royal reconciliation
Getty images, 2017

Is a Royal Reconciliation in the Works For Harry?

Decoding the reports of relations thawing—or icing—since he flew home

This week marks 10 (TEN!) years since William and Kate’s royal wedding, which means it’s also the 10-year anniversary of one of our favourite moments between the groom and his best man. We refer, of course, to a baby-faced Harry looking down the aisle of Westminster Abbey, catching a glimpse of his soon-to-be sister-in-law, and cheekily nudging his brother (almost unrecognizable with a full head of hair), and whispering, “Kate looks HOT.”

 It feels like a weird maneuvering of the universe that, a decade on, we’ve set the lip readers on the brothers once again—not to decode some delightful bit of banter, but to figure out if their brief conversation at their grandfather’s funeral can unlock any signs of a thaw between the two estranged men. It’s hard to imagine those two youthful fellas in 2010 ever thought it would come to this—but maybe they did? Some posit that the seeds of this discord have been intrinsic to their Heir-and-Spare dynamic since day 1.

Since Harry’s presence at his grandfather’s funeral last week was the first time he’s spent time with his family since you-know-what-happened last month, all eyes have been on them for signs of a rapprochement in the hostilities between the Sussexes and the Firm.

Does a bit of polite small talk in front of the cameras a royal reconciliation make? (Hint: Don’t get out the “Friends Forever” bunting just yet.) Let’s decode some of the latest reports that the frosty relations may be thawing, shall we?

1. Prince Harry wrote his father “a deeply personal note” ahead of the funeral

As you might recall, one of the saddest allegations Harry made during the bombshell Oprah interview was that his dad had, at some point in the past year, stopped taking his calls entirely. He said, “there’s a lot of hurt that’s happened.” Fast-forward to his return to the U.K., and, per The Sun, Harry remained unsure about his reception, which is why he “wrote a deeply personal note to his dad to try and set things straight but tensions are still running high and things haven’t exactly ironed out the way he had hoped.” Whether Charles read the note (which surely was actually an email, because there’s no way a real letter made its way through the postal service in time) isn’t clear, but this source doesn’t seem to hold out much hope for an emotional tête-à-tête between father and son, this time at least. “There had been a kind of unspoken agreement between everyone to park whatever has been on each person’s mind, and solely concentrate on supporting the Queen ahead of Prince Philip’s funeral,” The Sun’s possibly non-existent insider continued. “The feeling inside the camp was that it wasn’t the time nor the place to go over things, especially at such an emotional time for everybody involved.” However Harry-and-Meghan-favoured reporter Omid Scobie, writing for Harper’s Bazaar, quoted a Sussex source who said this whole letter business was nonsense.

2. Harry (maybe) stayed with Princess Eugenie while he was in the U.K.

Forgive the boring pandemic logistics chat, but in order to enter England, Harry had to quarantine upon arrival—and, in fact, had to get special permission to break said isolation in order to attend the funeral, which is allowed under Britain’s current guidelines. He did this at Frogmore Cottage, his and Meghan’s home on the grounds of Windsor Castle, which had been rumoured to be occupied by his cousin Princess Eugenie and her husband, who had their first child last month. The cousins, known to be close, were reunited after Harry finished his mandatory five-day isolation, and in that same Harper’s Bazaar article, Scobie seems to confirm that Harry and Eug hung out. Did she use their time together—no doubt mostly spent squeeing over wee August—to try to soften his attitude toward the rest of their family, or make a case for reconciliation, if only so the little second cousins can grow up together, sans awkward dynamics? Scobie doesn’t get into that, but we’d like to think Eug flexed some diplomatic muscle here.

3. There were “conversations” between William, Charles and Harry after the funeral

Now, our Abridged Compendium of Britishisms translates “conversations”—which sources say did occur between the three Windsor men immediately after Philip’s funeral—in a number of ways, ranging from “all-out shouting match” to “the barest minimum of acknowledgement required by good manners,” so this one’s open for interpretation. Scobie, quoting a Sussex source, did say that “reports of peace talks and family summits have been wide off the mark” and it seems that the vibe was more let’s-sweep-the-deep-animosity-under-the-rug-temporarily than it was all-is-forgiven-here’s-a-princess-title-for-your-unborn-daughter. The fact that Charles apparently left immediately afterwards for his Welsh estate—coupled with the utter devastation writ large on his face during his father’s funeral—doesn’t seem to indicate he had the emotional bandwidth for hashing out 35 years of hurt with his son quite at that particular moment.

4. Harry didn’t stick around for the Queen’s birthday

The Duke of Sussex touched back down in L.A. last Tuesday, having spent nine days in the U.K. Not bad for a first foray back into the lion’s den, no? Not good enough, sayeth the outraged Brits who fault Harry for leaving before the Queen’s 95th birthday just a few days later. That he might have celebrated with her beforehand—say, when they met privately on two occasions, confirmed by a Sussex source—and wanted to get home to his pregnant wife and son don’t seem to be relevant factors to the mad-on-Her-Maj’s-behalf brigade.

5. Meghan Markle was snapped by the paparazzi—on the eve of Louis’s third birthday

To grasp the (purported!) significance of this, you have to understand the long-standing theory that Meghan and Harry love nothing more than to scoop their fellow royals, stealing the spotlight on other people’s special occasions. A favourite example cited for this is Meghan’s obvious-but-unconfirmed pregnancy announcement at Eugenie’s wedding, where the couple are said to have shared the news with family members. On this occasion, there’s a school of thought that finds deep significance (and even deeper pettiness) in Meghan “allowing” herself to be papped for the first time in months—Archie in her arms, bump in full view—just before the Cambridges were to release a photograph (taken by Kate) to mark Prince Louis’s third birthday on Friday.

Were we to ride the conspiracy train, we might read this move as a clear sign that Harry’s visit did not result in a reconciliation—and may even have escalated tensions further. Or, you know, a pregnant woman had her privacy violated while picking up her toddler from daycare. Either way, it seems clear that a mountain of hurt—the Sussexes’, the rest of the family’s, a deeply invested public’s—cannot be undone in nine fraught days.


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