Girl saves 4-year-old boy from fire in Mizoram village

In Chhippui village, Mizoram, hero girl Lalbiakthangi saved 4-year-old Jacob Laldinsanga from a burning house. Her mother, Remi, aided in the rescue. Lalbiakthangi emerged unharmed but lost her shoes in the fire.
Girl saves 4-year-old boy from fire in Mizoram village
AIZAWL: A girl in Mizoram is being hailed as a hero after she rescued a four-year-old boy from a burning house. The fire broke out on Friday evening at Chhippui village, located on the Mizoram-Bangladesh border in Mamit district.
The boy, Jacob Laldinsanga, was alone in the house when the fire broke out. His mother, Lalbiakmawii, was out meeting a neighbour.
At around 6:45 pm, the girl, Lalbiakthangi, who lives nearby, was the first to notice the flames.
She rushed to the house belonging to one Zothanga but couldn't get into it through the front door.
Suspecting that a child was inside, she climbed through a small window and rescued four-year-old Laldinsanga. The house was completely gutted by the fire.
Secretary of the Chhippui branch of the Young Mizo Association (YMA) said Lalbiakthangi could not come out of the house as the window was too small for both the boy and the young woman to fit through.
Lalbiakthangi's mother, Remi, heard her daughter's calls for help and immediately arrived at the scene. Together, they managed to get the boy out through the window. Lalbiakthangi then managed to crawl out of the window without sustaining major burn injuries. However, she lost her pair of shoes in the fire.
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