Communicating On Campus

University Communications is the official source of news and information about the University of Illinois Chicago and is part of the UIC Office of Strategic Marketing and Communications.

UIC is on Facebook at UIC News and UIC, on Twitter at @UIC News and @ThisIsUIC, and on YouTube at UICmedia and ThisIsUIC. A blog on science and research at UIC, UICscience, is on tumblr.

UIC today

UIC today provides up-to-the-minute news and information of interest to the campus community. Contact us to request published photos or B-roll footage of the campus or campus events.

University Communications

University Communications informs the public about the activities and accomplishments of UIC faculty, staff and students and the University’s contributions in teaching, research, public service and economic development. We work closely with national and local news media while ensuring that privacy and disclosure laws affecting students, patients and employees are followed. Staff serve as media liaisons to communicate with stakeholders through news releases, videos and podcasts.

Publicizing events:

Contact University Communications during the earliest planning stages of your event, so that external and internal publicity goals can become part of the plan. We will publicize events or activities that are newsworthy to all or most of our key audiences – current students, prospective students, alumni, Illinois citizens, elected officials, visitors, and colleagues at other institutions. News that is of interest primarily to internal audiences may be reported in UIC Today. We generally do not publicize events solely sponsored by independent student groups, to avoid confusion as to what constitutes an official event or activity of a state public university.

Publicizing research news:

If you are publishing or presenting research findings, contact University Communications as soon as your paper has been accepted or your presentation has been confirmed. We need time to review the findings for newsworthiness, prepare drafts, and determine how best to disseminate the information to the media in a timely manner. We will ensure that embargoes are enforced and public-release timelines are kept.