After an extensive internal and external search process, Jade Marie Bajai has been appointed the new chair of the British Ladies Club (BLC) of Luxembourg.

The committee believes they could not have found a more perfect candidate.

Jade is an investment communication manager and macro strategist with Banque Internationale à Luxembourg. Prior to this she worked with JP Morgan Bank and boasts excellent communication and networking skills - all of which will prove invaluable in leading the BLC into the future.

"I believe I can grow membership, extend the BLC’s outreach and modernize its digital presence, all while respecting the traditions and essence of the club," said Jade.

Having grown up in Scotland, lived in the US for one year and Luxembourg for ten years, she has a multicultural appreciation and a first-hand understanding of the needs of expatriates away from home.

And with youth and enthusiasm firmly on her side, she is eager to "infuse the club with fresh energy and help it to achieve its objectives".

The BLC is currently exhibiting at the Lëtzebuerg City Museum and is one of three clubs honoured with its own room.

This underlines the value it brings to the English-speaking community in Luxembourg and with Jade at its helm, the future is looking very bright indeed.