Table 1

Annual burden of mortality, disease incidence and years of life lost (YLL) attributable to tobacco, by cause and country for 2020

DeathsArgentinaBrazilChileColombiaCosta RicaEcuadorMexicoPeruTotal
CV disease10 045 (22.4%)33 179 (20.5%)2986 (15.6%)7952 (26.2%)519 (23.9%)1451 (21.3%)19 529 (30.9%)2252 (10.1%)77 914 (22.2%)
Stroke2175 (4.9%)10 041 (6.2%)1249 (6.5%)1656 (5.5%)94 (4.3%)471 (6.9%)4093 (6.5%)1538 (6.9%)21 317 (6.1%)
COPD9117 (20.4%)37 686 (23.3%)5731 (30.0%)8539 (28.1%)628 (28.9%)2010 (29.5%)17 218 (27.3%)7625 (34.1%)88 554 (25.3%)
Pneumonia3928 (8.8%)12 201 (7.5%)701 (3.7%)783 (2.6%)97 (4.5%)514 (7.6%)4080 (6.5%)2875 (12.8%)25 180 (7.2%)
Lung cancer8591 (19.2%)24 443 (15.1%)3221 (16.8%)4337 (14.3%)254 (11.7%)680 (10.0%)5122 (8.1%)2420 (10.8%)49 068 (14.0%)
Other cancers5752 (12.9%)25 683 (15.9%)3038 (15.9%)3584 (11.8%)332 (15.3%)898 (13.2%)5849 (9.3%)3090 (13.8%)48 226 (13.8%)
Secondhand smoke5149 (11.5%)18 620 (11.5%)2201 (11.5%)3491 (11.5%)250 (11.5%)783 (11.5%)7266 (11.5%)2574 (11.5%)40 334 (11.5%)
Total44 758 (100%)161 853 (100%)19 128 (100%)30 341 (100%)2174 (100%)6807 (100%)63 157 (100%)22 374 (100%)350 593 (100%)
Disease events
 CV disease61 512 (27.2%)444 953 (40.0%)31 345 (26.0%)45 463 (27.6%)7662 (45.5%)16 437 (32.3%)138 841 (32.4%)9396 (7.4%)755 611 (33.6%)
 Stroke11 404 (5.0%)52 737 (4.7%)12 581 (10.4%)16 636 (10.1%)372 (2.2%)3845 (7.6%)34 727 (8.1%)10 655 (8.4%)142 957 (6.4%)
 COPD101 695 (44.9%)433 729 (39.0%)62 745 (52.0%)85 605 (52.0%)7158 (42.5%)23 818 (46.8%)196 491 (45.8%)74 959 (59.1%)986 200 (43.9%)
 Pneumonia32 687 (14.4%)114 978 (10.3%)5529 (4.6%)6836 (4.1%)773 (4.6%)4748 (9.3%)43 945 (10.2%)24 169 (19.1%)233 665 (10.4%)
 Lung cancer9538 (4.2%)26 126 (2.3%)3696 (3.1%)4652 (2.8%)322 (1.9%)755 (1.5%)6060 (1.4%)2730 (2.2%)53 880 (2.4%)
 Other cancers9654 (4.3%)40 261 (3.6%)4840 (4.0%)5589 (3.4%)567 (3.4%)1322 (2.6%)9002 (2.1%)4845 (3.8%)76 081 (3.4%)
Total226 490 (100%)1 112 785 (100%)120 736 (100%)164 782 (100%)16 855 (100%)50 926 (100%)429 066 (100%)126 754 (100%)2 248 394 (100%)
YLL due to premature mortality
 CV disease248 276 (22.3%)981 080 (22.5%)71 643 (16.0%)159 276 (23.2%)13 260 (25.1%)38 746 (22.6%)500 288 (31.4%)53 255 (10.3%)2 065 824 (23.1%)
 Stroke68 787 (6.2%)327 639 (7.5%)33 411 (7.5%)50 428 (7.3%)2683 (5.1%)15 253 (8.9%)123 195 (7.7%)42 520 (8.3%)663 916 (7.4%)
 COPD217 999 (19.5%)923 920 (21.2%)134 023 (30.0%)189 782 (27.6%)14 865 (28.1%)48 293 (28.2%)407 178 (25.5%)173 354 (33.6%)2 109 413 (23.6%)
 Pneumonia74 253 (6.7%)261 012 (6.0%)11 282 (2.5%)14 975 (2.2%)1961 (3.7%)10 391 (6.1%)91 872 (5.8%)50 199 (9.7%)515 945 (5.8%)
 Lung cancer218 342 (19.6%)613 890 (14.1%)70 941 (15.9%)102 710 (15.0%)5624 (10.6%)15 062 (8.8%)122 531 (7.7%)56 575 (11.0%)1 205 674 (13.5%)
 Other cancers158 666 (14.2%)747 008 (17.1%)74 166 (16.6%)90 123 (13.1%)8292 (15.7%)23 343 (13.6%)163 924 (10.3%)80 529 (15.6%)1 346 051 (15.1%)
 Secondhand smoke129 244 (11.6%)504 482 (11.6%)51 410 (11.5%)79 347 (11.6%)6188 (11.7%)20 049 (11.7%)186 397 (11.7%)58 926 (11.4%)1 036 042 (11.6%)
Total premature mortality1 115 566 (100%)4 359 030 (100%)446 875 (100%)686 641 (100%)52 873 (100%)171 137 (100%)1 595 386 (100%)515 357 (100%)8 942 865 (100%)
YLL due to disability
 CV disease32 951 (10.7%)318 543 (19.9%)20 972 (11.0%)22 730 (8.9%)2384 (10.0%)17 962 (24.3%)107 197 (17.5%)9956 (5.0%)532 695 (16.3%)
 Stroke22 180 (7.2%)111 747 (7.0%)23 544 (12.4%)38 579 (15.1%)648 (2.7%)7541 (10.2%)70 716 (11.5%)26 697 (13.4%)301 653 (9.2%)
 COPD152 870 (49.5%)634 656 (39.7%)94 419 (49.6%)139 976 (54.9%)10 562 (44.5%)34 058 (46.1%)288 704 (47.1%)122 076 (61.1%)1 477 320 (45.3%)
 Pneumonia98 (0.0%)345 (0.0%)17 (0.0%)21 (0.0%)02 (0.0%)14 (0.0%)132 (0.0%)73 (0.0%)701 (0.0%)
 Lung cancer32 666 (10.6%)137 949 (8.6%)12 015 (6.3%)10 565 (4.1%)2508 (10.6%)1618 (2.2%)26 460 (4.3%)6301 (3.2%)230 081 (7.1%)
 Other cancers32 673 (10.6%)211 429 (13.2%)17 594 (9.2%)13 801 (5.4%)4848 (20.4%)4038 (5.5%)47 651 (7.8%)11 933 (6.0%)343 968 (10.5%)
 Secondhand smoke35 587 (11.5%)183 828 (11.5%)21 752 (11.4%)29 371 (11.5%)2775 (11.7%)8677 (11.7%)71 543 (11.7%)22 765 (11.4%)376 297 (11.5%)
Total disability309 025 (100%)1 598 497 (100%)190 312 (100%)255 042 (100%)23 727 (100%)73 909 (100%)612 402 (100%)199 801 (100%)3 262 715 (100%)
YLL due to premature mortality1 115 566 (78.3%)4 359 030 (73.2%)446 875 (70.1%)686 641 (72.9%)52 873 (69.0%)171 137 (69.8%)1 595 386 (72.3%)515 357 (72.1%)8 942 865 (73.3%)
YLL due to disability309 025 (21.7%)1 598 497 (26.8%)190 312 (29.9%)255 042 (27.1%)23 727 (31.0%)73 909 (30.2%)612 402 (27.7%)199 801 (27.9%)3 262 715 (26.7%)
Total YLL1 424 591 (100%)5 957 526 (100%)637 187 (100%)941 683 (100%)76 600 (100%)245 046 (100%)2 207 788 (100%)715 158 (100%)12 205 580 (100%)
  • COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CV, cardiovascular.