Conjunctivitis in kids: Tips for parents to follow

Conjunctivitis in children involves conjunctiva inflammation with redness, discharge, and discomfort, including bacterial, neonatal (in neonates), membranous, viral, and allergic types. Management involves specialist care, antibiotic resistance concerns, and addressing periorbital swelling. Caregiver guidelines stress hygiene, avoiding systemic illness, antihistamines, and proper contact lens and eyeglass hygiene to prevent severe complications.
Conjunctivitis in kids: Tips for parents to follow
Conjunctivitis means inflammation of conjunctiva which is one of the thin transparent membranes of your eyes. It is a common eye condition in children with various causes classified into infectious and non-infectious types.
Types of Conjunctivitis
Bacterial conjunctivitis: Bacterial conjunctivitis is most prevalent in children, characterized by symptoms such as redness, eyelid swelling, and purulent or mucopurulent discharge that can lead to eyelash matting.

Bacterial infections of the skin or upper respiratory tract can accompany conjunctivitis, potentially leading to periorbital or orbital swelling and inflammation. In severe cases, this can progress to preseptal or orbital cellulitis.
Management and treatment
- Specialist care is crucial due to concerns about antibiotic resistance.
- Close follow-up with an eye doctor is recommended for effective management.
- Strict adherence to prescribed eyedrops is essential to alleviate symptoms and prevent complications.
Neonatal conjunctivitis: Neonatal conjunctivitis, also known as ophthalmia neonatorum, typically appears within the first four weeks of life and is commonly acquired during delivery. It is the most prevalent ocular disease among neonates, characterized by symptoms such as persistent tearing and mucoid discharge from the inner corner of the eye.

Management and treatment
- Requires the expertise of specialists, usually pediatric ophthalmologists or neonatologists.
- Careful consideration is crucial when selecting antibiotics to avoid systemic absorption risks in newborns, ensuring management focuses on preventing complications.
- The use of over-the-counter medications is discouraged due to their potential for inadequate treatment outcomes and contribution to antibiotic resistance.- Affects newborns with a unique presentation.
Membranous and pseudo-membranous conjunctivitis: Membranous and pseudomembranous conjunctivitis are severe forms of conjunctivitis characterized by the formation of membranes or pseudomembranes on the surface of the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is the clear, thin membrane that covers the white part of the eyeball and lines the inner surface of the eyelids.

Management and treatment:
- Medical intervention may involve the careful removal of membranes to enhance the effectiveness of subsequent therapies and alleviate symptoms.
- Administering appropriate antibiotics is crucial to treat the underlying infection effectively and prevent the condition from progressing to more severe complications.
- In cases where conventional treatments prove ineffective, a biopsy may be necessary. This procedure helps in identifying the specific cause of the conjunctivitis and guides further treatment decisions.
Other causes:
- Viral Conjunctivitis: Viral conjunctivitis is frequently linked with viral infections elsewhere in the body. It typically presents with symptoms such as redness, watery discharge, and discomfort.
Management & treatment:
Primarily focuses on managing symptoms, which may include using lubricating eye drops to alleviate dryness and irritation.
Close follow-up with a healthcare provider is recommended to monitor the progression and ensure appropriate care.

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Allergic Conjunctivitis: It is seasonal or perennial. Causes discomfort with symptoms like frequent eye rubbing and irritation. There might be an increase in the frequency of eye blinking. Avoiding eye touching is crucial to prevent secondary infections and corneal ectatic conditions which can be triggered and which in the long term are visually debilitating.
Management & treatment:
Identifying and avoiding allergens, along with using antihistamine eye drops or oral medications to alleviate symptoms.
Regular monitoring by an eye care specialist helps in managing the condition effectively and preventing complications.
Caregiver guidelines
  • Daily eye hygiene: Regularly clean the eyes to maintain hygiene.
  • Prompt medical attention: Consult a pediatrician immediately if your child shows signs of systemic illness.
  • Avoid self-medication: Refrain from using over-the-counter treatments without medical advice.
  • Urgent medical attention: Seek immediate medical help if symptoms worsen.
  • Hygienic practices: Change bed linens frequently and maintain a clean environment.
  • Protective Measures: Ensure children wear protective eyewear in dusty environments or while swimming.
  • Contact lens care: Educate children wearing contact lenses on proper hygiene practices recommended by their optometrist.
  • Eyeglass care: Clean glasses regularly with appropriate solutions and microfiber cloths to maintain good eye health.
Conjunctivitis in children requires vigilant care and timely medical intervention to manage symptoms effectively and prevent complications. By following these guidelines, caregivers can help alleviate discomfort and safeguard their child's eye health.
(Author: Dr. Sakshi Lalwani, Consultant Ophthalmologist, Dr. Agarwals Eye Hospital, Bandra)
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