therapy near me

How to Find a Therapist Near You

Because mental health services shouldn't be hard to track down

Mental health, and the need for mental health services, has never been more at the forefront of our minds. From our collective embrace of #BellLetsTalk and #EndtheStigma to the tragic prevalence of high-profile celebrity suicides like Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain that has thrust mental health issues into the spotlight, it feels possible to hope for a future where the approximate one in five people in Canada who will personally experience a mental health problem or illness in any given year will be able to seek the help they need and not feel ostracized or judged because of their illness.

But while we’re fortunate, as Canadians, to have free health care and therefore mental health services such as therapy, actually accessing them can be a different story. And, as many people will attest, even if you are willing and able to pay out of pocket, or have extended health coverage through your employer, finding an appropriate, available therapist can seem daunting.

To help make the task a little bit easier, and in the spirit of The Kit’s How to Be Good package where “being good” includes being good to yourself and nurturing your mental health, we’re breaking down how to find a therapist in Canada. We’re starting at the beginning, too, and breaking down the different types of mental health professionals out there.

What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist (and other therapists!) in Canada?

While the different kinds of therapists in Canada might offer most of the same services—for example, if you’re looking for couples’ therapy or help with an addiction, you’re likely to find psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists who all offer those types of therapy—the professionals themselves have some differentiating qualities. The main points of difference are typically in the level of education needed in order to be licensed in their field and whether or not they can prescribe medication.

What is a psychiatrist?

Level of education: Doctor of Medicine (MD). According to the Canadian Psychiatric Association, a person “must have a degree in medicine, a license to practice medicine in their province and specialist certification in psychiatry by either the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada or a provincial college” in order to practice psychiatry in Canada.

Approach: A psychiatrist is a medical doctor that can use a combination of medication and counselling to support recovery. They tend to view emotional issues through the medical model which identifies them as an abnormality in physiology.

Can psychiatrists prescribe medication? Yep, psychiatrists can prescribe medication as well as do physical exams and order lab tests, if necessary. It’s also important to note that psychiatrists are the only mental health professionals who can prescribe medication.

Professional body psychiatrists are licensed by: Canadian Psychiatric Association

Are psychiatrists covered by Canada’s publicly funded health care system? Yes, psychiatric services are covered by provincial and territorial health plans, which can make them more difficult to access with barriers such as longer wait times because of high demand. While it’s common to go through a family doctor for a referral and in some cases, can speed up the process of finding a psychiatrist, it’s certainly not mandatory.

What is a psychologist?

Level of education: While most clinical psychologists in Canada have a PhD in clinical or experimental psychology or a PsyD, which is a doctoral degree in psychology oriented toward clinical practice, in some provinces like Alberta and Saskatchewan, one can become a chartered psychologist with a master’s degree such as a Master of Arts (MA) or Sciences (MSc).

Approach: Psychologists typically use what is often referred to as the biopsychosocial model to understand emotional difficulties which can include a combination of factors such as environment, past and present experiences, personality, relationships, physiological factors, learned behaviours and thought patterns. Their expertise includes psychological testing and assessment of emotional and cognitive functions, the diagnosis of emotional and cognitive disorders and the use of evidence-based psychological treatments and psychotherapies.

Can a psychologist prescribe medication? No.

Professional body psychologists are licensed by: Canadian Psychological Association

Are psychologists covered by Canada’s publicly funded health care system? Not typically. When a psychologist is employed by a public institution like a hospital, school or correctional facility, their services are covered by the public health system. When privately accessed, psychological services are paid for out of pocket but are often covered by extended health insurance through one’s job as well as various third-party bodies such as the W.S.I.B. for people injured at work. Additionally, there are government-funded psychological services available for groups such as veterans.

What is a psychoanalyst?

Level of education: A Master’s or doctoral degree in psychoanalysis, or a certificate program in psychoanalysis that’s focused on clinical training rather than research.

Approach: Psychoanalysts focus on the unconscious mind, such as trying to uncover what from a person’s subconscious memories is triggering them and focus on “the couch,” as in that stereotypical image of a patient lying down on the couch talking. In the case of psychoanalysis, that trope isn’t far from reality. Typically, a course of treatment with a psychoanalyst is more intensive than that of a psychiatrist or psychologist who patients might see weekly unless they are in crisis and can entail meeting several times throughout the week.

Can psychoanalysts prescribe medication? No.

Professional body psychoanalysts are licensed by: Canadian Psychoanalytic Society

Are psychoanalysts covered by Canada’s publicly funded health care system? No.

What is a psychotherapist or counsellor?

Level of education: In order to become certified with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association, you must hold a Master’s degree in counselling or a related professional field and meet the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association’s (CCPA) certification criteria.

Approach: The focus here is on talk therapy with the goal of improving mental health and general wellbeing.

Can psychotherapists/counsellors prescribe medication? No.

Professional body psychotherapists/counsellors are licensed by: Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association

Are psychotherapists/counsellors covered by Canada’s publicly funded health care system? A counsellor’s fees are not covered under all provincial or territorial health plans but may be covered by a private insurance company or workplace benefits provider.

How can I find a therapist near me?

While one way to connect with a mental health professional is to receive a referral through a family doctor, school health service, or workplace employee assistance program, there are also several online search engines for connecting with mental health professionals across Canada and in your respective province.

How to find therapists across Canada:

How to find a therapist in British Columbia:

How to find a therapist in Alberta:

How to find a therapist in Saskatchewan:

How to find a therapist in Manitoba:

How to find a therapist in Ontario:

How to find a therapist in Quebec:

How to find a therapist in New Brunswick:

How to find a therapist in Nova Scotia:

How to find a therapist in Prince Edward Island:

How to find a therapist in Newfoundland and Labrador:

How to find a therapist in the Northwest Territories:

With files from Jing Pang and Simoni Vani

Illustrations by Louise Reimer


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