Tired of eating hard chapatis? Easy tips to keep them soft

Chapatis can sometimes turn out hard due to various factors such as the incorrect flour-to-water ratio, overkneading, inadequate resting time, improper cooking techniques, or poor storage. To make soft and pliable chapatis, follow these five tips: get the right dough consistency, knead and rest the dough properly, cook at the right temperature, use ghee or oil during cooking, and store chapatis correctly. By addressing these aspects, you can perfect your chapati-making skills and enjoy delicious, soft chapatis with your meals.
Tired of eating hard chapatis? Easy tips to keep them soft
Chapatis, also known as rotis, are a staple in many Indian households. They are known for their simplicity and versatility, pairing well with various dishes. However, making the perfect chapati can be a challenge. One common issue many face is that chapatis often turn out hard and chewy instead of soft and pliable. Here are some reasons that can help you understand why this happens and practical tips to soften them, which can transform your chapati-making experience.
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Water-to-flour ratio
Before making Chapatis, it is important to learn the art of correct dough making, as that is the primary factor responsible for hard chapatis.
Too little water can result in a dry dough, leading to hard chapatis. On the other hand, too much water can make the dough sticky and challenging to roll out. Thus, it is important to have the right ratio of water to flour.
ALSO READ: How to keep chapatis soft for several hours
Over/under kneading the dough
Another factor responsible for hard chapatis is under or over kneading the dough too much. When you over knead the dough, it can develop excessive gluten, making the chapatis hard. Conversely, under kneading can result in uneven texture and hardness.
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Resting the dough
Have you observed someone kneading the dough? Well, the person kneading it, rests the dough for some time so that the gluten can rest a bit, which allows it to make soft and pliable chapatis. If the dough rests for too long, the gluten doesn’t get a chance to relax, leading to tough chapatis.

ALSO READ: The right way to cook and eat chapati to lose weight
Cooking temperature
Temperature also makes a lot of difference while cooking chapatis. Cooking chapatis at the wrong temperature can make them hard. If the skillet is too hot, the chapatis can cook too quickly on the outside, leaving them raw and hard on the inside. If it’s too cool, it can become dry and hard due to prolonged cooking.

Lastly, improper storage of cooked chapatis can lead to them becoming hard. How many times does it happen that we leave open the Chapati casserole while preparing or consuming it? When this happens, the Chapatis are exposed to air, which makes them lose moisture rapidly and thus become harder.
ALSO READ: Why are Chapatis always rolled round?
These common reasons will help you understand your own mistakes while cooking chapatis. However, some simple ways can help you achieve soft Chapatis. Take a look…

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Proper dough preparation
Ensure the dough has the right consistency by using the correct flour-to-water ratio. Typically, for one cup of whole wheat flour, you should use about half a cup of water. Adjust as needed based on the flour quality. Knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic. Avoid over kneading or under kneading.
Using milk while kneading dough
To make soft chapatis, replace water with warm milk while kneading the dough. Start by mixing whole wheat flour with a pinch of salt, then gradually add warm milk and knead until you get a soft, pliable dough. Let the dough rest for 20-30 minutes before rolling it into chapatis. The milk adds moisture and richness, resulting in softer and more flavorful chapatis.
ALSO READ: Is it healthy to eat chapati every day?
Rest the dough
Allow the dough to rest for at least 15–30 minutes. Cover it with a damp cloth or a lid to prevent it from drying out. This resting period allows the gluten to relax, making the chapatis softer. This process also ensures better moisture distribution, resulting in a smoother, softer texture. Additionally, resting helps the dough develop flavor, contributing to the overall quality and taste of the chapatis.
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Optimal cooking temperature
Heat the skillet or tawa adequately before placing the chapati on it. The skillet should be hot enough to cook the chapati quickly but not so hot that it burns. Adjust the heat as necessary while cooking. To check the tawa temperature for soft chapatis, sprinkle a few drops of water on the surface. If the water sizzles and evaporates quickly, the tawa is ready. Alternatively, place a small dough piece; it should puff slightly and brown in a few seconds, indicating the right heat. Cook the chapati on one side until you see bubbles forming, then flip it. Cooking each side for about 30 seconds before flipping ensures even cooking. Use a spatula to press the edges to ensure it cooks evenly.
ALSO READ: The REAL reason why you should not serve 3 chapatis on a plate
Use ghee or oil
Applying a thin layer of ghee or oil while cooking can help keep the chapatis soft. You can also brush some ghee or butter on the chapatis immediately after cooking to retain moisture. To make chapati softer by kneading in ghee, start by mixing whole wheat flour (atta) with water and a pinch of salt to form a dough. Once the dough is smooth and elastic, knead in a tablespoon of melted ghee thoroughly. The ghee helps to lubricate the dough, making it softer and more pliable. Make rotis and enjoy.
ALSO READ: 5 interesting things related to chapatis no one told you about
Proper storage
Once cooked, store the chapatis in an insulated container or wrap them in a clean cloth to keep them warm and prevent them from drying out. Avoid stacking them directly on top of each other, as the steam can make them soggy. Instead, place a paper towel between each chapati.

Making soft and delicious chapatis is an art that can be perfected with practice and the right techniques. By paying attention to the dough consistency, kneading and resting times, cooking temperature, and storage methods, you can ensure that your chapatis turn out soft and pliable every time. Implement these tips in your kitchen, and enjoy the satisfaction of serving perfectly soft chapatis to complement your meals.
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