Meet Sharon Parris-Chambers, Ambassador

Question 1 :-  Could you introduce yourself ?


I express as Sharon Oshun Parris-Chambers, a Pan-Africanist, Transformational Coach, Author and Spiritual Leader. It is my honor to help develop SOAD’S Tourism Ministry aided by an exceptional team of professionals.


Question 2 :- What is your vision of panafricanism ?


My vision of Pan Africanism is global self-reparation, self-healing, spiritual restoration, which lays the foundation of my own unity of mind-body & spirit, the basis of self-actualization.

Pan Africanism is an emancipated Africa and its Diaspora united to improve the lives and livelihoods of the African masses. With improved transportation routes, lower fares and removal of all barriers to entry to Continental Africa, we continue the process of unification and emancipation as envisioned by our great leaders: Marcus Mosiah Garvey, His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, Jomo Kenyatta, Kwame Nkrumah, Julius Nyerere, Patrice Lumumba and Amilcar Cabral.


Question 3 :- Who is your favourite character in Panafrican history, and why?


Marcus Mosiah Garvey; he is our first national hero in Jamaica and he has left a lasting legacy as Africa’s first provisional president. He gave us the two Amys: Amy Garwood the diplomat and stateswoman and Amy Jacques the poet, editor of the Negro World Newspaper and secretary of the UNIA-ACL. These women extended Garvey’s vision through their advocacy, travel, oratory and diplomacy. Amy Jacques wrote Garvey’s seminal work of the 20th century – “The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey.” Notwithstanding her busy schedule, Amy Jacques, made time to mother Marcus Jr. and Julius Garvey.

Dr Julius Garvey said his mother taught him Garveyism. She was his first teacher. He has extended her authorship by writing the 2022 edition of the above-mentioned book, which remains a favourite among his followers.


Question 4  :-  With the onset of technology and investment in Africa, how do you see Africa in the 21st Century ?


Africa is poised to become a world power again. In the fullness of time, it will ascend to its rightful place in modern history. Africa possesses the raw materials and human resources that the world needs. We must not allow illiteracy, corruption, and poverty to get in the way. With the onset of technology and investment Africa will thrive because it has all the raw materials needed to become a World Power.

Poverty consciousness and lack is not empowerment and therefore not fitting for Africa and its Diaspora during the Age of Emancipation, within the 21st Century.


Question 5 :- What are you planning to do in the future for the State of the African Diaspora?


I am planning to revolutionize Tourism by helping SOAD to be the Agent of Change to use tourism as the driver to empower, increase employment and bring the Continent to the Diaspora and the Diaspora to the Continent. Phase 1 (Years 2023-25). Develop an education campaign to teach citizens and the consumer the #1 reason for travel…For health and the #2 reason is for Self-Reparation, spiritual atonement, similar to how the Muslim takes the Hajj to Mecca. It is a must in their lifetime. So too for the African Diaspora, we will take a Pilgrimage (Stargate Return to the Womb of Creation) returning through the door (port) of Return. Plan tour itineraries for annual group trips & excursions.

Phase 2. (Years 2025-2028). Develop Partnerships with organizations like the World Travel Network (WTN), United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) one of the leading international tourism organizations, which promotes tourism as a driver of economic growth, inclusive development and environmental sustainability, offers leadership and support to the sector in advancing knowledge and tourism policies worldwide.
We will encourage SOAD’s government to seek full ratification within the UN and AU by completing our status as a “State without borders”;

Develop a Map of the State which shows nature’s geographical borders; Establish partnerships with CARICOM, as well as, trade with nations seeking to do business with the African Diaspora within the ambit of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA) and other relevant bodies. If we do not achieve our goals, through collaboration, we will write our own laws, write our own narratives to right our sustainable future. “Up, Up You Mighty Race, you can Accomplish What you will”. (Marcus Mosiah Garvey).