Welcome to Time Out Express Ads where you can easily purchase advertising to be displayed on the Time Out website (desktop and/or smartphone) in a matter of clicks. This online store is for organisations with a budget of between $1,000 and $3,000.

  • Advertise on the Time Out Singapore website
  • Choose from four digital ad display products (see examples)
  • Choose website platform (desktop, mobile or both)
  • How many times you would like your ad to display (“ad impressions”), between 50,000 – 300,000 times
  • You choose your campaign dates
  • Pay online

You will need to upload your own ad designs within ad specifications, or alternatively if you don’t have a designer, we can direct you to where you can easily design your ads. If you have a budget greater than $3,000 please visit Time Out Media Centre, or if you have any questions please email jason.woodards@timeout.com