Helen Mirren
L'Oréal Paris

Dame Helen Mirren Continues to Surprise and Delight

Fast & Furious 9, anyone? She's driving

Helen Mirren comes across as the type of woman who doesn’t necessarily play by the rules, especially if they’re silly. From taking to the red carpet with pastel-pink-tinted hair—twice, at 67 and then at 73—to joining the Fast & Furious franchise, the dame sees our expectations of genteel older actresses with plummy British accents and subverts them just so, with a twinkle in her eye and a generous dose of wit.

I first glimpsed Mirren on-screen in The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover, a dark, carnal, grotesque film from 1989 that made me feel very sophisticated to say I enjoyed. “Oh yes, that was a good one,” she says, when we chat via Zoom. “The hair and makeup and costumes were fabulous.” Yes! At 44, Mirren was a minxy middle-aged vision in strappy black Jean Paul Gaultier. Today, dressed to virtually host the L’Oréal Paris Women of Worth gala on International Women’s Day, she looks just as alluring in a black braided headband, sharp tailored shoulders and dangling black and gold earrings fit for Russian royalty.

Mirren’s charisma and gravitas have been put to good use in her prolific career. Highlights include playing the Queen of England three times (one of which, The Queen, netted her an Oscar) and a genre-defining role as Detective Superintendent Jane Tennyson in U.K. crime series Prime Suspect—the reason every character actress has to put on a crisp button-up, a blazer and an intelligent expression for one of her headshots. At 75, Mirren continues to surprise and delight with her choices—she’s set to appear in her third Fast & Furious movie this June, this time—at her request—behind the wheel.

What’s not surprising is that she’s a joy to talk to. Read on for Mirren’s thoughts on getting older, getting dressed for the red carpet and her friend Vin Diesel.

A long time ago, you were quoted as saying “I’m a would-be rebel. The good girl who’d like to be a bad one.” Since then, do you feel like you’ve grown into that role?

“I always desperately wanted to be a bad girl, wild, with an ‘I’m gonna do what I wanna do when I wanna do it’ kind of attitude, but the reality is I’m absolutely not like that. I’m like, ‘What time do I have to be there? Oh, I’ll be there on time. What do I have to do? Alright, fine, is this okay?’ I’ve failed all of my life in achieving bad-girl status, but if I believe in something and I feel passionately about it, I can be quite argumentative and I’m sure very annoying for a lot of people—a lot of men.

When I did a film called The Long Good Friday [1980], I felt the female role was underwritten. Every day I’d come on set, all bright-eyed and bushy tailed, saying, ‘I’ve rewritten the scene.’ The poor director looked at me like I was completely mad, and I’d argue, ‘No, it’s much better like this.’ I was very annoying to him I’m sure, but I have to say the film was better for it. There are certain times when you have to stand up and argue what you believe in. You can’t be a doormat.”

L’Oréal Paris Women of Worth celebrates Canadian women who stand up against injustices in their communities. Which of them stand out to you this year?

“What impressed me is how young so many of them are—it’s incredible to see young women take on these very difficult issues. Two of them are focused on women and children facing violence at home [Aditi Sivakumar’s My Empowerment Platform and Meseret Haileyesus’s Canadian Center for Women’s Empowerment]. I think particularly at this time of lockdown, when people literally can’t escape, the issue of domestic violence is very serious. And one [Bita Malekian’s Water Movement] is about access to water, an issue that has such a big impact on people’s lives.”

As women, our appearance is subject to so many expectations and rules. Have there been times when people have told you how you should look and you said, well, no?

“A long time ago, I came to America to do a publicity tour for a series of Shakespeare plays, and I was wearing the stuff that I wore in England. I was wearing my leopard-print trousers with my cowboy boots and my black Roxy satin jacket, and the American publicity people looked at me with absolute horror. They came to me incredibly embarrassed and said, ‘You don’t look like a Shakespearean actress, you can’t go out dressed like that.’ I took great umbrage. I said, ‘I am a Shakespearean actress and this is what I wear. I’m not going to wear some grey cardigan and sensible shoes just because you think that’s how a Shakespearean actress dresses.’ So yes, I have been told off for my appearance on more than one occasion.”

Other than that, what was your most unexpected red carpet moment? The pink hair comes to mind

“Once I got over my fear of the red carpet it just became incredible fun. It’s the ultimate dress-up moment and it’s nice to give it a little bit of a twist sometimes, like with the pink hair. Yes, I had my hair pink in London but another time I had this beautiful pinky-goldy Elie Saab dress and I thought it would be fabulous to have hair that exactly matched the dress. It’s a creative process that I absolutely love. I am so privileged and I’m incredibly grateful to have been able to wear these beautiful creations by real artists.”

You’re inspiring to so many women in how you’ve embraced your natural hair and your natural face. Do you feel like you’ve resisted expectations to look more youthful than you are?

“Yes, I mean, there’s the image and then there’s the reality, and I’m afraid the reality is really quite different from the image. But it’s kind of cool to create the image and to live in it for a short period of time before reality comes crashing in. The whole youthfulness thing is just, I’ve always said you die young or you get old, and there’s nothing in between. I don’t want to die young. I’m curious about what happens next, I want to know, so to do that I have to get old. I remember feeling like, ‘I’m young, it’s all ahead of me—it’s not behind me like it is for you.’ As the older person you think, ‘Yes, it is all ahead of you. You’ll get to where I am, it’s coming, unless you die young which would be very sad.’ You have to sort of settle with the reality of that.”

You’re in the upcoming Fast & Furious movie, F9, with Vin Diesel. What appeals to you about that franchise?

“I love Vin, Vin is a dear friend of mine. I mean, it’s not like we hang out together, but we send each other messages from time to time. He’s such a dear, gentle soul. I’m very, very fond of him. And I just love driving cars. I’ve always loved driving my own cars in films that I’ve done, so I very much wanted to be in Fast & Furious. I was furious that I wasn’t in Fast & Furious, and then they very kindly put me in Fast & Furious 8 because I whined about it, and then they didn’t have me driving a car—I was in the back of a car—so then I whined about that and they very sweetly let me drive a car in F9 and I loved it. It’s great.”

Helen Mirren has been a face of L’Oréal Paris since 2014. Shop her favourite products from the line

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