Illustration by Poonam Chauhan

How To Take Your Masturbation to the Next Level

From toys to positions to mindfulness techniques, make solo time count

The longest sexual relationship any of us will ever have is with ourselves. And this liaison is all benefits, no drawbacks: It’s a sure thing, happens on your schedule and yours alone, an orgasm is guaranteed every time, and no one will ghost you afterwards. So we decided to pay tribute to it with our Love Yourself package. Why not go and love yourself right now?

“I’m in a masturbation rut and come the same ol’ way every time. Got any tips to help me spice up my solo routine?” —Alice, Charlottetown

We have to work. We have to clean our messy houses. Life can get so hectic that our pleasure is often deprioritized, and masturbation can be the first thing to go—or, y’know, we just fit it in quickly between episodes of Wentworth. “When we repeat the same action over and over again, our bodies become very good at that particular pattern,” says Caitlin K. Roberts, a Victoria-based somatic sex educator. “We do what works and sometimes don’t even have the space to realize that there are different ways to love ourselves up, or the benefit that comes from that variation.”

Masturbation is critical, because the one person who you are guaranteed to always be in a relationship with is yourself. “Knowing how to meet your own sexual needs is a brilliant strategy for ensuring a life of sexual satisfaction,” says Kaleigh Trace, a psychotherapist and sexual health educator at Couple Therapy Toronto. “The impact of work and social pressure means that we often tune out our core needs in order to get through the day. If we are going to have truly fulfilling sex—be that sex with ourselves or sex with others—we need to be able to tune in to our core needs. What is it that you truly desire? What would help your body to feel good? In order to answer these questions, we need to be mindful of ourselves.”

This is why taking the time to vary your go-to strategy—or to simply tune in to the sensations—is a great way to prioritize pleasure, learn more about what you like and improve partner sex as well. Here are some fun ways to mix it up.


According to Roberts, a mental drift can occur in masturbation where you get lost in the thoughts of a fantasy or watching something sexy on a screen. “Mindfulness in masturbation offers the gift of noticing your pleasure in a way that you maybe haven’t before,” she says, suggesting starting this practice in the shower. “Something that can be very task-oriented—getting clean—can be turned into a delicious pleasure experience. How does the water feel as it hits your skin? How does your scalp feel as you wash your hair?…See if you can deeply pay attention to the pleasure your body is experiencing. Savour and imprint that pleasure in your body and brain. Give your nervous system the gift of deep, blissful enjoyment.” Roberts says bringing the rest of your body into it is a great way to build new neural pathways for pleasure. “You might start to notice the way your shirt touches your skin in a way you never have before.”


Date prep isn’t just for showing off for others: Roberts suggests getting all dolled up for yourself. “Put on something you feel super-hot in, put on some sultry tunes, get a mirror, admire yourself, take pictures with a timer,” she says. “Acknowledge the beauty of your body and how taking the time to adorn and preen can be a way of worshipping and honouring yourself.”

Incorporating mirrors into masturbation itself can be powerful. “Watching yourself while you are giving yourself pleasure and understanding what your body looks like when it’s experiencing pleasure is not only really sexy but also empowering,” says Cynthia Loyst, Toronto-based author of Find Your Pleasure: The Art of Living a More Joyful Life and co-host of The Social.

Roberts likes to sit in a comfortable chair in front of a mirror. “You can see yourself in a whole new way, and focus on what’s happening.”


“Getting into fantasy play in our heads can allow us to weave stories or access memories that pack a powerful erotic punch,” says Loyst. “So play with both!” If you find yourself going to the same fantasy over and over, make a point to try out a new one. There’s a whole world of fantasy options to choose from, from dominance to voyeurism to Paul Newman.


“Switching things up—be that propping your legs up against a wall, flipping onto your belly, or doing it standing up in the shower—can be a cheap and easy way to breathe new energy into your solo sexual life,” Trace says.

The bathroom is a great locale for new techniques. Have a handheld shower head? Point it at your clitoris. Don’t have one? You can achieve the same effect with a simple bath faucet. Just lie down under it, legs shimmied up the wall on each side, and let the water do its thing. We’re also living in a glorious age of waterproof toys, with many vibrators built to withstand a million hot baths.


The clitoris has “arms” that spread into the surrounding areas, so there’s lots of erotic possibility nearby: Try pressing down just above your pubic bone mid-session. Trans ladies can try massaging the perineum, which can lead to a stellar orgasm thanks to its proximity to the prostate.

Roberts suggests massaging your outer and inner labia, introitus (the entrance to the vagina), urethra and inguinal crease (that sensitive line that starts under your butt and curls around to your hips). “Wake up your genitals with some different types of touch your body isn’t anticipating,” she says. Explore light and heavy pressure, tapping, pulling and tickling. Touch tools can be a great addition, like paintbrushes, skin brushes, something fluffy or anything that creates a good slappy sound like a flogger or wooden spoon.

Then there’s butt stuff. “The butt can be a wild and magical place of sensation and pleasure,” says Roberts. “The external asshole is ripe with nerve endings so you often don’t need to explore any internal sensation in order to feel fulfilled.” A li’l butt plug is a great starter toy for solo play. Choose a smaller one that is made out of easy-to-clean silicone and has a flared base (spare yourself the embarrassing ER visit!). Make sure to apply lube first—this will make it safer, and feel much better.


Having an arsenal of different kinds of sex toys is a great way to keep your sessions fresh and exciting. Usually use a bullet? Try a more phallic toy. Loyal to your longboi? Try a compact toy in a cute abstract shape. Want to venture inward? Try incorporating a G-spot toy.

Toys come with all kinds of bells and whistles, including apps that control them remotely, dozens of settings (rolling! pulsing! ascending!), bendable forms to fit any body shape, and vacuum suction for a blowjob effect. Trace loves the We-Vibe Wish; Loyst is into the Crescendo by Mystery Vibe (which has been marketed as the first universal vibe that works for any body); and I’m partial to Fun Factory toys.

If all else fails, pick up a near-universally loved Magic Wand (often called the Hitachi after its previous copyright holder) or the Womanizer (sorry about the name, but it has my full screaming endorsement). Hitachis are a good bet for trans girls, too, says Ana Valens, writer of the column Trans/Sex, because the low rumbling vibrations work beautifully on the more spread-out nerve system of many pre-op and non-op trans girls.

Always use a toy? Try switching to manual occasionally: it can actually feel more illicit than coming via vibe and it’s a good way to hone those hand skills and centre yourself in your body.


Masturbating with a partner—whether it’s putting on a show, getting off side-by-side or incorporating self-pleasure into sex—is, in my opinion, the number-one way to improve partner sex and ensure that you come more regularly. “It can be incredibly beneficial for people to witness each other in self-pleasure, not to mention superbly healing to be seen so vulnerably and to still feel loved,” says Roberts.

One way to do this is in the middle of partner sex: Just reach down and give yourself a hand, either with your literal hand or your vibe. You might feel nervous at first, but I promise any good partner will be stoked to see you enjoying yourself.

It can feel a bit vulnerable to bust out your favourite vibrator in front of a partner, so try picking out a new toy together. That way, you’re both exploring something new. Once your partner sees how you like to use it, you can start having them use the toy on you, too.

If you feel shy about making yourself come in front of someone, turn the lights down and put on some music to set you at ease and drown out a noisy vibrator. Roberts recommends setting a timer “to see what happens within an agreed upon time of not touching each other, only touching yourself.” Once the timer goes off, you could mutually engage or play a game to see if you can each replicate how you touch yourselves. It’s a great way to educate a partner on how you like to be touched—and guarantee more orgasms down the road.


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