PoliticsMonday 07.08.24

"Trump is an existential threat...the antidote is Joe Biden": Wasserman Schultz reacts to calls for Biden to step down.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz in an interview Monday defended President Joe Biden from Democrats asking he step down, deeming him the “antidote” to Donald Trump.

CNN host Jessica Dean: "Do you think Joe Biden is the only one that can beat Donald Trump?"

Wasserman Schultz: "I think Joe Biden will beat Donald Trump. He has beaten Donald Trump before, and Donald Trump is an existential threat to whom the antidote is Joe Biden."

The Florida Democrat is among the Biden supporters who have hit the airwaves in recent days to defend his candidacy. The blitz comes as several House Democrats have in the past week called on him to step down after his poor debate performance late last month. Biden earlier Monday morning also sent a long letter to congressional Democrats in which he defended his decision to stay in the race, hammered Trump’s policies, and reiterated his campaign promises. “It is time to come together, move forward as a unified party, and defeat Donald Trump,” Biden wrote.

The president sent the letter after four high-ranking House Democrats — including Rep. Jerry Nadler of New York, the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee — reportedly called on Biden to withdraw his candidacy.

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