Feeling blue? How chocolates can be a mood lifter and improve mental health

Exploring the positive impact of chocolates on mental health, this article delves into the science behind how chocolates can promote feelings of well-being, reduce stress, and improve cognitive function. While not a cure-all solution, chocolates can provide a mood uplift in times of need.
Feeling blue? How chocolates can be a mood lifter and improve mental health
Chocolates! They have been an unmissable part of our childhood. As a child, we were rewarded with chocolates whenever we did something well. On birthdays, all kids used to crowd around us for that ‘birthday chocolate’ we distributed. When our abroad-bound relatives used to visit the country, we’d wait with bated breaths to see what exotic chocolates they would bring back for us.
And in our teenage years, didn’t we long for our crush or boyfriend/girlfriend to present us with a chocolate, the ultimate romantic gesture?
For most of us, chocolates are associated with happy memories that bring us comfort. So, there is no surprise that as adults, whenever we feel down, chocolates - in its many shapes and forms - come to our rescue! And it’s not just chocolate, but we also try to tap into our inner child and reach out for that familiar feeling of comfort, warmth and happiness.

“But chocolate is way more than a sweet, decadent indulgence. It’s a complex blend of compounds such as Theobromine, Phenylethylamine, Tryptophan, and Flavonoids, that leave a deep impact on our emotions. Chocolates provide a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction, and the sensory experience of indulging ourselves in this delicious treat stimulates the brain’s reward system by reminding us of those moments of nostalgia, release endorphins and lift our mood,” says Dr. Mona Gujral, counselling psychologist and expert, Coto.

So, this World Chocolate Day, we look at how a silky smooth chocolate can boost your mental health:
1. Chocolates promote a feeling of well-being: Chocolates trigger the release of key compounds like serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins, which are neurotransmitters and promote feelings of overall well-being and happiness.
2. They reduce stress: Flavonoids present in chocolates lower the presence of cortisol (the stress hormone) in the body, helping reduce stress and anxiety.

chocolate (1)

3. Chocolates improve cognitive function: Regular and moderate consumption of chocolates is believed to enhance cognitive function as it increases blood flow to the brain (induced by the flavonoids in chocolate).
However, while chocolate doesn’t cure it all (we so wish it did!), it does provide a much-needed uplift to your mood. For more long-term solutions, especially if you are going through something, you should turn to consultations (live or in-person) across various online platforms to gain deeper insights on how you can boost your mental well-being. One can access to nutritionists and mental health professionals who can offer tailored advice and strategies.

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TOI Lifestyle Desk

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