Space Cadet

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Space Cadet

04 Jul, 2024
1 hr 50 mins
Critic's Rating
Space Cadet


‘Space Cadet’ is an extremely flimsy film that has little to offer. In fact, its superficial plot is so far-fetched that you’re left wondering whether it should be categorized as a comedy or a drama.
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Space Cadet Review : This film's weak plot and mediocre performances render it a failed mission

Critic's Rating: 2.0/5
Story: Rex Simpson deceives her way into NASA and begins astronaut training. When her fraud is exposed, things take a turn for the worse. However, the space agency soon seeks her help when her colleagues become stranded in space.

Review: ‘Space Cadet’ is an extremely flimsy film that has little to offer. In fact, its superficial plot is so far-fetched that you’re left wondering whether it should be categorized as a comedy or a drama. Revolving around the aspirations of a bartender, the film not only plays fast and loose with facts but also presents a story that is hardly engaging. The performances, unfortunately, fall well below par.

The film centers on Rex Simpson (Emma Roberts), a bartender trying to rebuild her life after the death of her mother, with whom she had discussed her dream of traveling to space. Determined to fulfil this dream, Rex applies to NASA's astronaut training program but becomes dejected when she fails to meet any of the criteria. Her best friend Nadine (Poppy Liu) writes a cover letter highlighting fake achievements, which secures Rex a spot in the program. At NASA, Rex meets Logan O’Leary (Tom Hopper) and Pam Proctor (Gabrielle Union), her trainers. Through hard work and a positive attitude, Rex soon impresses her superiors. However, when Logan verifies her credentials, he uncovers her fraud, leading to Rex's dismissal from the program.

‘Space Cadet’ suffers greatly from poor editing. Many scenes are jerky and lack cohesion. In one sequence, when Rex is tending bar, the camera pans away, revealing an inexplicably empty space. The cinematography is average, and the special effects look amateurish. Beyond these technical flaws, the film's plot is simply preposterous. The idea that NASA would send someone with no technical knowledge of science on a rescue mission to save four qualified astronauts is both absurd and ridiculous. Unfortunately, these issues overshadow any potential the film might have had.

Emma Roberts portrays Rex Simpson with an average performance. Her acting is flat and fails to add any value to the film. The role required her to be spunky, chirpy, and to embody a woman with a heart of gold, but at no point does she fully commit to bringing a unique flavour to her character. Poppy Liu, as Nadine, Rex’s best friend, manages to redeem the scenes she shares with Roberts. Gabrielle Union is unfortunately underutilized, and Tom Hopper delivers a strictly average performance.

In tone, this film is reminiscent of ‘The Internship’ and ‘Legally Blonde,’ where Reese Witherspoon's character fakes her way into Harvard. Similarly, Emma Roberts' character fakes her entry into NASA. However, while ‘Legally Blonde’ was an entertaining watch, ‘Space Cadet’ is insufferable. The comedy shines briefly in scenes featuring Rex’s father at work, but his presence is minimal. ‘Space Cadet’ feels rushed and poorly planned, lacking in plot, performances, and direction. There's nothing redeeming about this film.

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