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How to Find the Top Kratom Vendors

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Finding a trustworthy kratom vendor who knows what they’re doing is not only crucial for your own health, but for the industry as a whole. We’ve put together this guide, which includes questions to ask potential vendors. Reading through this guide will not only help you to find the best kratom merchants, but will also ensure the highest quality product.  


kratom vendors, find kratom vendor, best kratom vendors 2021

Top Extracts entered the world of kratom in 2014, when very few vendors of the botanical existed. Of course that number has now exploded, and it’s vital that every kratom consumer chooses an ethical company, whose first priority is always you, the customer. While kratom isn’t regulated in most areas, the American Kratom Association is doing their best (and a very good job at that) to make sure every vendor is compliant with suggested protocols.

In 2014, it was much easier to sift through vendors, to question the few that existed, and make an educated decision from there. Fast forward to this year, and the changes are astronomical, which makes sense since so many have discovered all of the benefits one can reap from kratom.

If you Google “top kratom vendors,” you’re going to get a plethora of advertisements, along with those vendors who may not be up to par with safety measures and the like, which of course is vitally important when choosing a shop (either online or in-person) to purchase from. The mixed results can be confusing, but we’re here to assist you with navigating through it all, in order to find a trusted vendor.

If you’re a research guru like we are, you will be able to weed through the paid advertisements, those who aren’t operating in a professional manner, or even scams. In order to help you choose only the best vendor(s), we’ve come up with a list of questions to help you along in your kratom journey:



kratom, questions kratom vendors

Quality is EVERYTHING when it comes to choosing a kratom vendor. This is exactly why we’ve come up with the following questions that all consumers should be asking current or potential kratom vendors, if you aren’t yet sure of the answers. Customers should feel comfortable enough to know that their vendor won’t only answer any questions, but be happy and ready to do so. Here is a list of questions we think will come in handy:


Perhaps the single most important question you should undoubtedly be asking a vendor is, “Is your kratom tested by an outside, accredited lab?” This is simply because properly testing kratom products shows consumers that the vendor is legit, with safety being their top priority. You should be able to not only ask for labs for every product that’s sold, but also be able to read the report should you desire to do so. A good vendor is going to be able to describe the testing methods that are used, while the best vendors will be able to present to you the different levels of testing involved throughout the packing process. 


Always keep in mind that what you see is not always what is real. For example, while a Facebook kratom vendor may appear to be legit, it is integral to find out if they have a certified clean room, or if they use a certified co-packing facility for handling their product. This is standard in the world of supplements as a whole, and should also be the case for any qualified, quality kratom vendor. 


While researching through online forums or even the U.S Food & Drug Administration’s (FDA) regulations is great, unfortunately it doesn’t make anyone an “expert.” Top kratom vendors will tell you that they’ve been trained through formal Current Good Manufacturing Process (cGMP) classes, and also be able to show certification to back up their word. Not only will this show that the vendor is dedicated to quality control, it  will ensure that they will also know what they’re doing when it comes to recall procedures and the like. 



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Certainly any of the best kratom vendors out there will be extremely knowledgeable about the botanical, and the industry as a whole. Here are examples of some questions that vendors should know off the top of their heads:

What Are the Current Laws Surrounding Kratom?

As with many natural products, unfortunately some kratom vendors are in it for the wrong reason, i.e. to make a quick profit, while ignoring any warnings or laws surrounding their product. The top kratom vendors will always keep their customers well-informed, and be up to par with the ever-changing regulatory landscape surrounding the kratom industry. 

What Type of Consumer Organizations Do You Belong to & Support?

The only way to protect kratom’s legality is to have regulations in place, which the AKA works tirelessly at. Unfortunately, some vendors have it in their minds that groups such as the AKA are actually working against protecting the herb.

The crème de la crème kratom vendors know that a consumer organization is vital to ensure that the voices of consumers and vendors alike are being heard. Always looks for those suppliers whose business practices align with different programs in place. There are two in particular that you can check to see if a particular vendor is either part of, or working to be a part of; the AKA’s approved vendor list, and the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA). Top Extracts is proudly a supporter and member of each. 


The AKA has been diligently working to let consumers know which suppliers are being compliant.  While not all suppliers may not be on the list, it’s crucial to understand where a vendor stands on the issue of third-party audits.  Good standing vendors will be working with a consultant in order to get up to speed, while the best suppliers already have an audit completed.

At Top Extracts we can answer any and all of the above questions! Customers come first for us, and we want you to feel confident with every single purchase you make with us. Quality control is also of utmost importance to us, which leads to the best quality products in the marketplace. That’s why we have the following protocols in place:

*Each batch of Top Extracts’ kratom is tested multiple times throughout the packing process, including by an outside, accredited lab (you can read more about this here).  

*Our products are packed and manufactured by third party co-packers. They have been vetted and the facilities we use are truly state of the art.

*We have passed cGMP certification classes by the National Science Foundation (NSF), a trusted leader in compliance.

*In 2021 we will be added to the AKA certified list of suppliers. We’re currently undergoing an audit of our processes.

* As for industry knowledge and advocate support, Top Extracts believes in the work that the      AKA has and continues to do. Thus, we regularly donate and attend any conference calls and meetings held by the organization. 

* In 2019 we were invited to the Senate chambers in order to learn how we, as suppliers, can help shape the Kratom Protection Act.


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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Jennifer DzikowskiJ

Jennifer Dzikowski is a freelance journalist based just outside of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She is passionate about the natural world of healing, and has covered kratom extensively since 2016. She also writes about crime and injustice, and regularly participates in Crime Stories With Nancy Grace. In her free time, you’ll find her playing with her pup, gardening, kayaking, and pretty much loving everything outdoors (even snow!).





These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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