Unveiling the Powerful Effects of Black Kratom Shots: A Guide to Enhancing Your Wellness Journey

Unveiling the Powerful Effects of Black Kratom Shots

A Guide to Enhancing Your Wellness Journey

Among the popular kratom shots sold across the US, OPMS Black is often hailed as the strongest and most potent. However, it has tarnished the reputation of kratom, leaving a terrible taste both literally and figuratively. The black kratom shot from OPMS is exceedingly bitter, and it’s unclear whether to consume a drop, half the bottle, or the entire thing. Too little may have no effect, while too much can cause unpleasant kratom side effects. Beyond taste, the company has inflicted irreversible damage on the kratom industry and its consumers. As noted in the Tampa Bay Times, they operate through a web of front companies and place these potent products in gas stations, where inadequate labeling leads to overconsumption.

The lack of transparency by OPMS has opened the door for lawmakers, reporters, and lawyers to speculate about the nature of kratom and question the legitimacy of this popular gas station brand. Such practices not only harm the industry’s reputation but also endanger public health. Unsuspecting consumers, unaware of the potency of OPMS shots, may experience adverse effects so severe that they find themselves reaching out to agencies like poison control for help. This scenario underscores the critical need for responsible marketing and clear labeling to protect consumers and preserve the integrity of the kratom market.

Fortunately, there is a superior alternative on the market: the black kratom shot by Top Extracts. Let’s explore how the Top Extracts Black Kratom Shot stacks up against OPMS Black.

Table of Contents

Strongest Kratom Shot

Appearance and Warning

The first noticeable difference between the two brands is the packaging. Top Extracts (TE) uses a 15 mL glass bottle with a sleek design that includes clear instructions, marked alkaloids, prominent warning labels, and a QR code for scanning to view laboratory results. These features are crucial, enabling customers to make informed decisions. Scanning the QR code reveals even more detailed information, enhancing consumer confidence and safety. At Top Extracts, we believe that all kratom companies should be as transparent as our bottles, providing as much information as possible to both new and experienced consumers. This commitment to transparency not only supports safer usage but also fosters a more informed and responsible kratom community.

In contrast, OPMS Black is packaged in a smaller 8.8 mL plastic bottle, which compromises the ability to provide clear instructions or adequate warning labels. Notably, no lab information is available on this product, leaving much to the consumer’s discretion and providing insufficient guidance on product use and safety.

OPMS Black Kratom Shot


Top Extracts Black kratom shot clearly identifies its level of concentration on the label and through a QR code that leads to additional information and lab results. Each bottle contains 200 mg of extract, which translates to an alkaloid concentration of 41.5 mg of mitragynine per serving. TE states that each bottle contains three servings, giving users a clear indication of how much to use. Each serving offers a potent kick but is not intended to replace OPMS. At Top Extracts, we believe that overly strong products can alienate many customers and potentially lead to negative experiences with kratom.

In contrast, each 8.8 ml bottle of OPMS Black contains 380 mg of kratom extract, resulting in a concentration of 180 mg of MIT. The absence of clear usage instructions often leads customers to consume the entire bottle, which can cause unpleasant effects, especially for newcomers to kratom. This lack of guidance has fostered unwarranted negative views about kratom and driven the industry towards even stronger products, exacerbating issues with inexperienced users.


Kratom is inherently bitter, and this bitterness is amplified when the plant is extracted. In this aspect, TE Black Kratom Shots are a clear winner, described in reviews as great tasting and semi-sweet. This pleasant flavor profile is likely due to the addition of low amounts of sucrose and citric acid, which enhance the overall taste without overpowering the natural essence of kratom. Moreover, Top Extracts uses a refined extract powder that is completely soluble, avoiding the issue of floating particles or sediment settling at the bottom of the bottle, a common problem with OPMS products.

OPMS Black, on the other hand, lists corn syrup as an ingredient. This seems to serve more as a carrier than a flavor enhancer and does little to mitigate the intense bitterness of kratom. The presence of corn syrup does not prevent the bitter taste from lingering on the tongue, which can be off-putting to many users.

A better flavor not only enhances the consumer experience but also allows for more flexible consumption methods. Consumers can choose to dilute TE Black Kratom Shots in water and sip it gradually, rather than feeling compelled to consume it all at once like a traditional shot. This method of consumption can help prevent overconsumption and the negative experiences associated with it, making TE Black a more user-friendly option for both new and experienced kratom users.

Final Take

Top Extracts Black kratom shot includes caffeine, a notable difference from OPMS Black. This addition, containing less caffeine than a typical coffee, provides a gentle boost that complements the kratom’s effects—ideal for enhancing workouts, overcoming midday slumps, or giving your morning that extra zing. For those who prefer a non-caffeinated option, we also offer a caffeine-free green shot of the same strength. While our critique of OPMS may seem biased, we acknowledge their role as industry leaders. However, their marketing practices, which promote kratom as a drug rather than a health product, have led to numerous industry issues. At Top Extracts, we adhere to the principle that “less is more” with kratom. Some of our customers find that just a quarter of our Black Kratom Shot is sufficient, which could equate to a mere drop of an OPMS shot.

If you’re seeking a transparent company without a web of shell companies and a partner to guide you through your wellness journey, consider Top Extracts. For those new to kratom, we recommend starting with a few capsules of regular powder and saving the extract for when a stronger effect is needed. We also offer low-dose extract products like our infused honey sticks and taffy, perfect for beginners. These products provide a measured dose, allowing consumers to gradually understand how their body reacts to kratom. Unlike the stronger OPMS Black Shots, our goal is to deliver a pleasant experience with manageable and safer levels of kratom—truly embodying our belief that less is more.

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