salary transparency women

Here’s Something That Could Get Women the Salary We Deserve

Forcing employers to post salaries on job ads might just solve the gender pay gap

There comes a moment in every hiring process when the matter of salary comes up. Sometimes it’s in the initial HR interview, other times it’s a surprise revealed when you finally get an offer. It can be a straightforward, “Here’s what we’re thinking, does that work for you?” or the supremely awkward, “You tell us what you’d like to make and we’ll let you know if that works for us.”

Either way, it can be fraught, especially when you’re worried about either undercutting your worth or excluding yourself from consideration because you were (gasp!) too greedy, even as you clutch reams of industry benchmark data to support your ask.

This is something that a recent piece of Ontario legislation is seeking to mitigate; it would require employers to include a salary range on all public job postings. It’s a push already underway in P.E.I., British Columbia, Newfoundland and Labrador, the E.U. and multiple U.S. states.

This is especially pertinent to women’s careers, because as of 2021 in Canada, a female worker made 89 cents for every dollar a male worker earned, an average of $3.79 an hour less. The gap is even wider for racialized or gender-diverse people.

One reason for the pay gap is a documented pattern of behaviour known as the “ask gap”; when women are questioned about salary expectations, they “consistently ask for less” than men do.

“I’m a massive advocate for salary transparency,” says Lisa Pasquin, president at Craft Public Relations, which published its own salary bands last year. She says one reason for the pay gap is a documented pattern of behaviour known as the “ask gap”; when women are questioned about salary expectations, they “consistently ask for less” than men do.

“On average, it’s three per cent less,” says Pasquin. “That three per cent can make a huge difference, especially if it’s early in your career.” She points to data showing that if a woman makes $1,000 less in her starting salary than a man, that can add up to a lifetime earning difference of $500,000.

“There’s research that shows that when salary bands are provided, that ‘ask gap’ disappears,” says Pasquin. She compares it to walking into a store and asking how much a sweater costs, only to be asked how much you think you should pay for it. “It’s a bit ridiculous to think that we put the onus on job seekers to start the conversation on salary,” she says. “I think this salary transparency legislation puts the onus where it belongs: onto employers, where they have to share what they’re willing to compensate for the role they’re hiring for.”

Until then, if you are interviewing, Pasquin suggests asking about the salary as early in the process as you can. “It’s never going to turn off an employer to say, ‘I’m interested in this role, can you give me a sense of the salary?’” she says. And don’t be afraid to ask for what you really want. “I can tell you, as someone who has hired a lot of people in my career, I have never not hired someone because they asked for more salary than I thought was appropriate for the role.”

It may help for us all to acknowledge that we work in order to get paid. “Especially as women, with this need to be liked that I share, it feels icky to admit that,” she says. “People work in exchange for money, and that is part of the process in deciding whether to take the job or not.”

“It’s never going to turn off an employer to say, ‘I’m interested in this role, can you give me a sense of the salary?’”

Information is a key bargaining chip in what’s inherently an unequal power dynamic, and it can increase equity for existing employees too. “The ask for companies to post salaries when they hire is going to force companies to do the work internally first,” Pasquin says. “If you’re going to post for a job that’s similar to one where there’s someone who’s already doing it, you need to make sure the people already doing that job are in that salary range.” It moves salary conversations from “I think I’ve earned a raise because I think I’ve done a good job” to “This is what you pay for this position; can you show me in this job description which are the parts that I’m not doing?”

But publishing salaries isn’t a “silver bullet” to solving inequity in the workplace, cautions Dr. Sarah Saska, co-founder and CEO of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) consulting firm Feminuity. It can be a “blunt instrument” applied to a nuanced situation.

“There’s a lot of talk about ‘equal pay for equal work.’ You might not expect me to say this, but DEI is about understanding differences, about valuing diversity,” says Saska. “People don’t grow and perform at the same pace and rate, and in that sense, they don’t perform equally.”

There’s the risk of “salary compression,” wherein a more experienced employee might be held back in order to land within the same pay band as a newer hire. “That can be super de-motivating,” says Saska.

Privacy concerns could come into play if this information is publicly available, for instance if an abusive partner learns what you’re earning. “It can be threatening to certain men and can result in different forms of abuse, like more control around finances.”

Saska is also concerned that it could become a barrier for small businesses like her own. “It’s so expensive, and we’re held to the same standards as big corporations,” she says. “This could be just another reason for small- or medium-sized businesses to say, ‘Nope, we’re not going to have full-time employees. We’re just going to stick with the gig economy.’”  

The legislation calls for salary ranges, such as “$45,000 to $65,000 depending on experience,” which leaves room for people to earn more as they gain experience but could be too wide, still allowing for the bias that could see a man paid $10,000 more than a woman.

Still, Saska believes pay transparency can be a net-good when implemented well. In a perfect world, it could mean the end of salary negotiations—if you trust that an employer has set their pay bands fairly and equitably. Until then, she still recommends negotiating. “It should hold organizations to new standards,” she says. “But the rollout is where the rubber hits the road.”

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