Prevention, Intervention, and Education

An image of a father and young child embracing
“TSS reminded me to trust myself and communicate my truth, if even just to myself.”
Survivor services
  • Helping survivors find safety and stability
  • Safety planning
  • Educating about domestic violence
  • Court accompaniment
  • Assistance accessing other community resources
  • Advocacy for survivors
  • Support groups and workshops
    • 9-week domestic violence support group
    • Parenting workshop series
Community outreach
  • Presentations and panel discussions
  • Domestic violence consultations for providers
  • Educational displays
  • Collaboration and education with youth
  • To learn more about our community outreach click here
Call our intake line to speak with an advocate: 617-965-2538

Speak with an advocate today.

Call us at 617-965-2538

    Please let us know how to safely contact you.