It’s been almost a month of living in strict social distancing during a pandemic, and with our rituals, routines and support systems interrupted, a trained ear to confide in has become more valuable than ever—just when we can’t see a therapist in person. “Lots of people are struggling with isolation, anxiety and grief around all of the losses that have come with COVID-19,” says Toronto psychotherapist and social worker Aliza Shupac.

If you’re already seeing a therapist regularly, you might be feeling a sense of loss at having that experience interrupted. And if you’re new to therapy, it can be hard to know where to start. Luckily, virtual therapy platforms are springing up to help people access this vital healthcare without leaving their homes.

“The last thing we want is for coming to therapy to add stress to people’s lives, and having the ability to access therapy from the comfort of your home on your own schedule really helps it to be a positive experience,” says Shupac, who offers video sessions through a secure online platform. “Virtual therapy enables people to get the emotional support that they need as well as some concrete tools for managing their emotions like cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and mindfulness tools—evidenced-based techniques that help with both depression and anxiety.”

It might seem strange to bare your soul to your laptop, but now that we’re getting used to connecting online with friends and family, it will feel less odd to do the same with a therapist.

It might seem strange to bare your soul to your laptop, but now that we’re getting used to connecting online with friends and family, it will feel less odd to do the same with a therapist. Of course, as anyone who’s tried to set up a Zoom meeting for the first time knows, there’s the potential for technical difficulties. “Checking your internet, audio and video connection in advance can go a long way in making sure sessions go smoothly,” says Shupac. “Also, try to find a quiet place in your home to have your session. Some people find that using an inexpensive sound machine to create some privacy from roommates or other family members may be helpful.”

Along with video sessions, which Shupac prefers for the ability to see facial expressions and body language because that helps to build trust, many platforms offer phone sessions and even the option to text with a therapist. “Texting can increase accessibility for clients but can also raise potential privacy issues as well as heighten the possibility of misunderstanding in the absence of seeing the other person and hearing their tone of voice,” says Shupac.

Most online therapist-matching services operate a bit like a dating app.

Most online therapist-matching services operate a bit like a dating app: You create a profile, fill out a short survey and can browse available therapists’ credentials and specializations to find a good match. These networks mostly offer access to psychotherapists or psychologists, whose services aren’t covered by OHIP but may be covered by a private insurance plan or workplace benefits provider. (Only psychiatrists are covered by provincial and territorial healthcare, and they are the only mental health professionals able to prescribe medication.) You should receive a printable receipt that you can submit to your insurance company if you have extended coverage—check to see if your plan covers video or text counselling.


Here’s how to find a virtual therapist


This Ontario-based service connects you with therapists who can treat issues from depression, grief and anxiety to eating disorders, psychosis/schizophrenia and more. Fill out a survey to select a counsellor—there are psychotherapists and registered social workers as well as life coaches. Your first video session is free to make sure it’s a good match, and then you’ll pay $37.50 per 30-minute session.

Hasu eCounselling

Aiming to help Canadians with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety or trauma as well as substance abuse and problem gambling, this service offers counselling via video, talk or text. A one-hour video or talk session is $95; unlimited text therapy is $29 per week.


Based in B.C., this video chat and email platform connects you to a counsellor within 48 hours once you’ve filled in a short survey. The pricing is on the affordable end: Video sessions are $34 for 30 minutes or $68 for 60 minutes.

The Calm Collective

This Toronto psychotherapy clinic always offers video or phone therapy along with in-person appointments but is exclusively offering virtual appointments during social distancing. You fill out a contact form to be assessed and matched with a psychotherapist. Sessions start at $140 per 50-minute video session.

Affordable Therapy Toronto

This is a directory of GTA psychotherapists who offer low-cost rates ($40-$65 for 50 or 60 minutes) and sliding scale (typically $65-$100) for those who would like to access therapy but aren’t in a position to pay the typical fees. The therapists, who each set their own fees, are opening up more low-cost spots during this challenging time.

Umbrella Mental Health Network

This Toronto-based network of queer and trans-identified mental health professionals has always offered online therapy for folks who don’t have access to LGBTQ+ affirmative therapy and those with accessibility needs. $150 for 50 minutes with a psychotherapist; sliding scale sessions are available for those with financial needs and who identify as BIPOC and/or trans-feminine.


This online network of doctors allows you to talk to licensed psychotherapists or psychiatrists via live chat, video or phone. You enter a topic you’d like to discuss and a preferred time, you’ll be matched with a therapist and you can expect a response in 12 hours or less. $120 for a 50-minute session.

If you are in crisis and having thoughts of harming yourself or others, call 911 and/or Crisis Service Canada at 1-833-456-4566

With files from Kieona George


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