Hallo, ich bin Max Marschall

Ich bin ein Entwickler mit der Leidenschaft für 3D, das Web und alles was dazwischen liegt.

Seit meiner Zeit als Studententutor für die Fächer Grundlagen der technischen Informatik und 3D Game Development, liebe ich es meine Erfahrungen und Leidenschaft mit anderen zu teilen. Thinktecture bietet mir die besten Chancen mein Wissen an Kunden und auf Konferenzen weiterzugeben.

Mein technisches Wissen reicht von der Backend-Entwicklung mit Python und JavaEE bis zur User-Interface-Entwicklung mit Frameworks wie Angular und BabylonJS. Spezialisiert in der Frontend-Entwicklung mit Angular und BabylonJS, helfe ich Entwicklern das Beste der Möglichkeiten zu erreichen.

Zu erreichen bin ich einfach hier max.marschall@thinktecture.com oder als MaxOSchulte auf Twitter.

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Artikel verfasst von Max


Implementing Smart and Presentational Components with Angular: Condensed Angular Experiences – Part 4

In this article, we will explore how to apply the concept of smart and presentational components with Angular. We will choose a complex-enough target to see all aspects in action, yet understandable and within the scope of this article. The goal is to teach you how to use this architecture in your way. For that, we will iterate through different development stages, starting with the target selection and implementing it in a naive way. After the first development, we will refactor that naive solution into smart and presentational components that are reusable, refactor-friendly, and testable.

About Smart and Presentational Components, Architecture Overview & Concepts: Condensed Angular Experiences – Part 3

Modern web technologies enable us to write huge business applications that are performant and easy to use. But with time comes complexity to our projects naturally. That added complexity sums up and makes further app development slow and cumbersome. This article discusses how a simple architectural concept can make every app more maintainable, faster to develop, and extendable in the long run.

What’s The Hype With Angular’s OnPush Change Detection? Condensed Angular Experiences – Part 2

Every now and then, we think about optimizing and tuning the performance of our applications. In terms of Angular, one of the first strategies that come to our minds is the OnPush change detection. But how does it work, and is it worth putting effort into using it? For what use-cases does it make a difference? This article explores precisely that and tries to answer those questions.

Understanding Angular’s Async Pipe: Condensed Angular Experiences – Part 1

This is the first article of the mini-series 'Condensed Angular Experiences'. We will explore concepts in Angular that seem simple but are very powerful and critical for the application architecture.

Ionic Routing And Router Animations In Angular

Angular and its router are powerful tools to create single-page applications (SPAs). However, there are some critical differences in the context of an Ionic Framework application. Ionic Framework (short Ionic) comes with many new components and features, such as its router and animation system. Ionic's router enables us to write routing animations and page transitions in a simple manner. It even applies them to lazy loaded modules and pages – especially the last part is a more complex task in a standard Angular application.

From an Angular Web App to a Hybrid App with Capacitor and Ionic Framework

Creating mobile and desktop applications is a complicated task. Different operating systems require us to have in-depth knowledge of multiple platforms. The web solves most of the problems for us by providing a single platform that runs everywhere - supported by different operating systems and browser vendors. Frameworks like Angular bring the power to write business applications for the web and make a once written application available to everyone.

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Angular, Web Development, Web Technologies, Generative AI, LLM
Talk (Deutsch) | Max Marschall
WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2024  | 
17.07.2024   -  
19.07.2024 @  
Berlin (
Angular, Web Apps, Generative AI
Talk (Deutsch) | Max Marschall
Magdeburger Developer Days 2024  | 
13.05.2024   -  
15.05.2024 @  
Magdeburg (
Angular, Generative AI
Talk (Deutsch) | Max Marschall
International JavaScript Conference London 2024  | 
08.04.2024   -  
11.04.2024 @  
London (
Workshop 4h (Deutsch) | Max Marschall
Angular Days Frühjahr 2024  | 
18.03.2024   -  
21.03.2024 @  
München (
Capacitor, Cross-Platform, Hybrid-Apps, TypeScript
Talk (Deutsch) | Max Marschall
Developer Week '23  | 
26.06.2023   -  
30.06.2023 @  
Nürnberg (
Capacitor, Cross-Platform, Hybrid-Apps
Talk (Deutsch) | Max Marschall
enterJS 2023  | 
20.06.2023   -  
22.06.2023 @  
Darmstadt (
Angular, TypeScript
Talk (Deutsch) | Max Marschall
Magdeburger Developer Days 2023  | 
08.05.2023   -  
10.05.2023 @  
Magdeburg (
Angular, BabylonJS
Workshop 4h (Deutsch) | Max Marschall
Angular Days Frühjahr 2023  | 
20.03.2023   -  
23.03.2023 @  
München (
Talk (Deutsch) | Max Marschall
c't webdev 2022  | 
07.11.2022   -  
09.11.2022 @  
Köln (
Talk (Deutsch) | Max Marschall
c't webdev 2022  | 
07.11.2022   -  
09.11.2022 @  
Köln (

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