zodiac sign friends

Here’s What Kind of Friend You Are, Based On Your Sign

And which zodiac signs are best suited to be your BFF

In astrology, the sun rules your personality and sense of self, so your zodiac sign can say a lot about what kind of friend you are—and who you vibe best with (Leo and Sag, Virgo and Capricorn, Libra and everyone…). Behold our guide to every sign’s friendship style, most compatible pals and the ones who need a little convincing that you’re actually the best. 



zodiac sign friends


Your friend vibe: You’re super independent and always on the go, so you appreciate a friend who’s just as busy as you are. In other words: Needy bitches go home. And while your sparkly confidence and general optimism will attract all sorts of would-be BFFs (clingy Cancerians included), your hardcore competitive streak and straight-talking ways will scare off the overly sensitive types. Bless.

Signs that get your vibe: Leo, Sagittarius, Libra

Signs that need some convincing: Cancer, Scorpio, Virgo


zodiac sign friends


Your friend vibe: You’re loyal AF, and your closest pals have been your closest pals since you were both in Pampers. Taurus is ruled by Venus, so you’re super affectionate and love a good friend snuggle. Fave bestie bonding activities include spa days, beach hangs and all-you-can-eat buffets. People know not to mention going to exercise class together.

Signs that get your vibe: Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn

Signs that need some convincing: Sagittarius, Aries, Scorpio


zodiac sign friends


Your friend vibe: You can’t resist a good debate or juicy gossip sesh, and socializing has always come naturally to you (you were def told you talk too much as a kid). Having said that, your air-sign-ruled intellectual nature won’t let people get too close too quick. You prefer to keep things light and easy-breezy unless they can keep up with you intellectually.

Signs that get your vibe: Aquarius, Libra, Aries

Signs that need some convincing: Capricorn, Scorpio, Virgo


zodiac sign friends


Your friend vibe: Cancerians are introverts at heart, so you like to keep your inner circle tight—family (which always comes first) and a handful of day-ones. You’re highly sensitive and e-mo-tion-al, which means you occasionally indulge in a MOOD, but your friendships are always deep, dedicated and lifelong.

Signs that get your vibe: Pisces, Scorpio, Taurus

Signs that need some convincing: Aquarius, Gemini, Sagittarius


zodiac sign friends


Your friend vibe: Leos make awesome friends, but duh you knew that already because you have that infamous lion ego. Yes, you like to boss everyone around (it’s called leadership, okay?) and be the centre of attention (also leadership!), but you’re warm and generous and love making people LOL, so we all put up with your drama because you’re fun to be around.

Signs that get your vibe: Sagittarius, Aries, Libra

Signs that need some convincing: Capricorn, Pisces, Scorpio


zodiac sign friends


Your friend vibe: When people first meet you they think you’re an ice-cold bitch, but, surprise, you’re just shy-slash-the-best! It takes a while for you to warm up to people, but when you do, you’re loyal for life. You can be overly cautious and critical, though, so try to relax and go with the flow.

Signs that get your vibe: Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer

Signs that need some convincing: Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini


zodiac sign friends


Your friend vibe: Everyone loves you. You’re charming and social and an all-around delight. You hate conflict, so you always end up being the mediator in your friend group. Also, you can’t make a decision to save your life. This frustrates your BFFs, but you can’t help it—whatever makes everyone else happy, makes you happy!

Signs that get your vibe: Aquarius, Gemini, Leo

Signs that need some convincing: Everyone loves a Libra.



zodiac sign friends


Your friend vibe: You’re intense. You want things to be real and deep and honest or what’s the point? You hate all things shallow and superficial—especially when it comes to friendship. Trust is ehhhhhverything. If someone stabs you in the back, you will stab them in their eyeball. People find you intimidating but also seriously wise. They come to you for advice, which makes you feel chic and powerful.

Signs that get your vibe: Pisces, Cancer, Virgo

Signs that need some convincing: Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius


zodiac sign friends


Your friend vibe: Sagittarians are free-ass spirits. You want to see the world and go on all the adventures, so you need a long leash and ideally few to no responsibilities—including the h-core friendship kind. You’re fun and spontaneous, but you’re too wrapped up in your own bliss to think too much about other people’s feelings (tres bummer). Also, you can’t keep a secret, like ever, so your pals tend not to come to you with their heavy stuff anyway—win-win!

Signs that get your vibe: Aries, Leo, Aquarius

Signs that need some convincing: Cancer, Taurus, Pisces


zodiac sign friends


Your friend vibe: Capricorns are ruled by Saturn, which has big dad energy, so you’re grounded, steady and kind of serious about everything. This makes you a reliable and devoted friend, if sometimes sarcastic and prone to I-told-you-so’s. Ambition and status are important to you, so you’re good at making friends in high places.

Signs that get your vibe: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio

Signs that need some convincing: Aries, Sagittarius, Libra


zodiac sign friends


Your friend vibe: You have a v big social network, but the truth is you need your space, privacy and alone time so you tend to cultivate just a handful of chic friendships. You hate emotional messiness, and as an intellectual air sign you prefer to deal with situations using logic and reason. This makes you a great problem solver and advisor, but probably not the warmest shoulder to cry on.

Signs that get your vibe: Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini

Signs that need some convincing: Cancer, Pisces, Virgo


zodiac sign friends


Your friend vibe: You’re naturally sympathetic, open-minded and an actually good listener (v rare!), so your besties know they can come to you when they’re at their lowest. You’re highly intuitive (maybe even a little psychic?), so you always know what to say to lift their spirits and give them the support they need.

Signs that get your vibe: Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus

Signs that need some convincing: Leo, Libra, Aquarius


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