DIY tie dye socks Erin Leydon Mitch Syer
All Photography by Erin Leydon and Mitch Syer

This Cool Couple Became Tie-Dye Experts During Quarantine

Erin Leydon and Mitch Syer spark joy with colourful socks

In this special Two of Us series, interesting duos—couples, friends, roommates—share how they’re spending time together during quarantine. This week: Toronto photographers Erin Leydon and Mitch Syer, who are cozied up in their Riverside apartment. The couple has a new hobby: DIY tie-dye socks made in the tub!

How is quarantine affecting your photography? 

“The mundane has suddenly become interesting. Moments we would maybe overlook before are now at the forefront and gaining value in the way we document. We’re realizing we are (now) photographing what’s likely more significant to us rather than just something pretty or what others want to see. We’re creating just for us.” 

How are you coping?

“We’re doing okay!  And we mostly have our friends, family and clients to thank for that. We have a really great, supportive community around us.” 

What will be different for you when this is over?

“Our perspective. Our wants. The way we work. Appreciation for the small things.”  



Erin Leydon Mitch Syer


“We start every day by making coffee. It’s what gets us out of bed and down the stairs.”


Erin Leydon Mitch Syer


“Lately we’ve been loving baked oats. Before this we ate oatmeal every day but discovered baked oats during quarantine and are a bit addicted.”


DIY tie dye socks


“We start the process of tie-dyeing! This has been something we’ve been really into lately. Especially with socks. It’s been such a great way to be creative without having to leave the house. We start by getting all the socks damp. We fill our tub with water and drench them all. We’ve decided to start selling them, so there’s a lot!”


DIY tie dye socks


“Then we tie up each pair in different ways with rubber bands to create different patterns. Then we start DYEING! We’ve been reusing the squirt bottles to create new colours and for more control over where we put colour.” 


DIY tie dye socks


“Once they’re done… we wait! Until tomorrow morning, or at least eight hours. But we have some pairs of socks we did yesterday that need to be rinsed, washed and dried. In the morning, we open up and rinse all of our socks from the day before. I especially like this part, I get the same feeling from this as I do when I get film back. Always a nice surprise!”


Erin Leydon Mitch Syer


“In between and for most of the day we work on and off, edit photos, call loved ones, respond to emails, hang out.” 


Erin Leydon Mitch Syer quarantine


“We spend most of the evening cooking dinner, drinking wine and watching movies.” 

All photos by Erin Leydon and Mitch Syer.


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