​​10 simple mistakes you must avoid when applying for an internship​

Deba Nayak

Jul 3, 2024

​​Research Gap​

Before applying to any organization, take time to learn about the company and the specific internship. Understand their mission, values, and the intern's responsibilities. This knowledge will help you tailor your application and impress during the interview.

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​Generic Applications​

Don't submit a one-size-fits-all application. Highlight relevant skills and experiences for each position, using keywords from the job description. Try to mold your application according to the needs of the internship role.

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​​Typos and Errors​

Proofread your CV again and again. Typos and errors found can leave a bad impression. A small mistake on your CV and cover letter can lead you to miss the chance.

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​​Giving Up Early​

The internship application process can be competitive. Don't get discouraged by initial rejections. Keep applying and learn from each experience.

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Punctuality and professionalism are key while going for the interview. Arrive on time, dress appropriately, and prepare for common interview questions related to the internship role. Prepare some questions to ask the interviewee.

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​​Following Up Faux Pas​

Send a thank-you email within 24 hours, reiterating your interest. However, avoid following up too soon, try to check in after a week. Check your email for regular updates.

Image Source: Canva

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​​Lack of Enthusiasm​

Convey your excitement to work with the organization. Show genuine interest in the company and the internship during the interview.

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Employer Bad-Mouthing​

Refrain from negativity about past employers, even if you had a bad experience. Focus on the positive aspects and how they'll benefit you in this internship.

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​​Dressing Down​

Avoid revealing, ripped, or wrinkled clothing for a professional interview. Try to leave a formal impression while going to a meeting, this may become a reason for your selection in the organization.

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​​Social Media Blunders​

Today every organization checks your online history. Be mindful of your online presence. Potential employers might check your social media. Avoid unprofessional or offensive content.

Image Source: Canva

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