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Kratom Honey Sticks: DIY & Everything You Need to Know

Kratom infused honey stiks

Kratom and honey, ahhh a match made in heaven. We’re ecstatic how excited so many customers are with our Original Kratom Infused Honey Stix, and are proud to say Top Extracts was the first to produce and patent the sweet straws! We’ve truly had nothing but amazing feedback, and are always striving to come up with new ideas. Be on the lookout for fudge, peppermint, and lemon flavored Stix to come! Today we will showcase what DIY Kratom Honey Sticks is all about, and why it may just be a better option to order them. We’ll let you be the judge! 

Do It Yourself (DIY) Kratom Honey Sticks

kratom honey sticks, kratom honey stix, DIY kratom honey sticks, how to make kratom honey sticks

One option when deciding to make your own kratom honey sticks is simply blending the herbal powder with honey. This will indeed be a sticky experience, but hey if you want to try we’re not going to judge! 

The end result will definitely be gritty, as in the type that sticks to your teeth for what feels like eternity. Note that you probably don’t want to use crystallized honey if you’re merely mixing the kratom powder and honey together. You know the bottle of honey you’ve had laying around but haven’t finished, which has caused it to crystallize? It happens! You can simply run the bottle under hot water if you’d like to try and bring it back to its regular consistency, though this can take a bit of time.

The mixture of kratom powder and honey alone will be nearly impossible to put into a straw. Again, use your own discretion, but from personal experience we don’t think that’s the best choice. This leads us to the next option, which is extracting the alkaloids from your kratom powder in order to make honey and kratom more compatible. 

Extracting Alkaloids From Kratom

This is best done with a simple water solution, and we highly recommend using orange, grapefruit, or lemon juice to help get the most out of the alkaloids! Check out our blog on boosting kratom’s effectiveness here for more details. 

Here’s what you’ll need to extract kratom alkaloids:

  • 3 cups of water
  • 2 T. lemon juice
  • Your favorite strain of kratom
  • Coffee filter or tea strainer

Your first step will be to bring your water to a boil before reducing it to a soft simmer. Then add your citrus of choice. Next you will add your kratom. We recommend using about six grams of kratom for every three cups of water (roughly enough for about three straws depending on your usual dosage. 

Allow the mixture to steep for 15 minutes, and be sure to stir at regular intervals. You will then remove the concoction from the heat, and carefully strain your kratom using either a coffee filter or tea strainer into a heat safe bowl or pot. This will separate the alkaloids, leaving them in the strained liquid.  From here you can choose to dehydrate the powder or leave it in a liquid state.

Expert tip: You can redo this two to three times in order to get the most out of your kratom powder! 

Voila, you’re now ready to add your kratom alkaloids into honey! Place the mixture into the pan and bring to a low simmer, until the honey is somewhat thickened. Cool the mixture down completely (i.e. enough that it won’t melt plastic if you’re making homemade kratom honey straws!), and either enjoy as as, or you can put it into a straw…let’s talk about this step since it’s a bit complicated. 

Using any plastic straw, you will want to close one end using a heat sealer. Lastly, you will use a funnel to get the mixture into the straw (it’s messy, don’t say we didn’t warn you!). You are now ready to enjoy your DIY kratom honey sticks!

Sound too Difficult? We’ve Got You!

Kratom Honey Sticks

If the above left you feeling overwhelmed, you’re not alone! Making kratom infused honey stix is a tough process, to put it mildly. That’s why we took care of the tough parts for all, and came up with The Original Kratom Infused Honey Stix! 

“It took about eight months to finally being able to launch the products,” Jim Sourek, owner of Top Extracts stated. Once we hit the production mark of 150,000 Stix, that’s when things really started to come together!” 

The best news? You can leave us to take care of the tough part. Head here to purchase what we believe will be the best Kratom Infused Honey Stix you will ever taste! And remember to be on the lookout for our fudge, peppermint, and lemon varieties to come! 


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