face mask for sale canada
Izzy Camilleri

Thanks to Local Designers, Mask Production Is Ramping Up

Brands are responding to the surging demand for non-medical masks

Like a light jacket or a pair of boots, face masks have become another (almost) ordinary protective layer, worn in places where people may inadvertently gather closer than six feet to one another. Over the course of the pandemic, face masks have gone from being dismissed as a form of scaremongering, to seen as a shameful siphoning of resources away from medical professionals, to finally accepted as a necessary protective measure.

As of April 6, Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam advised all Canadians to wear face masks in public in order to cut down on the spread of COVID-19. Dr. Jeff Powis, the medical director of infection protection & control at Michael Garron Hospital in East York said in a statement that he wants to see “all East enders wearing a fabric mask when they need to be within six feet of other people, especially vulnerable populations and the elderly” and called on the community to donate 1,000 non-surgical fabric masks to the hospital per week.

As demand for the protective gear has soared, both home sewers and fashion designers alike have stepped up to produce cloth masks for everyday use. One such person is Izzy Camilleri, a stalwart of the Canadian fashion industry and the designer behind the jaw-dropping red coat worn by Meryl Streep’s character in The Devil Wears Prada. In business for more than 36 years, Camilleri first rose to prominence thanks to her namesake intricate, feminine and rock ’n’ roll designs. In 2009 she founded IZ Adaptive, a clothing line designed specifically to accommodate the special requirements of people with physical disabilities. The label briefly shuttered in 2016 but was revived two years later. Now, Camilleri has found her latest sense of purpose making masks. “If you’re familiar with my work, it’s high-end, detailed, complicated, and intense. So it’s kind of funny that I went from doing that to making masks, which are quite simple,” she says.

When social-distancing measures closed all nonessential businesses in Ontario on March 24, Camilleri was forced to lay off her staff and put her business on hold. “It took me a while to wrap my head around [the situation]. I felt limited in what I could do.” But after friends began to inquire about masks, Camilleri realized that her sewing skills—as well as the fabric inventory sitting unused in her studio—could be put to good use. She walked back into her studio and got to work. At first, she enlisted the help of a few volunteers and donated all the masks to Michael Garron Hospital. But after realizing the business potential, she made the masks available for $15 each on her website. “We’ve been inundated with orders,” she says. In just under a week, she has sold more than 2,000 masks.

Camilleri has partnered with Birks on a matching program that will donate one mask to Michael Garron Hospital for every mask sold, and plans to expand donations to Montreal and Vancouver hospitals in the future. The masks will be distributed to non-essential visitors and patients discharged from the hospital. “By teaming up with Izzy we are able to provide masks for hospitals and protect our community,” explains Jean-Christophe Bedos, president and CEO of Maison Birks. “Wearing masks when [people] leave their homes offers mutual protection that can reduce the number of individuals exposed.” Camilleri recounts one customer who wanted to support the initiative but already had a mask, so she requested the mask she had purchased be donated as well. Currently, Camilleri is able to produce approximately 300 masks per day, after enlisting the help of a local contractor.

Camilleri admits to “feeling funny” about experiencing opportunity during a time when more than 1 million Canadians have lost their jobs. “But I feel quite fortunate that I’m able to work and not be at home, idle.”

Camilleri isn’t the only local designer making good. A number of other designers, including Hilary McMillan, Narces, Nonie and Peace Collective, have all pivoted to producing masks. Luxury bridal designer Ines di Santo has switched gears to make hospital gowns. Outerwear behemoth Canada Goose repurposed factories in Toronto and Winnipeg to produce scrubs and medical gowns instead of the usual down parkas, aiming to distribute 10,000 units per week. Kotn enlisted the help of Holt Renfrew’s alterations team to upcycle leftover fabric into masks and donated the first 2,500 to Sunnybrook Hospital’s Infection Prevention & Control and Occupational Health team.

Ines di SantoThe Ines di Santo team making PPE.

Even non-fashion companies have hopped on the mask-making bandwagon. Toronto custom furniture company Request For Product recently rebranded as Canada Mask Supply and now churns out more than 20,000 masks per day. On one hand, producing masks helps fulfill a crucial need, yet the move also could be perceived as opportunistic, or hopping on a bandwagon. This cognitive dissonance is something Camilleri understands and feels deeply. “I did have a lot of questions internally about whether I should or shouldn’t be doing this but, I felt compelled and motivated to keep going. I wanted to help, and it is obviously something that is needed and is something I can do.”

According to the US Centers for Disease Control, fabric masks subject to frequent wear should be laundered at least once a week. Camilleri recommends buying three masks per person in order to have access to a clean mask at all times.

While modeling data suggests that Toronto has reached the peak of COVID-19 cases and the curve is beginning to flatten, it’s important to keep up with public safety measures—like wearing a mask—in order to slow down the transmission of COVID-19 as much as possible. Our lives literally depend on it.



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