way, so stay tuned.

On the HQ front, Kathy did a beautiful job re-organizing the volunteer list. Thanks Kathy! We are now in a better position to plan the meet and greet next week as well as to take stock of where we are and where to move forward. We can tell you that there are quite a bit of structural improvements, adjustments and changes going on behind the scenes. Things will unfold gradually, so again, stay tuned!

It is being reported that humanitarian workers on the ground in Haiti are facing a shortage of basic supplies and medicine like painkillers and anesthetics. There are lots of events happening around town raising money to help the people in Haiti. We encourage you to keep this issue alive over the weekend as well. Have a good one guys!How was your day team? Felt TGIF every second at the office? Wondered where the time went after realizing coming Monday is the start of a new month? Well, we hope today had brought you a chance to soak up the most brilliant sunlight shining through the gusty wind. We hope today helped you dream summer while waiting for a streetcar in a -500 degree weather.

Great news to start the weekend. Mark has sold a condo and we’re adding $367 to our donations to date! Excellent work, Mark! You are an inspiration to all of us. We have a feeling more good news are on the way, so stay tuned.

Late this evening, we have just signed up with an accountant. Details to come.

On the HQ front, Kat did a beautiful job re-organizing the volunteer database. Thanks Kat! We are now in a better position to plan the meet and greet next week as well as to take stock of where we are and where to move forward. We can tell you that there are quite a bit of structural improvements, adjustments and changes going on behind the scenes. Things will unfold gradually, so again, stay tuned!

It is being reported that humanitarian workers on the ground in Haiti are facing a shortage of basic supplies and medicine like painkillers and anaesthetics. There are lots of events happening around town raising money to help the people in Haiti. We encourage you to keep this issue alive over the weekend as well. Have a good one guys!

Day 9 – Making deals

A great news from TW4H HQ! Our new volunteer Yolanda just hired Elliot as a photographer for her website! This is great because it means we have helped our group members’ expand their network and also move one step closer to reaching our goal of $5,000. Thanks to Katherine for working tirelessly behind the scenes as well!

Our new website is taking shape more day by day and hour by hour. It’s a labourious process and we can’t wait to share the finished product with you soon. We’re almost there! Huge thanks to Mark and Elliot for all your hard work. You guys are doing an awesome job.

It feels unreal to have arrived at Day 9. We know that it’s your support and interest that keep us growing. So thank you. Thank you for standing in solidarity with Haitians and holding onto the dream of Haiti being filled with joyous, hopeful stories of human strength and compassion. With that, let’s keep going.

We are looking for a local blogger in Port-Au-Prince to guest blog for TW4H.

Thanks Autoshare for promoting TW4H on Twitter.

Day 5 – Imagine (Updated)

Today, two miracles happened. A man was found alive under the rubble – after he was trapped in the rubble, without any food and water for ten days. Another 84-year-old woman was also pulled from the rubble [video]. It is a big sense of hope and encouragement when CBC’s David Common reported that water is increasingly more available (albeit unclean) in Port-au-Prince. The most encouraging of all is witnessing the unlimited support from fellow Canadians in the Canada For Haiti telethon and the Hope for Haiti Now telethon around the globe.

We were featured at several places across the country, and in fact all over the world! We were featured on The Globe And Mail’s “Disaster relief, v2.0” article (scroll down to the bottom); UBC Alumni Affairs; and Facebook – thanks to many of our friends, the word is getting out through FB! Consider updating your FB profile with our logo. If you’re part of our Google group, you can download the logo under “Files”.

We are proud and happy to let you know that the donation is coming in too. Our resident realtor Andrew La Fleur has closed his first deal since he started the $1 donation for $1,000 transaction campaign. Three hundred and twenty dollars will be donated to the Canadian Red Cross. Great job, Andrew! We also have Mark Savel, another local realtor, on board, as he joins the $1 for $1,000 campaign as well.

Furthermore, a special thank goes out to our youngest donor, nine-month old Carla van Eimeren who donated $25 to TW4H, to thank her dad for babysitting her. We also have secured another donation in exchange of babysitting , adding another $200. That’s already 10% of our target!

This week has been, simply put, awesome. We ran into so many people who are so compassionate and innovative. We learned about different groups and projects popping all over town to help people in Haiti. We already have eighteen volunteers on our team! (Noticed a new counter on the sidebar?) As a country, Canada is leading the informal Friends of Haiti group and will host the Montreal Conference to discuss what is and will be needed in Haiti, in days, weeks, months and years to come. We will be doing something similar over the weekend. What comes out of it, you will be the first to know. Happy weekend!

P.S. Thank you Becky, our newest volunteer , for proofreading for us.