9 Reasons to drink Jeera Saunf water in Summers

Jeera Saunf water, infused with cumin and fennel seeds, is a refreshing summer drink. It aids digestion, boosts metabolism, and freshens breath. Adding lemon juice or mint leaves enhances flavor and aids in weight management, making it an ideal beverage for staying cool and hydrated.
9 Reasons to drink Jeera Saunf water in Summers
As temperatures rise during the summer months, staying hydrated and maintaining digestive health become essential. One effective and refreshing way to achieve this is by drinking Jeera Saunf water, a traditional Indian drink infused with cumin seeds (jeera) and fennel seeds (saunf). Here are nine compelling reasons why you should incorporate Jeera Saunf water into your summer routine:
Cooling Properties
Jeera Saunf water is inherently cooling and helps lower body temperature, making it an ideal beverage to beat the summer heat.

Proper hydration is crucial in summer to prevent dehydration. Jeera Saunf water provides a flavorful alternative to plain water, encouraging increased fluid intake.
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Aids Digestion
Both cumin seeds and fennel seeds have carminative properties that aid digestion by promoting the secretion of digestive enzymes. They help reduce bloating, gas, and indigestion.
Reduces Acidity
Jeera Saunf water has alkaline properties that help neutralize stomach acid, providing relief from acidity and heartburn.

Rich in Nutrients
Cumin seeds and fennel seeds are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They contribute to overall health and well-being when consumed regularly.
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The combination of cumin and fennel seeds in water acts as a natural detoxifier, helping to flush out toxins from the body and cleanse the digestive system.
Boosts Metabolism
Drinking Jeera Saunf water can boost metabolism due to the presence of compounds that stimulate the digestive process, aiding in weight management.
Freshens Breath
Fennel seeds, in particular, are known for their ability to freshen breath and alleviate bad breath caused by digestion-related issues.
Antibacterial Properties
Both cumin and fennel seeds exhibit antibacterial properties that can help combat bacteria in the digestive tract, promoting gut health.
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How to make Jeera Saunf Water:
1 teaspoon cumin seeds (jeera)
1 teaspoon fennel seeds (saunf)
1 liter of water
Boil the water in a saucepan.
Add cumin seeds and fennel seeds to the boiling water.
Simmer for 5-10 minutes on low heat.
Remove from heat and let it cool to room temperature.
Strain the water and discard the seeds.
Pour the infused water into a pitcher or bottle.
Serve Jeera Saunf water chilled or at room temperature.
Optionally, add a squeeze of lemon juice or a few mint leaves for added flavor.
Saunf water
Saunf (fennel) water is sometimes used as a natural remedy to soothe tired or irritated eyes. It is believed that the anti-inflammatory properties of fennel seeds can help reduce puffiness and redness around the eyes. To use, soak fennel seeds in water overnight, strain, and use the infused water as an eye wash or compress for a refreshing and calming effect on the eyes.
Jeera Tea
Jeera tea, made by boiling cumin seeds in water, is popular for its digestive benefits, aiding in bloating and indigestion relief. Its antioxidants may also help improve immunity and promote detoxification.
Enjoyed hot or cold, it's a refreshing beverage that can be sweetened with honey or lemon for added flavor.
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