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Does kava show up on a drug test?

Does kava show up on a drug test

Does kava show up on a drug test?

Kava, renowned globally and particularly in Polynesian islands as a mood enhancer and social elixir, can make you feel like a social butterfly in moderate doses but may cause grogginess when consumed in large quantities. Many wonder whether this ancient South Pacific plant could influence drug test results. Generally, kava will not show up on a drug test unless specifically tested for. Let’s explore further why it might appear on some tests and discuss the considerations for consuming kava kava.

Why people might think kava may show up on drug test?

Given the soothing effects kava is known for—such as enhancing sociability and relaxation—it’s understandable why some might mistakenly assume it’s regulated or illegal. However, kava remains completely legal across the United States as of 2024. Neither the FDA nor the DEA categorizes it as a controlled substance. This distinction assures that kava, while impactful in promoting relaxation, does not fall under the scrutiny typical of regulated drugs in drug tests.

Does Kava Show Up On A Drug Test Vanuatu Fijian Kava Bag

When could Kava show up on a drug test?

Typically, a standard drug test focuses on identifying substances known for their psychoactive effects, such as alcohol, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines, PCP, and marijuana. Testing for additional substances, like kava kava, usually incurs extra costs for the testing facility or the entity requesting the test. As such, unless specifically included, substances like kava kava are not routinely screened for in most drug testing protocols. 

While it is rare, there have been a few reported instances where kava has triggered false positives for amphetamines on drug tests. These findings, documented in the Journal of Analytical Toxicology, specifically attribute such results to kavain, a major kavalactone present in kava. If you are considering a drug test and have been consuming kava, it may be wise to seek a more detailed analysis to avoid any potential false positives.

Does Kava Show Up On A Drug Test Instant Kava Bag

Discussing Kava with your Dr.

Now that we’ve established kava won’t show up on a standard drug test as of 2024, it’s essentially under the radar unless you choose to disclose its use. However, your doctor might learn about your kava consumption through discussions or specific tests if you’re dealing with certain health issues. Kava is widely studied and recognized as a supplement, making it a worthwhile topic to discuss with a medical professional. While many enjoy kava for its mood-enhancing and social benefits, those with liver concerns, especially from previous alcohol abuse or other conditions, should be cautious. The FDA has noted potential risks, particularly for those with existing liver damage, even though kava is often used as an alcohol alternative. If you have underlying heath conditions you should discuss kava with a medical professional prior to consuming it.

Warnings about Kava Kava

As highlighted by the Cleveland Clinic, while natural, kava is not suitable for everyone. It’s advisable to exercise caution when consuming kava in any form—be it drinks, capsules, or powders—if you’re also taking medications such as anti-anxiety drugs (like benzodiazepines or barbiturates), antidepressants (including SSRIs and MAOIs), Parkinson’s disease medications, diuretics, or blood thinners. Additionally, the DEA warns of potential drug interactions that could intensify kava’s effects, such as alcohol, which should be kept in mind to avoid adverse reactions.

Kava is not equal.

Not all kava is created equal. Consumers should be vigilant about the origins of their kava and ensure that it has undergone rigorous lab testing. Since only the root of the kava plant is safe for consumption, other parts can be toxic and potentially harmful to the liver. In some instances, it has been reported by National Library of Medicine that kava is adulterated by what is commonly known as “false kava” which is the P. auritum and P. aduncum species.

At Top Extracts, we source our kava from top industry suppliers and conduct extensive testing, verifiable through our lab reports page. Whether you’re looking to enhance social gatherings or relax alone with your favorite music, you can trust our products. We offer a variety of kava forms, including drinks, shots, instant powder—a customer favorite—and traditional medium grind kava.

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