01/6The brilliance of monsoon paintings

The monsoon season brings with it a new sense of hope. The trees begin growing, the leaves are greener, the environment is cooler, and there is just a new life in nature. And the rain, storms, and heavy winds all bring a sense of calm into people. And while some storms can really pose problems, at times, rain can just lift up spaces.
Here are 5 masterpieces of monsoon paintings.


02/6​‘The Storm’ by Pierre-Auguste Cot

​‘The Storm’ by Pierre-Auguste Cot

Pierre-Auguste Cot’s ‘The Storm’ is a romantic masterpiece that shows two lovers running away from a rainy area, glued to each other, and using a cloth as a shield.
The couple is shown hurrying away, and on their face is a mix of urgency and mutual adoration for each other. The painting has soft, subtle colours, and a sense of hurry to it as the lovers try to not get wet from the rain but it also gives a feeling of peace and calm as they look into each other’s eyes while running away.
(Image: Pinterest)


03/6​‘Rain, Steam, and Speed – The Great Western Railway’ by J.M.W. Turner

​‘Rain, Steam, and Speed – The Great Western Railway’ by J.M.W. Turner

Another beautiful monsoon painting is J.M.W. Turner's ‘Rain, Steam, and Speed – The Great Western Railway’. The painting looks kind of blurry as if it were smudged by someone, but actually, when looked at with concentration, one can see a train speeding across the bridge, while there is heavy rain all around.
The way JMW Turner used light, colour, and shadow technique in the painting helps it have a sense of urgency and movement.
(Image: Pinterest)


04/6​‘The Storm on the Sea of Galilee’ by Rembrandt van Rijn

​‘The Storm on the Sea of Galilee’ by Rembrandt van Rijn

While not exactly beautiful, but ‘The Storm on the Sea of Galilee’ by Rembrandt is an aesthetically haunting painting from a biblical story. The painting shows the sea engulfed in a turmoil with the small boat losing its balance but Jesus calmly sits down trying to control the forces of the weather.
The apostles are shown in a state of panic and their faces are filled with fear but Christ helps calm everyone down.

(Image: Pinterest)


05/6​‘Wheatfield Under Thunderclouds’ by Vincent van Gogh

​‘Wheatfield Under Thunderclouds’ by Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh’s ‘Wheatfield Under Thunderclouds’ was painted in 1890, and shows a glimpse of nature's raw beauty and power. The painting shows a big wheatfield under a dark, scary sky and there are thunderclouds waiting to pour their anger. Van Gogh’s use of dark colours and his classic swirls really give the painting a sense of movement and energy. The golden wheat and green grass on the ground and the dark blue sky above really creates a balance in the painting.
(Image: Pinterest)


06/6​‘Flora Fountain in Monsoon’ by S.H. Raza

​‘Flora Fountain in Monsoon’ by S.H. Raza

A beautiful painting by an Indian artist, SH Raza’s ‘Flora Fountain in Monsoon’ is a capture of the Mumbai rains and the beauty of the city during the rainy season. Painted in Raza’s classic abstract style, this painting shows the iconic Flora Fountain, a historic landmark in Mumbai, surrounded by the monsoon rain. The painting was done with watercolours and the smudged effect almost gives it the look of a heavy downpour which makes everything hazy.

(Image: SaffronArt)
