Focused in our community

Giving Back

Staying True to Our Roots

The Metcalfe originally began as a YMCA for the community, and our roots remain there.

We remain dedicated to our community and ensuring our neighbours reach their full potential. That’s why we partner with the local YMCA-YWCA to raise funds for initiatives such as Y Cycle for Strong Kids, and, with the help of guests and staff, food and toy drives throughout the year.

We encourage our guests and friends to help contribute to this effort; secure donations can be made here.

The green touch of The Metcalfe

As a responsible hotel, The Metcalfe is proud to be part of the environmental protection movement, because we care about our beautiful planet Earth as much as you do.

– Low-flow toilet bowls
– Filtered water dispensers for guests and employees
– Aerators and flow restrictors on faucets
– Biodegradable products
– Plastic and paper recycling for employees and guests
– Recycling of neon lights and batteries
– Donation to charity of surplus sheets, towels, tissues and toilet paper
– Prioritizing local products
– Abolition of plastic straws
– Abolition of Styrofoam
– Decrease in the distribution of paper cups for take-out

Stay in the know!

123 Metcalfe Street
Ottawa, ON, K1P 5L9

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