Table 3

Projected 10-year accumulated health and economic effect of the four main public policy measures for tobacco control

TaxesArgentinaBrazilChileColombiaCosta RicaEcuadorMexicoPeruTotal
Proposed price increase through taxes60%60%40%60%40%20%40%40%
Deaths averted17 905 (14 324–21 486)162 052 (131 667–192 437)12 321 (10 131–14 512)18 509 (15 187–22 068)954 (777–1132)3121 (2547–3695)39 556 (32 524–47 467)16 366 (13 248–19 483)270 784 (220 405–322 280)
CV, cancer and other disease events averted75 691 (60 553–90 829)1 040 848 (845 689–1 236 007)77 696 (63 884–91 509)93 156 (76 435–111 070)7612 (6196–9029)22 476 (18 343–26 610)235 918 (193 977–283 101)62 559 (50 643–74 475)1 615 957 (1 315 720–1 922 631)
YLL averted638 348 (510 678–766 017)6 656 314 (5 408 255–7 904 373)449 686 (369 742–529 630)677 629 (556 004–807 943)37 756 (30 732–44 780)130 323 (106 356–154 291)1 499 581 (1 232 989–1 799 498)528 770 (428 052–629 488)10 618 408 (8 642 807–12 636 020)
Healthcare cost-savings*1123 (899–1348)8753 (7112–10 395)1392 (1144–1639)753 (618–898)138 (113–164)334 (272–395)3260 (2680–3911)913 (739–1086)16 666 (13 577–19 837)
Productivity cost averted*816 (653–979)11 663 (9479–13 846)1026 (844–1208)607 (498–723)91 (74–107)251 (205–297)2162 (1778–2595)577 (467–687)17 193 (13 998–20 442)
Caregiver cost averted*431 (345–517)6427 (5222–7632)843 (693–993)371 (305–443)45 (37–53)163 (133–193)613 (504–735)521 (422–620)9414 (7659–11 186)
Increased tax revenue*4627 (3838–5348)5156 (4911–5069)2573 (2266–2814)987 (908–1024)199 (171–224)60 (56–61)6289 (5490–7023)600 (511–678)20 491 (18 150–22 240)
Total economic benefit*6997 (5734–8192)32 000 (26 724–36 942)5833 (4947–6654)2719 (2329–3088)474 (394–549)807 (666–945)12 323 (10 452–14 264)2611 (2138–3071)63 764 (53 385–73 705)
Plain packaging
Deaths averted9519 (4998–24 127)35 916 (18 856–90 987)4369 (2294–11 069)6505 (5445–12 260)354 (186–897)1145 (601–2901)14 027 (7364–35 535)6218 (3264–15 752)78 053 (43 009–193 527)
CV, cancer and other disease events averted40 242 (21 130–101 994)230 684 (121 109–584 401)27 552 (14 465–69 798)32 740 (27 405–61 705)2825 (1483–7157)8245 (4329–20 888)83 659 (43 921–211 936)23 769 (12 479–60 214)449 716 (246 321–1 118 091)
YLL averted339 388 (178 205–860 174)1 475 247 (774 505–3 737 292)159 463 (83 718–403 973)238 155 (199 349–448 850)14 011 (7356–35 495)47 808 (25 099–121 112)531 766 (279 177–1 347 142)200 900 (105 473–508 948)3 006 739 (1 652 882–7 462 987)
Healthcare cost-savings*597 (314–1514)1940 (1019–4915)493 (259–1250)265 (222–499)51 (27–130)122 (64–310)1156 (607–2928)347 (182–878)4972 (2693–12 424)
Productivity cost averted*434 (228–1099)2588 (1359–6553)364 (191–922)213 (179–402)34 (18–85)92 (48–233)767 (403–1943)219 (115–555)4712 (2541–11 793)
Caregiver cost averted*229 (120–581)1424 (748–3609)299 (157–757)131 (109–246)17 (09–42)60 (31–151)217 (114–550)198 (104–501)2575 (1392–6438)
Total economic benefit*1260 (662–3194)5953 (3125–15 077)1156 (607–2929)609 (509–1147)102 (53–258)274 (144–694)2140 (1124–5421)764 (401–1935)12 258 (6626–30 655)
Advertising bans
Deaths averted12 195 (7460–19 144)21 413 (11 602–61 574)5595 (3423–8783)1360 (730–4058)469 (277–927)1516 (897–2996)19 778 (10 988–51 643)8767 (4871–22 892)71 093 (40 248–172 016)
CV, cancer and other disease events averted51 555 (31 538–80 929)137 533 (74 517–395 485)35 281 (21 582–55 382)6844 (3676–20 424)3740 (2213–7392)10 916 (6459–21 576)117 959 (65 533–308 004)33 514 (18 619–87 509)397 342
(224 136–976 701)
YLL averted434 798 (265 978–682 524)879 534 (476 540–2 529 158)204 197 (124 913–320 537)49 787 (26 737–148 570)18 550 (10 976–36 665)63 294 (37 449–125 103)749 791 (416 550–1 957 787)283 270 (157 372–739 648)2 683 220 (1 516 516–6 539 992)
Healthcare cost-savings*765 (468–1201)1157 (627–3326)632 (387–992)55 (30–165)68 (40–134)162 (96–320)1630 (905-4256)489 (272–1276)4958 (2824–11 671)
Productivity cost averted*556 (340–872)1543 (836–4436)466 (285–732)45 (24–133)45 (26–88)122 (72–241)1082 (601–2822)309 (172–807)4167 (2357–10 131)
Caregiver cost averted*293 (180–461)849 (460–2442)383 (234–601)27 (15–81)22 (13–44)79 (47–156)306 (170–800)279 (155–729)2239 (1274–5313)
Total economic benefit*1615 (988–2534)3549 (1923–10 204)1481 (906–2324)127 (68–380)135 (80–266)363 (215–717)3018 (1677–7878)1077 (598–2812)11 364 (6455–27 116)
Smoke-free air
Deaths averted2173 (853–5361)00 (00–00)00 (00–00)1948 (790–4300)81 (32–199)498 (202–1100)29 269 (14 714–43 644)4982 (2134–9508)38 951 (18 725–64 112)
CV, cancer and other disease events averted9186 (3605–22 661)00 (00–00)00 (00–00)9805 (3975–21 642)645 (253–1590)3589 (1455–7923)174 565 (87 758–260 298)19 043 (8157–36 344)216 833 (105 204–350 458)
YLL averted77 472 (30 405–191 116)00 (00–00)00 (00–00)71 320 (28 915–157 429)3197 (1255–7886)20 811 (8437–45 938)1 109 603 (557 820–1 654 551)160 959 (68 950–307 191)1 443 361 (695 782–2 364 112)
Healthcare cost-savings*136 (54–336)00 (00–00)00 (00–00)79 (32–175)12 (05–29)53 (22–118)2412 (1212–3596)278 (119–530)2970 (1443–4784)
Productivity cost averted*99 (39–244)00 (00–00)00 (00–00)64 (26–141)08 (03–19)40 (16–88)1600 (805–2386)176 (75–335)1987 (964–3214)
Caregiver cost averted*52 (21–129)00 (00–00)00 (00–00)39 (16–86)04 (01–09)26 (11–57)453 (228–676)159 (68–303)733 (344–1261)
Total economic benefit288 (113–710)00 (00–00)00 (00–00)182 (74–402)23 (09–57)119 (48–263)4466 (2245–6658)612 (262–1168)5690 (2752–9259)
  • *In US$ millions.

  • CV, cardiovascular; YLL, years of life lost.