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How to Potentiate Kratom: Natural Ways to Enhance Kratom

Kratom Potentiators

How to Potentiate Kratom hot tea with lemon

If you’re reading this article, you are probably already aware of what kratom is, an herb closely related in makeup to the coffee plant. Consumers say kratom brings undeniable physical and emotional relief. How can you magnify and prolong its effects? Some swear by taking the plant in its pure, powdered form, while others like to mix other natural substances to create enhanced kratom in order to boost its effects, i.e. “potentiators.” So what exactly is the best way to naturally enhance kratom’s properties?

Just like finding the perfect strain of kratom, it may take time to figure out what potentiator(s) best suit your individual needs. Let’s take a look at how to potentiate kratom. Most natural potentiators you will find are extremely affordable, an added perk when testing to see what works best.

It is also important to note that those who benefit from kratom tend to say it’s most effective when taken on an empty stomach. It will be absorbed more quickly, as it isn’t competing with anything else in terms of digestion. This allows for kratom to hover around to the receptors responsible for offering relief at a faster rate.

Here are several natural ways to potentiate kratom:


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When it comes to learning about how to potentiate kratom, citrus fruits are at the top of the list. Grapefruit, in particular, has garnered widespread attention in relation to the herb. Many say that a glass of good old-fashioned, preferably fresh-squeezed orange juice also does the trick.

The reason citrus fruits are highly regarded for use with kratom is because of the enzymes present. The enzymes help in the process of breaking down the compounds found in kratom, which in turn can make its affects last longer.  Some also say that it increases the herb’s qualities that they take it for in the first place.

Having an especially rough day? Treat yourself to a glass of grapefruit or orange juice. Bonus – the added vitamins can’t hurt!

Kratom Tea

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Making kratom tea has become part of a routine for many consumers – and for good reason. Not only does it help the herb to go down more smoothly (as many find its taste to be putrid, especially upon first trying it), but it also helps to release the alkaloids in the plant that make it so beneficial.

For an even stronger and more flavorful tea, add fresh lemon juice. As outlined above, citrus can help make kratom last longer, while also enhancing its natural, positive effects.

Does the thought of brewing your own kratom tea intimidate you? Don’t fret – it’s easier than one would imagine! Use our comprehensive guide on different methods for making kratom tea, as well as some of our top kratom tea recipes.


How to Potentiate Kratom cbd ol 4470087 1280

It seems everyday that there is a new reason for people to take CBD oil. It’s many touted health benefits – along with its ability to calm even the most anxious of minds – makes for a great pairing with kratom. The two can work together to provide a natural way to combat everyday stress. Those with physical ailments also praise both remedies for helping them to lead happier, more productive lifestyles. What’s not to like about that?


How to Potentiate Kratom coffee 171653 1280What coffee lover doesn’t love an excuse to chug more of the energizing drink down the hatch? It turns out that kratom and coffee pair together like bread and butter!

Besides helping to mask the bitter taste of kratom, coffee is said to enhance kratom and the effects of the plant – specifically the caffeine content and properties found in coffee beans. And since kratom is in the coffee family, it only makes sense, right?

Try it with your next morning cup of joe. Not a coffee fan? No problem. Top Extracts now offers kratom “shots,” which come in both caffeinated and non-caffeinated varieties. 

You can also refer to the above sections on kratom tea or citrus juices!


How to Potentiate Kratom aconite 2662600 1280 300x225 1Kratom is used for many as a tool to help with anxiety.

Kratom, meet Skullcap – an herb which is also praised for its anti-anxiety properties. It also has sedative qualities that are appealing to those who are feeling overwhelmed.


Akuamma Seed Powder – Picralima Nitida

While Akuamma seed powder has quite a bitter taste, it tends to work well with kratom. It won’t make the effects last longer per say, but you may find that the two paired together will add to the benefits you already enjoy from kratom, i..e intensify its effects. 

The seeds also offer a wide variety of benefits, according to the American Chemical Society.

How to Potentiate Kratom with Turmeric

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Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory for the body. Less inflammation leads to less stress, which leads to a happier person overall! On top of these properties, it’s also known to make extend the time that kratom works, while also potentiating its effects.  For better absorption, add freshly-ground black pepper to your turmeric, as it will help with absorption.

Cat’s Claw

Cat’s Claw is a botanical that hails from the rain forests of Peru. It is thought to lower the tolerance levels for kratom consumers, especially those who benefit from the herb on a regular basis. Cat’s Claw also contains alkaloids that may potentiate and prolong the effects of kratom.

Cayenne Pepper

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To amplify the effects of kratom, some consumers swear by cayenne pepper. Mix the two together with water, and have plenty of extra fluids available in the event that your mouth is on fire! Remember that starting with small amounts is best with anything. From there you can slowly experiment to see if you want to increase the dosage.

Relaxing Herbs/Tinctures

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Kratom consumers often cite the herb as helping to give them an overall sense of well-being, with many emphasizing how it helps to calm the nerves. To enhance those warm feelings we all love, think about adding other calming herbs and natural products to get the most out of your favorite strain(s).

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) is a perennial plant that has earned praise for its – you guessed it – calming effects. It also acts as an anti-depressant by helping to lift the spirits of those who use it. A tincture form of lemon balm makes for an easy and convenient way to reap its benefits. As an added bonus, lemon balm has a soothing effect on  the digestive tract.

Another product to strongly consider as a relaxant is Moringa. The herb is a nutritional powerhouse, filled with a plethora of vitamins and minerals. Additionally, it also helps with overall well-being, and to soothe a racing mind.

Lastly, if your mind and body are not relaxed, it can be tough to get a good night’s sleep. A natural sleep tincture could be the difference between having a groggy, horrible day, to feeling energized and ready to take anything on!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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