Tag Archives: human trafficking

Day 13 – Human trafficking in Haiti

Happy Saturday, everyone! Hopefully by now you’ve gotten the invite to the Toronto Works For Haiti meet-and-greet event on Tuesday, February 2 at Hemingway’s starting at 6pm for all TW4H volunteers and volunteer-seekers. This is a great opportunity to meet the people involved with TW4H, sign up with TW4H and find the volunteer/volunteer-seeker that you’d to work with. It’s cold outside, so what better time to get together in a cozy location to brainstorm, network, and charge up the batteries to donate to the Haiti relief efforts!

If anyone saw the Toronto Star’s Saturday edition today, they may have read about the concern that children orphaned by the earthquake in Haiti may fall prey to human trafficking: http://www.thestar.com/news/world/article/758051–haitian-children-kidnapped-and-sold-aid-workers-fear This is an unfortunate fall-out of the natural disaster. It makes you wonder about how bad situations can bring out the best and the worst in people.